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Operation Apocalypse Z Blackout Updates

  • BO4

An apocalypse has left the Blackout map a barren shell of its former landscape.

Operation Apocalypse Z Blackout Updates

  • BO4

An apocalypse has left the Blackout map a barren shell of its former landscape.

Operation Apocalypse Z packs Zombies elements and themes into all of Black Ops 4’s modes. Drop into a Blackout match on the regular map or Alcatraz to see the aftermath of the apocalypse.

On the original Blackout map, an apocalypse has left a number of atmospheric changes in its wake. All the bright, lush vegetation previously coating the hills and plains has been swept away, leaving behind remnants of what once was. Leaves have turned to embers, butterflies to insects, and where seagulls once soared are now a murder of crows.

As you drop in, you’ll notice the biggest change as you fall from the sky. The blue waterways surrounding the map now run blood-red – an ominous sign of what’s transpired.

However, the apocalypse has introduced a few new Zombies features. Lookout for the call of a familiar announcer, new Mystery Boxes can spawn at random to give you some quality loot. But if you’re looking to really gear up, visit Zombies locations for a few surprises and potential rewards. Plus, poke around the Asylum if you’re in the market for a Wall Buy weapon.

These features are all made additionally haunting when you experience them in “The Haunting Fog” map update. Jump into the Quads Fog featured playlist to battle through an eerie and foreboding mist. The fog adds an additionally tactical element, where players will have to consider new strategies to survive amidst the fallout. 

If you’re dropping into Alcatraz, you can experience the latest map updates on Alcatraz: Nightfall.  The already-dark corridors of the Cellhouse now fit right in with the new nighttime exterior. Plus, there’s an all-new featured mode called Alcatraz Portals Horde. In this Quads mode, it’s 40 players and a full-on horde of zombies, but they aren’t just regular Alcatraz zombies – these undead can traverse all of Alcatraz and get to places previous zombies could not. The mode also features zombie enemies new to Alcatraz: Hellhounds and Brutus the Warden.

It’s all happening in the biggest mode in Black Ops 4 for Operation Apocalypse Z. Drop into a match and brave the new elements!

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