Multiplayer Map Guide — Stash House

Descend onto a small but luxurious residence, which has stacks of Cash in all corners. The action is nonstop on this tiny 6v6 Multiplayer map, consisting only of the central one-story house and its immediate surroundings.
To utilize the lightning reflexes needed to succeed on this map, you must first understand its layout. Use this guide to dig in so that you’re two steps ahead of the competition, starting with your first deployment.

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Stash House

Off the hip: Whether through classic hip fire or Tac-Stance, the mobility and speed of engagement offered by these tactics is vital to winning skirmishes in close quarters. Always strafe when firing; a still target is an easy target.
Rake in the Weapon XP: There’s minimal time between engagements on Stash House, so use the opportunity to level up your weapons, especially your Handguns, Shotguns, and SMGs. The same advice goes for Weapon Camos; check your current challenges and get to work.
Gear up: Consider equipping the Engineer Vest or CCT Comms Vest for their offering of two Gear Perks. A combination of EOD Padding and the Ghost T/V Camo will keep you off the radar and more resistant to explosive damage.

Tactical Overview
In team-based modes, squads will either spawn in the Driveway (northeast) or by the Hot Tub (southwest).
A modern home lies between the two spawns. This one-story structure keeps fights tight within its branching, Cash-filled rooms.
We’ve divided Stash House into three sections based on key areas around the map:
- MAIN SPAWN POINT: Driveway (+ Landscaping)
- MAIN SPAWN POINT: Hot Tub (+ Pool House, Firepit, Backyard Bar)
- ADDITIONAL AREA: House (Kitchen, Dining, Living Room, Hallway, Office, Garage Bedroom, Bathroom, Laundry, Atrium)

The Driveway and adjacent Landscaping areas are prime locations from which to ambush incoming enemies. From within the van, the truck, or from behind the curved hedgerow, Operators can get the jump on their opponents and land the first shots. Of course, each of these areas offers two ways in, so you’ll need to be vigilant to evade incoming flanks.
If you’d rather fight in the open, use the Cash crate next to the black van for cover, or go prone on the vehicle’s roof to throw off the aim of enemies in the Garage. You can also crouch by the stacked tile in Landscaping to face off against foes coming from the Backyard Bar and Driveway. Whatever advantage you can get, take it.

Cornered between the Pool House and Backyard Bar, the Hot Tub is the focal point of several surrounding sightlines. When defending the area, mount up on the sides of the tub to improve your accuracy and make the most of its cover potential. Watch the minimap for nearby enemies and teammates to help you better anticipate the next point of attack.
Move into the Backyard Bar to cut sightlines from Landscaping and gain a strong viewpoint into the house. For greater concealment, head into the Pool House; once you’ve cleared out any enemy Operators within, the bathroom window offers a solid ambush point against enemies near the Firepit. By the Firepit, use the raised black planter box for cover.

Though small in layout, the central house features a good variety of different rooms and named locations on the compass, from the Garage to the Office, Atrium, Laundry, Bedroom, and more. More important than the names, however, is understanding the layout on an instinctual level. Watch the Laundry room window by the Atrium; be wary of attacks from the Bathroom; check both sides of the Garage . . . by assessing the biggest risks in real time, you’ll have a better chance of evading enemy attacks.
Watch your position by the windows and open doors. It’s just as important to know the risks inside the building as those on the outside. Use your expanding map knowledge through subsequent matches to master the environment and make informed choices about your every move.
Top 10 Tips

1. Like your own home. Wherever you are on the map, the central house presents a constant danger. The sooner you memorize its layout, the better prepared you’ll be to anticipate enemy attacks. Always keep in mind where you are in relation to the house, namely regarding the location of nearby doors and windows in relation to your current position.
2. Keep it coming. Equip Magazines with a high ammo capacity to reduce the amount of time spent reloading. The hit to your Aim Down Sights speed won’t matter if you’re firing from the hip anyway.
3. Jam up their radar. Use Decoy Grenades to reduce the effectiveness of the enemy team’s radar by emitting false signals on their minimap. It makes for a good defensive tool to get the enemy away and in offensive plays to throw off their ability to discern where the real threat lies.
4. Check your wash. Head into the Laundry room just off the Atrium and close the door after you. This makes you more difficult to detect as you stand on the washing machine and fire on enemies moving through the Atrium, Dining, and Kitchen.
5. Hot Tub fortress. The Hot Tub makes for a solid point of defense in a pinch. Get in and crouch down to maximize its cover or lie prone to prevent passing enemies from noticing you. Don’t overstay your welcome; the Hot Tub is also the perfect receptacle for catching grenades.
6. Is anybody home? The Portable Radar Field Upgrade nearly covers the entire layout of the house. Use it to help track incoming enemies, whether you’re defending from within the home or without.
7. SAM. The skies are open and clear in this sunny neighborhood. Consider equipping the SAM Turret Killstreak for its ability to knock enemy aerial vehicles out of the sky while you maintain your view of the ground. Plant it near teammates to help extend its life on the map.
8. Melee time. Stash House offers the perfect opportunity to work on your Melee Weapon Camo challenges. Pick your favorite one and use the map’s tight spaces to close in on the enemy before they can react.
9. Smoke alarm. Looking to get through the house without a fuss? Toss a Smoke Grenade inside to obscure your movement through. You can also use it as a point of attack, obscuring your position from the enemy until it’s too late.
10. Swap out. Minimize your downtime by equipping the Quick-Grip Gloves so you can rapidly swap between weapons. Do this instead of reloading when you run out of ammo to keep up the pressure for a longer time, then top back up once you’ve handled the immediate threat.
And most importantly:

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