Launch Comms: Weapons Hot. Primary, Secondary, and Melee Weapons Detail for Black Ops 6

  • BO6
  • Features
  • Enhanced Intel
Armaments Intel: Primary, Secondary, and Melee Weapons
Primary Weapons
Secondary Weapons
Melee Weapons
Weapon Menus: Loadouts, Gunsmith, and Attachments
Gunsmith: Attachments Intel
Attachments: Deep Dive
Black Ops 6: Unredacted Launch Comms Incoming!

Examine every Primary, Secondary, and Melee weapon coming to Black Ops 6 at launch, learn about creating Global Weapon Builds, learn how every weapon unlocks, and study the latest innovations across Gunsmith and Attachments.

Armaments Intel: Primary, Secondary, and Melee Weapons (MP, RBZ, WZ)

At launch, expect Black Ops 6 to offer an exceptional arsenal of 33 different armaments to utilize, including 12 weapons all new to the franchise. As you begin to build your favorite Loadouts within a streamlined Weapons menu, and prepare for the Weapon Leveling to come, it’s worth considering the different types of weaponry available to you, how they unlock, and a closer look into a more accessible Gunsmith.



Primary Weapons (25)


Your main and usually hardest-hitting weapon utilized for most of your time in combat. Expect a varied and interesting selection of weapons in each category, as well as the individual Attachments for each Primary Weapon, which are – except for some Optics – unlocked as you level each weapon up. The Gunsmith is available for all Primary Weapons. Run the Wildcard “Overkill” if you wish to equip a second Primary Weapon in the Secondary Weapon slot. Choose from:


  • Assault Rifles (7)
  • SMGs (6)
  • Shotguns (2)
  • LMGs (3)
  • Marksman Rifles (4)
  • Sniper Rifles (3)


Secondary Weapons (6)

Your back-up weapon, used in emergency or context-specific situations. These weapons are carried in addition to the Primary Weapon you pick, and more adept Operators tend to choose a Secondary Weapon that complements their Primary Weapon in some way. Running the Overkill Wildcard will allow players to equip two Primary weapons, as well. The Gunsmith is available for Secondary Weapons. Choose from:


  • Pistols (4)
  • Launchers (2)


Melee Weapons (2)

Your third weapon is a close-quarters armament with no ranged ordnance. Bring out your Melee weapon using the same key or button press as Melee (for controllers, this is the Right thumbstick). Tap this for a gun butt melee. Hold to bring out your Melee weapon, which will remain equipped until you swap back to your Primary or Secondary. There’s also the Weapon Cycle setting (accessed via Controller > Combat > Dedicated Melee Weapon Activation > Hold Melee/Weapon Cycle), which allows players to use the weapon swap button to cycle between Primary, Secondary, and Melee weapons if they so choose. The Gunsmith is available for Melee Weapons (Cosmetics only). Choose from:


  • Knife (1)
  • Baseball Bat (1)


Player Levels: Weapon Unlock Criteria

All the launch weaponry in Black Ops 6 have specific unlock criteria, and this is related to your Player Progression (accessed via the Progression tab in the Barracks Menu). Gain Experience Points as you play matches to level up, then unlock weapons once you reach a particular Player Progression Level, as shown in the following table. Note that one weapon from each type or class is always immediately available in Default Loadouts and the rest are unlocked as you level up. Look for more information on Player Leveling later in this blog, and full details on all the Player Level Unlocks in the Launch Comms: Progression Blog.

Assault Rifles




Level 10


Level 19

GPR 91

Level 40


Level 46


Level 55

Perk Notes: Equip the following to affect the use of your weaponry in a variety of different ways:

  • Gung-Ho (Enforcer) reduces movement penalties when reloading or using Equipment and allows reloading while Tactical Sprinting.
  • Dexterity (Enforcer) reduces weapon motion while jumping, sliding, and diving.
  • Scavenger (Enforcer) allows ammo resupply from downed enemies.
  • Bruiser (Enforcer) enables Melee kills to replenish health and earn extra score.
  • Tracker (Recon) enables auto-pinging enemies when you ADS.
  • Cold-Blooded (Recon) prevents thermal optics from targeting you.
  • Fast Hands (Strategist) allows you to swap weapons faster.

Wildcard Notes: Equip the following to affect the use of your weaponry in a variety of different ways:

  • Overkill allows you to equip any non-melee weapon in Primary and Secondary slots.
  • Gunfighter allows you to receive three extra Attachment points for your Primary Weapon.

Primary Weapons (25)


Assault Rifles (7)


Attachment Types: Optic, Muzzle*, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods.

(*AS VAL has no Muzzle Attachment)


Medium range Primary Weapons. Average mobility, hard-hitting and versatile due to the available attachment options. Usually full-auto, with iron sights and ADS options for Optics.






Available: Unlocked Immediately

Full-auto assault rifle. A well-rounded weapon with average accuracy, mobility, and power among its counterparts.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 10

Full-auto assault rifle. Imposing firepower with high damage at mid-to-long range balanced by a slower rate of fire and heavier recoil.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 19

Full-auto assault rifle. Impressive accuracy and a suitable rate of fire make this an excellent weapon for mid to long range engagements.



GPR 91



Available: Unlocked at Player Level 28

Full-auto assault rifle. What this rifle lacks in raw power, it makes up for in spades with best-in-class handling and a decent rate of fire.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 40

Full-auto assault rifle. Slow-firing and controllable with respectable damage, the Model L shines in calculated engagements at mid-range.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 46

Semi-auto assault rifle. The Goblin Mk2 excels at short to mid ranges where its operator can take full advantage of its handling and impressive rate of fire.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 55

Full-auto assault rifle. Leads the way in stealth while remaining suitable for urban combat through its integrated suppressor and improved mobility.



SMGS (6)


Attachment Types: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel*, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods.

(*PP-919 has no Underbarrel Attachment)


Medium to short-range Primary Weaponry, with good mobility and handling, though not quite as accurate as an AR. Iron sights and ADS options are available for Optics.






Available: Unlocked Immediately

Full-auto submachine gun. The C9 is a well-balanced weapon that performs reliably in all close to mid-range situations.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 7

Full-auto submachine gun. Fast to aim with manageable recoil and good damage. Perfect for a dexterous operator seeking broad proficiency.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 16

Full-auto submachine gun. Slow-firing, but hard-hitting, the Tanto .22 is an easy-to-handle SMG with impressive mid-range performance.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 37

Full-auto submachine gun. The PP-919 has the highest ammo counts in class, at the cost of some mobility and fire rate.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 43

Full-auto submachine gun. Great mobility and handling make this an easy choice for operators who aggressively seek CQB engagements.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 49

Full-auto submachine gun. Chambered in 9mm with the fastest fire rate in class, the Kompakt 92 excels in close-range encounters.



Shotguns (2)


Attachment Types: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine*, Rear Grip*, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods.

(*ASG-89 only)


Advantageous at very close ranges, offering iron sights and ADS via Optics, and with correct Attachments, the ability to spray. Incredible firepower at the expense of range and accuracy.



Marine SP



Available: Unlocked Immediately

Pump-action shotgun. Powerful and versatile with a short cycling time that allows for rapid target acquisition. Hand loaded with one-shot kill potential in close quarters.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 31

Semi-automatic shotgun. Capable of taking down multiple targets in quick succession thanks to its decent magazine size and solid rate of fire.



LMGs (3)


Attachment Types: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods.


Primary Weapons with increased ammo capacity and a focus on medium to long-range takedowns. Iron sights and ADS available via Optics. Though Accuracy, Mobility and Handling are sacrificed (compared to ARs), this is balanced by impressive fire rates and fast sustained fire capabilities.






Available: Unlocked Immediately

Full-auto light machine gun. Deceptively lightweight and easy to aim with high damage. Rewards vigilance and careful recoil control.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 13

Full-auto light machine gun. Belt-fed with best-in-class ammo capacity, the XMG has a slower fire rate, but powerful sustained fire accuracy.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 52

Full-auto light machine gun. Unparalleled ability to quickly neutralize threats thanks to a blistering fire rate and suitable long-range damage.



Marksman Rifles (4)


Attachment Types: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods.


Favoring an Operator with over-average skill, these burstor semi-auto Primary Weapons are optimal at medium to long ranges. ADS or iron sights available for Optics. Projectiles are hard-hitting and accuracy counts.



SWAT 5.56



Available: Unlocked Immediately

Three-round burst DMR. The Swat 5.56 pairs strong stopping power with a fast burst cooldown for excellence at medium ranges.



Tsarkov 7.62



Available: Unlocked at Player Level 22

Semi-auto DMR. The Tsarkov 7.62 sacrifices only some power in exchange for excellent handling, making it lethal in the hands of an accurate and mobile Operator.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 34

Three-round burst DMR. Great stability and a fast rate of fire within each burst allows the AEK-973 to land multiple shots on target even at long ranges.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 43

Semi-auto DMR. Best in class stability and power make this the ideal marksman weapon for mid to long range engagements.



Sniper Rifles (3)


Attachment Types: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Magazine, Comb, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods, Stock Pad*.

(*LW3A1 Frostline only)


Normally set up to take down targets at extremely long ranges, these Primary Weapons favor ADS over iron sights when using Optics. Low mobility, and favoring a stable, patient Operator with a steady aim. Extremely high Firepower indicates one-shot takedown potential.



LW3A1 Frostline



Available: Unlocked Immediately

Bolt-action sniper rifle. The LW3A1 Frostline has decent rate of fire and handling speeds, but substantial recoil. One shot kill to the head, upper chest, and upper arms. Hold the Left Thumbstick while ADS to steady.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 25

Semi-auto sniper rifle. Gas-operated Soviet sniper with modest vertical kick. Capable of landing precise follow-up shots. One skill kill to the head. Hold the Left Thumbstick while ADS to steady.



LR 7.62



Available: Unlocked at Player Level 49

Bolt-action sniper rifle. The LR 7.62 delivers high damage with minimal recoil and slower handling. One shot kill to the head, chest, and arms. Hold the Left Thumbstick while ADS to steady.



Secondary Weapons (6)


Pistols (4)

Attachment Types: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods.


Full or semi-auto Secondary Weapons, these excel at closer-range takedowns. Iron sights or ADS is available via Optics. Quick to swap to during a fight, and worth considering when finishing off an opponent.



9mm PM



Available: Unlocked Immediately

Semi-auto pistol. With a decent rate of fire and standard handling, the 9mm PM is a masterclass in reliability and the easy choice for all close-quarter engagements.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 13

Full-auto pistol. Surprising accuracy combined with a fast rate of fire offsets the lower damage and smaller effective range of the Grekhova.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 28

Semi-auto pistol. The GS45’s .45 Auto rounds make this sidearm unmatched in close range stopping power.



Stryder .22



Available: Unlocked at Player Level 40

Semi-auto pistol. The Stryder .22 excels at finishing off damaged opponents in the heat of combat thanks to its fast semi-automatic rate of fire and best in class handling.


Launchers (2)

Attachment Types: None.


Available in lock-on or free-fire variants, these bulky Secondary Weapons are useful for clearing groups of Operators, or against vehicles or technology such as Scorestreaks. Single load, with a sizeable bulk.






Available: Unlocked Immediately

Lock-on capable launcher. Can lock onto enemy Scorestreaks and vehicles. Fires a high-explosive 110-mm warhead for massive damage.






Available: Unlocked at Player Level 19

Free-fire rocket launcher.  Fires a high-explosive 110-mm warhead for massive damage.



Melee Weapons (2)

Attachment Types: None.


Close-quarter battle (CQB) combat armaments offering vicious damage potential and arguably the fastest Mobility of any armament. No range capabilities.






Available: Unlocked Immediately

One hit kill. Military-issue tactical knife well-suited for CQC scenarios where stealth, speed, and lethality are required.



Baseball Bat



Available: Unlocked at Player Level 52

Two-hit kill. The aluminum bat is light enough for quick swings and heavy enough to inflict serious, blunt trauma on victims.



Weapon Menus: Loadouts, Gunsmith, and Attachments (MP, RBZ, WZ)



Your Loadout screen is familiar yet updated. Menus are mainly vertical, and the slots within a Loadout involve choosing armaments that differ slightly depending on the Mode you’re playing:


  • Multiplayer: Choose three types of weapons (Primary, Secondary, Melee), three types of Equipment (Tactical, Lethal, and an MP-only Field Upgrade), three Perks (MP), an optional Specialty related to your Perk choice, and a Wildcard.
  • Zombies: Choose two types of weapons (Primary or Secondary, and Melee), three types of Equipment (Tactical, Lethal, and a Zombies-only Field Upgrade), and a GobbleGum Pack (Zombies only).
  • This blog details the first three Loadout slots (the Primary, Secondary, and Melee Weapons).
  • You can add Loadouts, creating a maximum of ten.
  • You can set one Loadout as your favorite. This Loadout acts as your default spawn class in games, and your Operator will carry the Primary Weapon in the Lobby.
  • You can Rename, Duplicate, or Delete any Loadout.


Content Unlocks

You begin your Black Ops 6 journey with most of your Loadout items locked. There’s a wide variety of functional content to unlock on your journey through the 55 Player Levels. Every time you level up, be sure to check the Barracks > Progression > Level Unlocks menu (shown above) to ensure you’re aware of the unlocks you now have available to you. Expect between one and three unlocks per level.


Each specific unlock box in this menu has the game mode it applies to, or simply the BO6 logo if the item is available in all modes. The following type of content is unlockable, and usually adds to your existing item pools:


  • Loadouts (Default) (MP)
  • Loadouts (Custom) (MP)
  • Weapons (Primary) (MP, RBZ, WZ)
  • Weapons (Secondary) (MP, RBZ, WZ)
  • Weapons (Melee) (MP, RBZ, WZ)
  • Tacticals (MP, RBZ, WZ)
  • Lethals (MP, RBZ, WZ)
  • Field Upgrades (MP, WZ)
  • Field Upgrades (RBZ)
  • Perks (MP)
  • Wildcards (MP)
  • Scorestreaks (MP, RBZ, WZ)
  • Ammo Mods (RBZ)
  • GobbleGums (RBZ)
  • Operators (MP, RBZ, WZ)
  • Emotes (MP, RBZ, WZ)
  • Features (MP, RBZ, WZ)


Expect a full and thorough overview of how all your items unlock in the Launch Comms Blog 5: Progression.



The Firing Range

  • Practice dummies to shoot at, at 10-, 25-, and 50-meter intervals.
  • Dummies can have 0, 1, 2, or 3 Armor Plates added to them.
  • You have almost limitless ammunition.
  • The upper-left corner features a target elimination tracker, an accuracy tracker, and a damage tracker.
  • A toggle feature allows you to optionally activate a Moving Target dummy, or a Recoil metal plate.
  • Toggle Feature: Moving Target: A dummy drops down from the ceiling on a conveyor belt, and automatically moves back through the range as you connect with it using your weapon. Once you hit it at maximum range, it moves back to its initial position, and the process can be repeated.
  • Toggle Feature: Recoil Target: A metal plate hangs from the ceiling around seven meters from your booth, allowing you to fire your weapon and view the bullet spread.


Global Weapon Builds

Whether you’re playing Black Ops 6 Multiplayer, Round Based Zombies or Call of Duty®: Warzone™ (at Season 1), you can utilize a weapon build you’ve created across all three game modes. This time-saving innovation allows you to make a change to any Build or Blueprint in any game, and it permeates out everywhere the gun is equipped. Here’s an example of how this works.


Let’s say you want to create an AMES 85 Variant. In the Loadout Menu (MP, RBZ, or WZ though MP is shown above), simply complete the following:


  • Select the weapon in question and go to “+ Create New Build.”
  • Choose the Base Weapon, or any of the Blueprints you’ve collected, as the basis of your new Weapon Build.
  • Enter the Gunsmith, and perfect your weapon by adding Attachments, Cosmetics, and testing the weapon out in the Firing Range.
  • Move back to the Custom Loadout screen, where your weapon has a default name, and select “Build Options.”
  • Rename your weapon (you can also duplicate or reset it, too).
  • Your weapon is automatically saved. Now, when you access the Loadout Menus in your other game modes (in this example, RBZ or WZ), the weapon, along with the Attachments, Cosmetics, and name, appears.
  • All builds are saved within the menu of the individual weapon type.



Gunsmith: Attachments Intel (MP, RBZ, WZ)

Recap: As detailed at Call of Duty: NEXT, the focus for Black Ops 6 is to condense and streamline Attachments so you can easily understand the bonuses when it comes to utilizing the Gunsmith. Here are some of the changes:


  • Gaining the Advantage: Attachments almost always come with a benefit (Pro), and not a detriment (Con), so you know you’re creating a weapon more potent than the base version.
  • Optics for All... : Almost all Optic Attachments are shared across all weapons in a Weapon Class. For example, unlock the Red Dot Sight with a SMG and you’ll be able to equip it to all SMGs in the Weapon Class.
  •  ...Everything Else is Unique: All other Attachment Types – Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, and Fire Mods – are unique to the weapon in question in terms of unlocking and usage.
  • Getting Specific: Instead of having a weapon function – such as ADS speed – being affected by multiple attachments that are difficult to keep track of, they are related to a single Attachment type.
    • For example, equipping a “Rear Grip” Attachment will always improve your handling, and the grip you choose will boost a unique combination of handling stats (to Sprint to Fire Speed, Slide to Fire Speed, Dive to Fire Speed, ADS Speed, or a combination thereof). All the different grips are designed to improve the weapon’s potency, not reduce it.
  • Information is Power: The net result of this new system is that it allows players to make informed weapon-building decisions easily and create effective Builds without constantly needing looking up “meta” builds online.


Details Matter: Don’t mistake this streamlining as “dumbing down” the Gunsmith, as your Firepower, Accuracy, Handling, and Mobility statistics can also be seen in an expanded view, with individual elements like Reload Quickness, Recoil Gun Kick, and Bullet Velocity all available to compare in granular detail.



Attachment Types

As always, Attachments are divided into types, and each type provides a basic advantage when placed onto your weapon, along with specific additional benefits based on the unique nature of each specific part. The following table shows the 11 different Attachment Types available at launch, and which Weapon Types utilize them:

Key: The preceding table has the following information related to Weapon and Attachment Types, as follows:


  • YES: Every weapon within the Weapon Type uses this Attachment Type.
  • SOME: Most, but not all, of the Weapon Type uses this Attachment Type.
  • NO: This Attachment Type is not available for the Weapon Type.


For example, the “Comb” Attachment Type is only available on Sniper Rifles.


Note: Attachment Type Descriptions are detailed throughout the rest of this Blog, so you know what each one does. See below.


Five Attachments Per Weapon. Eight if You’re a Gunfighter

Along with the weapon’s current level, the Attachments Menu also indicates the number of Attachments you can place, and have placed, on your weapon. These are known as “Attachment Points.”


  • There are five points available, for Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Pistols.
  • You can pick none, or up to five Attachment Points, though the more slots used, the better the weapon is likely to perform.
  • Each weapon type has more available Attachment types than points. For example, you can choose up to five points when building out an SMG, but there are nine Attachment Types.
  • Launchers and Melee Weapons do not have Attachment points.
  • You can increase the number of Attachment Points from five to eight by selecting the Gunfighter Wildcard, available when you reach Player Level 33.


Attachments: Main Statistics and Details

Four Main Statistics: Each weapon has a baseline value related to one of four key attributes: Firepower, Accuracy, Mobility, and Handling. These are each represented by a grey bar in the bottom-right corner of the Gunsmith Attachments Menu. In each case, the higher the value, the better. As you’d expect, some weapons are intrinsically more proficient when it comes to one or more of these statistics. For example, a Sniper Rifle has the best “Firepower” of all weapon types.


Each aspect of a weapon’s performance is related to these four statistics:


  • Firepower: The fire rate, damage, range, and firing ping on the Mini-Map.
  • Accuracy: The minimum and maximum Hip Fire Spread, Recoil Gun Kick, Horizontal and Vertical Recoil, bullet velocity, and Flinch Resistance.
  • Mobility: The Movement Speed (Crouch, normal, Sprint, and ADS).
  • Handling: Reload quickness (both with rounds and empty), ADS Speed, Sprint to Fire Time, and Weapon Swap Speed.


Every time you add an attachment to your weapon, it affects one (or more) of the above statistics. In Black Ops 6, adding an attachment usually grants you more pronounced advantages (“Pros”), and limited disadvantages (“Cons”) compared to the weapon without the attachment fitted.

Statistical Details: For those requiring nuanced analytical data regarding every single Attachment, you can toggle “Details” on and off, which enables you to see how each attachment affects the weapon specifically, and numerically.



Attachments: A Deep Dive


The following showcases a variety of visuals for each Attachment type, along with notes on which weapons you can affix them to. The statistical benefits (and drawbacks as appropriate) are discussed, along with any further pertinent notes.


Note: Any listing of a weapon type with an asterisk next to it (*) that you see indicates that some (but not all) of a weapon type use this Attachment.



Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Pistols.

Not Available on: Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Accuracy

Sights or scopes attached to the top of a weapon, designed to improve accuracy during target engagement. Occasionally improves Recoil Gun Kick. More powerful scopes (usually designed for Sniper Rifles) may reduce ADS Speed.


Note: Optics are a unique type of Attachment as they are universal. This means that once you unlock an Optic, it becomes available for every weapon in the same class, not just the one you unlocked it for.  


Note: Optics come with Reticles; markings and dots that further delineate your targets and aid in your aiming. Your Optics can be further customized by unlocking a variety of Reticles via Reticle Challenges.



Available on: Assault Rifles*, SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Pistols.

Not Available on: Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Accuracy

Usually attached to the end of the weapon barrel, Muzzles are used to redirect gasses (as necessary) and serve to reduce or control recoil.



Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Pistols.

Not Available on: Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Firepower

The front section of the weapon where the projectile travels through once the trigger has been pulled. Attachments tend to improve damage range and velocity, enabling you to hit a target more rapidly.



Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs*, Shotguns, LMGs, Marksman Rifles.

Not Available on: Sniper Rifles, Pistols, Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Firepower, Accuracy

Attached to the base of the barrel, Underbarrels come in two main varieties: Foregrips and Launchers. Foregrips are handles that can reduce recoil and sway (Accuracy). Launchers increase your firepower by adding an alt-fire capacity to the weapon, usually an explosive charge or grenade.



Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns*, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Pistols.

Not Available on: Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Firepower or Handling

Magazines hold a weapon’s ammunition and are generally available in two types: Extended Mags allow you to carry more rounds, increasing Firepower sometimes at the expense of Handling. Fast or Flip Mags reduce your Firepower as you have fewer bullets but improve your Handling.



Available on: Sniper Rifles

Not Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns*, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Pistols, Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Handling

Also known as a Cheek Riser, Combs are Sniper Rifle-only head rests attached to the top of the Stock, and offer improved Handling, mainly decreasing the time it takes you to fire or ADS. This can come at the expense of Accuracy, depending on the specific Comb.


Rear Grip

Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns*, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Pistols.

Not Available on: Sniper Rifles, Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Handling

A rubber handle behind the weapon trigger. Attachments offer a variety of Handling improvements, usually decreasing the time it takes you to ADS, or fire under specific circumstances.



Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Pistols.

Not Available on: Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Accuracy or Mobility

These are braces enabling the Operator to support the armament against their shoulder and attach to the rear of the weapon. Generally, the lighter the stock Attachment, the more focused on increasing your Mobility (usually movement speed). Heavier stocks offer more benefits to your Accuracy (usually flinch resistance).



Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Pistols.

Not Available on: Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Accuracy

These side-mounted lasers (or under-mounted for Pistols) emit a beam of usually red or green light usually visible to the enemy. However, your Accuracy is significantly improved or augmented.


NOTE: The Tactical Laser enables Tactical Stance, allowing you to balance your mobility and accuracy. This is the method to utilize the Modern Warfare® III firing technique in Black Ops 6.


Fire Mods

Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Pistols.

Not Available on: Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Firepower, Accuracy, or Handling (Varies depending on Fire Mod)

A “catch-all” of other Attachments, Fire Modifications have a variety of uses and are mainly focused into two subsets; improvements to parts of a weapon (examples include rapid fire triggers, pump guide rods, and recoil springs) and specific ammunition types (examples include FMJ or Overpressured rounds).


Stock Pad

Available on: Sniper Rifles*

Not Available on: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns*, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Pistols, Launchers, Melee Weapons.

Stat Benefit: Accuracy

This Buttstock Pad Attachment is only available for the LW3A1 Frostline Sniper Rifle. Fitting into the shoulder of the Operator, the Stock Pads available improve Accuracy in discernable ways (improving Speed, Sway, or Recoil).



Black Ops 6: Unredacted Launch Comms Incoming!


Expect further critical intel to be unredacted in the coming days as we confirm additional launch content across Multiplayer and Zombies. Look for the following missives:


Launch Comms Blog 1: Multiplayer and More: Essential Intel on the Multiplayer Modes, Maps, Factions, and Operators Coming to Black Ops 6.


Launch Comms Blog 2: Zombies Mode Prep: Full Equipment, Power-Ups, Augments, GobbleGums, a Full Tour of Terminus and Liberty Falls, and Confirmed Launch Changes.


Launch Comms Blog 3: Weapons Hot: Primary, Secondary, and Melee Weapons Detail for Black Ops 6. Includes new details on the latest innovations across Gunsmith and Attachments. You’re reading this blog now!


Launch Comms Blog 4: Gear Up: Ensure you’re fully equipped for Black Ops 6 launch as we confirm all the launch Equipment (Tacticals, Lethals, Field Upgrades), Perks, Specialties, Wildcards, and Scorestreaks available.


Launch Comms Blog 5: Progression: Unlock your true potential as we detail the critical Player Level equipment you’ll need on day one, detailed intel on Classic Prestige and the available rewards, full info on Calling Cards, Reticles, and Mastery Badges Challenges. Plus: Are You Ready for a Deep Dive into the Weapon Camo System?

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