Mission Demolition
Do you like Search & Destroy but can’t seem to keep from dying? Well, have we got a game mode for you. It’s called Demolition and its inclusion in Call of Duty®: WWII promises to be explosive.
Teams alternate between defending and attacking two bomb sites. The attacking team wins by planting explosives and blowing up both objectives. The defending team wins by preventing bombs from being planted or defusing any that do, ensuring the clock runs out with at least 1 bomb site intact. It’s like S&D (Search & Destroy), except in Demolition, you must blow up both sites, all attackers have a bomb and you get unlimited respawns. Don’t sweat the small stuff because you can keep coming back for more action until the clock runs out. This mode presents unique challenges so take a look at these tips to get you on your way to blowing up.
Balancing Act
Whether you’re defending or attacking, swarming to one of the bomb sites isn’t a great strategy. If you’re defending, obviously this means you’re leaving one of the bomb sites completely unattended. If you’re attacking, swarming a single objective is tempting but it also limits your team’s options. If you split up, you can possibly draw the opposition away from a single place and your chances of successfully planting increase substantially. Splitting up to probe the opposition for weaknesses is also a good way to feel out a team strategy.
Post Up. Re-Post.
There are only two bomb sites. So, get used to these areas and how people attack them. Finding yourself a good spot with rear cover to defend the bomb site is just sound strategy whether you’re defending your plant or the bomb site. It’s not needed in S&D because once you’ve killed everybody the round’s over. Not the case in Demolition. Embrace your inner stationary soldier. Throw some S-Mines around the bomb site and keep an eye on the pathways that lead to it.
The Best Defense
Okay, so, you’ve planted the bomb. Now, what? Defend like your life depends on it. Even though you’ll respawn when you die, it’ll happen on the other side of the map. This makes a coordinated defense even more essential. If the enemy defuses your planted bomb, the game’s over. To keep that from happening, unleash any Tacticals or Lethals you’re carrying in the bomb site area. It can get chaotic around a planted bomb so, rolling with a leveled-up Armored Division can protect you from the grenade-heavy chaos.
Smoke ‘Em Blind
The trickiest part of any game mode with bombs, planting and countdowns is the requisite defenseless moments. While you’re planting or defusing the bomb, your weapon is inaccessible which makes you a sitting duck. And, sitting ducks often get shot. That’s why you need smoke grenades. Give that little metal canister of smoke a toss and go to town on that bomb site. It blocks your enemies’ vision which buys you the time you need to either plant or defuse the bomb. It’s tough to defend what you can’t see. So, be sure to pack smokes to give you the shield you need.
That’s Demolition, folks. It combines gunplay with tactics in a way that’s made this game mode a fan favorite. Right now through January 30th 10 AM PST, you’ll get 2X Soldier XP when you play it. Whether you’re playing Demolition for the first time or the 5000th, one constant remains: it’s always a blast.
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《決勝時刻®》將會以《決勝時刻®:二戰》回歸本源,由Sledgehammer Games為你帶來精彩絕倫的體驗。從諾曼第沙灘到赫爾特根森林,透過一名年輕士兵的角度體驗撼動人心的故事劇情,帶你重溫二次世界大戰中的經典場景,和跟你出生入死的兄弟一同歷盡戰爭真實殘酷的一面。
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《決勝時刻®》將會以《決勝時刻®:二戰》回歸本源,由Sledgehammer Games為你帶來精彩絕倫的體驗。從諾曼第沙灘到赫爾特根森林,透過一名年輕士兵的角度體驗撼動人心的故事劇情,帶你重溫二次世界大戰中的經典場景,和跟你出生入死的兄弟一同歷盡戰爭真實殘酷的一面。
《決勝時刻®》將會以《決勝時刻®:二戰》回歸本源,由Sledgehammer Games為你帶來精彩絕倫的體驗。從諾曼第沙灘到赫爾特根森林,透過一名年輕士兵的角度體驗撼動人心的故事劇情,帶你重溫二次世界大戰中的經典場景,和跟你出生入死的兄弟一同歷盡戰爭真實殘酷的一面。
《決勝時刻®》將會以《決勝時刻®:二戰》回歸本源,由Sledgehammer Games為你帶來精彩絕倫的體驗。從諾曼第沙灘到赫爾特根森林,透過一名年輕士兵的角度體驗撼動人心的故事劇情,帶你重溫二次世界大戰中的經典場景,和跟你出生入死的兄弟一同歷盡戰爭真實殘酷的一面。
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在《決勝時刻®:二戰》的首個DLC包「The Resistance」繼續史詩規模的戰爭。你可在全新三張多人遊戲地圖上於圍繞在歷史上反抗軍起義的著名地點中戰鬥,還有全新以目標為本的戰爭模式任務「Operation Intercept」。還有體驗納粹殭屍的最新篇章「最黑暗的海岸」。
局勢於《決勝時刻®:二戰》 DLC2「The War Machine」中持續升溫。加入盟軍阻止強大的軸心軍繼續前進,於三張新多人遊戲地圖中見識納粹戰爭機器的魔爪。你亦可參與最新的目標導向戰爭任務盟軍的「Operation Husky」,入侵西西里擊退敵人。此外,你還能體驗納粹殭屍最新篇章:「暗影王座」。
Buy United Front DLC Pack 3
The Allies retaliate in DLC Pack 3 for Call of Duty®: WWII – United Front. Experience the dramatic drive toward Berlin across three new Multiplayer maps: Stalingrad, Market Garden, and Monte Cassino. Armor up and push across North Africa in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Supercharge. Plus, join new heroes in a unique Nazi Zombies experience.
《決勝時刻®》將會以《決勝時刻®:二戰》回歸本源,由Sledgehammer Games為你帶來精彩絕倫的體驗。從諾曼第沙灘到赫爾特根森林,透過一名年輕士兵的角度體驗撼動人心的故事劇情,帶你重溫二次世界大戰中的經典場景,和跟你出生入死的兄弟一同歷盡戰爭真實殘酷的一面。
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- 額外內容
《決勝時刻®》將會以《決勝時刻®:二戰》回歸本源,由Sledgehammer Games為你帶來精彩絕倫的體驗。從諾曼第沙灘到赫爾特根森林,透過一名年輕士兵的角度體驗撼動人心的故事劇情,帶你重溫二次世界大戰中的經典場景,和跟你出生入死的兄弟一同歷盡戰爭真實殘酷的一面。
《決勝時刻®》將會以《決勝時刻®:二戰》回歸本源,由Sledgehammer Games為你帶來精彩絕倫的體驗。從諾曼第沙灘到赫爾特根森林,透過一名年輕士兵的角度體驗撼動人心的故事劇情,帶你重溫二次世界大戰中的經典場景,和跟你出生入死的兄弟一同歷盡戰爭真實殘酷的一面。
《決勝時刻®》將會以《決勝時刻®:二戰》回歸本源,由Sledgehammer Games為你帶來精彩絕倫的體驗。從諾曼第沙灘到赫爾特根森林,透過一名年輕士兵的角度體驗撼動人心的故事劇情,帶你重溫二次世界大戰中的經典場景,和跟你出生入死的兄弟一同歷盡戰爭真實殘酷的一面。
- 標準版
- 季卡*
- 金屬收藏盒™
- 額外內容
在《決勝時刻®:二戰》的首個DLC包「The Resistance」繼續史詩規模的戰爭。你可在全新三張多人遊戲地圖上於圍繞在歷史上反抗軍起義的著名地點中戰鬥,還有全新以目標為本的戰爭模式任務「Operation Intercept」。還有體驗納粹殭屍的最新篇章「最黑暗的海岸」。
局勢於《決勝時刻®:二戰》 DLC2「The War Machine」中持續升溫。加入盟軍阻止強大的軸心軍繼續前進,於三張新多人遊戲地圖中見識納粹戰爭機器的魔爪。你亦可參與最新的目標導向戰爭任務盟軍的「Operation Husky」,入侵西西里擊退敵人。此外,你還能體驗納粹殭屍最新篇章:「暗影王座」。
The Allies retaliate in DLC Pack 3 for Call of Duty®: WWII – United Front. Experience the dramatic drive toward Berlin across three new Multiplayer maps: Stalingrad, Market Garden, and Monte Cassino. Armor up and push across North Africa in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Supercharge. Plus, join new heroes in a unique Nazi Zombies experience.
*季卡購買者將享有2018年《決勝時刻®:二戰》季卡提供的內容。 季卡內容尚未確定,未來可能會有變更,也可能不包括所有遊戲的下載擴充內容。 季卡內容可能不提供於所有國家地區;價格及販售日期可能因平台而異。 季卡內容應僅通過遊戲內商店下載,請勿另購,否則將視為額外的購買。 季卡內容可能會分別獨立販售。
*季卡購買者將享有2018年《決勝時刻®:二戰》季卡提供的內容。 季卡內容尚未確定,未來可能會有變更,也可能不包括所有遊戲的下載擴充內容。 季卡內容可能不提供於所有國家地區;價格及販售日期可能因平台而異。 季卡內容應僅通過遊戲內商店下載,請勿另購,否則將視為額外的購買。 季卡內容可能會分別獨立販售。