Top Five Tips for Blackout
5. See the Sights. Blackout is a huge map offering a vastly different play experience compared to Isolated. Whether you’re returning to the field or deploying here for the first time, make sure to explore far and wide. The better you understand the layout, the better your chances to survive.
4. New Mechanics in Familiar Environments. Even if you’ve already played Blackout or the maps its environments are based on, Call of Duty: Mobile’s unique Battle Royale classes offer whole new ways to strategize. Throw out decoys on Nuketown Island using the Trickster; track enemy activity in the Firing Range with the Scout’s Sensor Dart; call in a Medic to pick up the pieces when incoming damage gets heavy.
3. Play to Your Strengths. Blackout’s wide-open terrain is perfect for long-range battles with Sniper Rifles and LMGs, while battle in its interior spaces are often won by the Operators with the best close- to mid-range weapons. Always consider the weapons and equipment on hand when determining where to make your next stand. Not content with your position? Grab a vehicle and move on.
2. Don’t Be Shy. Nuketown? Firing Range? Array? Don’t let these iconic locations scare you off, even if you’re a first timer. The best way to improve your confidence is by heading straight into the fire. Just keep queuing up for the next one when you get burned.
1. Communicate and Plan. Whatever your strategy, it’s vital that you keep your squad informed of your plans, even as they change under shifting circumstances. Heading solo into Nuketown will likely get you eliminated, but heading there as a well-equipped squad? Opposing Operators better watch out.
Prepare for mobilization.