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Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War Beta: Loadouts [UPDATED]

  • BOCW

From Gunsmith to Field Upgrades, Wildcards, and Scorestreaks, here’s how you can build a full loadout in the Black Ops Cold War Beta.

Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War Beta: Loadouts [UPDATED]

  • BOCW

From Gunsmith to Field Upgrades, Wildcards, and Scorestreaks, here’s how you can build a full loadout in the Black Ops Cold War Beta.

Customize your Multiplayer experience during the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Beta by crafting your loadout. In Black Ops Cold War, loadouts include a selection of weaponry, abilities, and other items that aid Operators in combat.

The loadout feature is anchored by Create-a-Class, a streamlined way of selecting your weapons, equipment, Field Upgrade, Perks and a Wildcard. In Create-a-Class, you can also choose Scorestreaks: powerful tools earned via eliminations and objective play that can help to turn the tide of battle.

Initially, players will only be able to access three pre-made default classes. Earning enough XP will grant players additional default classes at Ranks 2 and 3, and at Rank 4, you’ll unlock the full loadout customization experience.

Read on for more intel on loadouts to help you build a formidable arsenal of equipment, tailored specifically to your playstyle:


Create-a-Class returns to help you put together a variety of weaponry and tools for your Operator so they are well prepared for the battlegrounds of Multiplayer.

Upon reaching Rank 4, custom class slots will be available for you to configure to your liking. As you rank up, additional custom class slots will be unlocked throughout the Beta.

Primary Weapon

Your primary way of outputting damage against infantry and enemy tech in Multiplayer, a primary weapon can be an assault rifle, submachine gun (SMG), tactical rifle, light machine gun (LMG), or sniper rifle.

Each weapon category has its own strengths and weaknesses, and each individual weapon carries its own set of unique statistics. These stats are summarized into the categories below under each weapon’s description:

·      Firepower – How much and how fast a weapon deals damage against enemies and vehicles.

·      Speed – How much the weapon affects an Operator’s movement speed and ability to aim down sights.

·      Accuracy – How much recoil the weapon has, as well as its stability and hipfire spread.

·      Ammo – How large a weapon’s magazine is and how fast an Operator can reload with it.

Secondary Weapon

These weapons are considered secondary ways of dealing with enemies. Like primary weapons, there will be a wealth of secondary weapons to choose from, including pistols, shotguns, launchers, and melee weapons.

More information on specific uses for primary and secondary weapon classes can be found in our Weapon Overview intel (see Related Articles, below).


All primary weapons, pistols, and shotguns can be customized with attachments in Gunsmith. Attachments modify a weapon’s behavior and appearance, and most weapons can support up to five attachments. With the Gunfighter Wildcard, primary weapons can even support eight attachments at once!

This virtual gun bench is where you can fine tune weapons with available attachments while getting a detailed look at each weapon’s statistics. Most attachments will affect a weapon positively in some way with a specific “pro,” and some will include a “con” to a different stat when equipped to ensure proper balance.

Each weapon has its own progression path and gaining weapon XP (primarily achieved by eliminated enemies during matches) unlocks attachments that can be equipped in Gunsmith.

The Create-a-Class and Edit Class screens show how many attachments a weapon currently equipped. Specific attachments will also appear on the weapon as it sits on its gun rack to represent its cosmetic appearance in game.

Outside of weapons and Gunsmith, your class also includes lethal equipment, tactical equipment, a Field Upgrade, Perks, and a Wildcard:

Lethal Equipment

This selection of handheld tools inflicts lethal amounts of damage to enemy infantry. Some also wear down enemy vehicles and other technology.

At first, you’ll start with a Frag Grenade – standard throwable equipment with a short fuse and a potentially deadly explosion. Players can fire their weapon while “cooking” and throwing a Frag Grenade. To cook a Frag, hold the lethal equipment button for a brief period to lessen the time ‘til detonation.

Throughout the Beta, you’ll have the chance to rank up and earn access to additional lethal equipment. These include the Molotov, a fire-based improvised explosive that deals damage over time on a surface, and C4, an explosive charge triggered via manual detonation.

Tactical Equipment

Like lethal equipment, tacticals are handheld tools used as compliments to your primary and secondary weapon. As one could guess by its name, tactical equipment does not typically deal lethal damage, but rather provides a potential strategic advantage within or outside of combat, such as confusing an enemy.

Throughout the Beta, additional tactical equipment pieces will become available, including the Stun Grenade, which disorients and slows enemy movements, and the Stim Shot. While damage will heal naturally over a short period of time, the Stim Shot can be used to heal your damage immediately after use.

Also look for the Smoke Grenade, which produces a smoke screen upon impact, and the Decoy, which simulates footsteps to confuse enemies.

Field Upgrade

The final tool that Operators bring into battle with their weaponry is a Field Upgrade. Field Upgrades are advanced pieces of field munitions or covert spycraft that can help your squad or hinder the opposition.

Unlike all other equipment pieces, Field Upgrades are not available at the start of a Multiplayer match. Each Field Upgrade has a designated charge time and, once used, must recharge before it is available again.

Six Field Upgrades will be available for use during this weekend's Beta:

·      Proximity Mine – Throwable mine, explodes shortly after an enemy runs or drives over it. Can be avoided by crouching. Destroys any vehicle that runs over it.

·      Field Mic – Deploys a recording device that highlights enemy sounds within a certain radius on your mini-map.

·      Trophy System – Destroys thrown enemy equipment and launcher missiles within 10 meters.

·      SAM Turret – Launches missiles at enemy air Scorestreaks and player-controlled helicopters.

·      Gas Mine – Proximity activated trap that expels a large cloud of harmful gas. Enemies inside are damaged and disoriented.

·      Jammer – Creates an electronic disruption field, disabling enemy Field Upgrades and degrading enemy mini-map information.

Consult the in-game menu for exact charge times of each Field Upgrade.


Perks are an essential part of every class, providing passive benefits that further aid an Operator in the field.

A typical class contains three Perks: one from each of the three categories (Perk 1, Perk 2, Perk 3). The following Perks are available, unlocked by levelling up:

Perk 1

·      Engineer – Detect enemy equipment and Scorestreaks through walls. See enemy Scorestreaks on your mini-map. Re-roll Care Packages (this specific benefit is not available in Beta).

·      Paranoia – Hear an alert when an enemy aims at you.

·      Tactical Mask – Maximized resistance to Flashbang and Stun Grenade. Immune to gas.

·      Flak Jacket – Take less damage from enemy explosives, Molotovs, and fire.

Perk 2

·      Scavenger – Replenish ammo from fallen players.

·      Assassin – Enemies on a killstreak have a crosshair indicator on your mini-map. Receive extra score for taking them down.

·      Tracker – See imprint of enemy footsteps. Aim at enemies to reveal them on your team’s mini-map.

·      Quartermaster – Recharge Equipment over 25 seconds.

Perk 3

·      Gung-Ho – Fire your weapon and use equipment while sprinting. Move at full speed when reloading. Fire more accurately while sliding. Switch weapons faster. Take less damage from falling,

·      Ghost – Undetectable by enemy Spy Planes whenever you are moving, planting, or defusing bombs, or controlling Scorestreaks.

·      Cold Blooded – AI-controlled Scorestreaks will not target you. Player-controlled Scorestreaks will not highlight you. Show up cold on Thermal. Players in vehicles won’t see your nameplate.

·      Ninja – Sprint more quietly. Resistant to Field Mic.


Last but not least: Wildcards. Only a single Wildcard can be used per class, as these modifiers allow players to “break the rules” of the Create-a-Class system.

Here are the Wildcards that players can unlock and use during the Beta:

·      Danger Close – Equip an extra piece of lethal and tactical equipment. Start with additional ammo.

·      Gunfighter – Unlock 3 additional attachment slots for your primary weapon.

·      Law Breaker – Equip any weapon class in any slot. Equip multiple Perks from the same Perk category.

·      Perk Greed – Equip an extra Perk from each Perk Category.


No matter how you create your class, all players can equip Scorestreaks: powerful pieces of technology and other equipment unlocked in-game by earning score. The relative power level of a Scorestreak is determined through its score value – the amount of score needed to earn it in game – and up to three Scorestreaks can be equipped at a time.

Score can be earned by getting eliminations (kills or assists) and completing objectives, such as capturing a zone in Domination or picking up dog tags in Kill Confirmed. Stringing together multiple eliminations in one life can reward bonus score, boosting progress towards Scorestreaks. And for the first time, score will persist through death.

It is also possible to earn specific multiple Scorestreaks in a single life, and there is a designated cooldown period for each Scorestreak before it can be used again.

Upon starting the Black Ops Cold War Beta, players will have access to the following Scorestreaks:

·      Spy Plane – Reveal enemy positions on the mini-map.

·      Artillery Strike – Launch three targeted explosive strikes. Unused strikes can be saved for later.

·      Attack Helicopter – Call in an armed, AI-controlled support helicopter.

By levelling up, you can unlock more Scorestreaks throughout the Beta:

·      Air Patrol – Call in a squadron of jets to attack and destroy enemy air-based Scorestreaks. Counter enemy Air Patrols.

·      Chopper Gunner – Be the gunner in a close air support helicopter.

·      Counter Spy Plane – Scramble enemy mini-maps and disable hostile SAM Turrets for a short time.

·      Napalm Strike – Launch a targeted carpet bomb strike of explosive napalm.

·      RC-XD – Remote controlled car strapped with explosives that can detonate on player command.

·      Sentry Turret – Deploy a deadly automated turret that targets enemy players, vehicles, and equipment.

·      War Machine – High-explosive grenade launcher.

Earn an SMG Weapon Blueprint for Reaching Level 10

All players who reach Level 10 within the Beta will receive the “Mutual Animosity” SMG Weapon Blueprint at launch in the full Black Ops Cold War game. This Blueprint comes pre-equipped with four attachments for a versatile stealth SMG build, and could be a mainstay in your arsenal across all game modes.

A Weapon Blueprint is a variant of a weapon type within the game, complete with its own unique name and cosmetic differences. Weapon Blueprints may also come pre-equipped with attachments, allowing you to use them on that specific weapon without needing to level it up to unlock those attachments organically. These attachments can be swapped out in favor of other attachments earned by levelling up the weapon normally.

Pre-Order Now on Digital and get Early Access

Pre-order customers can secure early access to the Open Beta* and receive instant rewards like the Woods Operator Pack** for immediate use in Modern Warfare® and Warzone™.


Multiple options for the game are available to choose from, including the Standard Edition, Cross-Gen Bundle Edition or Ultimate Edition. All digital editions come with access to early access to this Open Beta.

Pre-order now on the game’s official website, while also checking out which edition is right for you in this detailed blog.

Stay Connected to Additional Intel

Be sure to check back here at the Activision Games Blog daily for the latest information on the Beta and Black Ops Cold War as its launch on November 13th approaches. Also, be sure to visit Treyarch’s Blog for more Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War announcements and content.

Follow @CallofDuty and @Treyarch on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for additional information. 

Pre-orders at participating retailers are available now, or at

Execute the mission.


*Actual platform availability and launch date(s) of MP Beta subject to change. See for more details.  Minimum Open Beta duration is 2 days. Limited time only, while Early Access Beta Codes last, at participating retailers. Internet connection required. Online multiplayer subscription may be required.

**Call of Duty: Modern Warfare / Call of Duty: Warzone on pre-order platform required to redeem Woods Operator and Blueprint.  Sold/downloaded separately.  Must be redeemed by Nov. 13, 2021.

For more information on Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War, check out: and follow @Treyarch, @RavenSoftware, and @CallofDuty on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. 

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