Prepare your team for the ultimate Tug-of-War match in Modern Warfare III. This guide will teach you how to play in the War mode and will provide some general strategies to help your team win.
- WZ


Buildable cover: Take advantage of the buildable cover and walls throughout the map. Walls are built by Defenders to force Attackers to enter through other choke points. Attackers can destroy the walls by planting explosives.
Stay aware of the turret cooldown: Attackers can exit the tank during escort to wait for its turret to cool down. Turrets overheat after sustained fire and require a cooldown before they can be used again. Hop out of the tank and take cover behind it until it’s ready to fire.
Sacrifice yourself to delay the enemy: If you're willing to sacrifice a death to the timer, refusing to fall back from enemy lines can stagger enemy respawns. Once the Attackers take an objective, everyone gets a timer to get to the next objective or they'll explode and respawn. You can play for kills in the now-restricted area to split up enemies.

Mode Details
Team Size: 6v6
Mission Parameters: Two teams compete on either the Attacking Team or the Defending Team. The Attacking Team’s objective is threefold: capture, push, and destroy. The Defending Team’s job is simple — stop the Attacking Team from doing what they’ve been sent there to do, which is
destroy your base.
We will focus on the objectives for the Attacking Team. Learning and mastering the Attacking Team’s tactics will also make you a better defender.
Phase One: At the start of a War Match in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® III, there are objectives, SAM Site and Radar, near each team’s spawns. It is the goal of the Attacking Team to destroy both of them to move to the next phase.
Phase Two: Once the objectives have been captured, the air supply ship now has freedom to drop heavy armor onto the battlefield. It is now up to the Attacking Team to escort the tank down a long road to the next objective. Players must stay in close proximity to the tank in order for it advance to the final step.
Phase Three: After the long fight of getting the tank from one point to another, the Attacking Team will then have two additional objectives they must infiltrate and destroy. In order to destroy these targets, a timed override must be installed independently on each site. Once the override is planted and the timer is running, the Defending Team has the chance to stop the override. If the override is stopped, the fight does not stop. Respective teams can start and stop the overrides as many times as it takes to win. The Attacking Team will get an overtime extension if they have an override started when the match timer runs out, but if both timers expire, the defending team will be victorious.
Match Win Conditions: The Attacking Team wins if the final two objectives are destroyed. The Defending Team wins when the match timer fully expires.
Match XP Gains:
- Capturing or defending objectives.
- Eliminating enemies on or near objectives.
- Escorting Armor
Key Terms and Definitions
Blocked: During Phase Two, the Armor must move along a specific line. During this time, the Defending Team can set up static anti-tank obstacles that will block the tank’s progress until they are destroyed. When the armor’s progress is impeded, the tank will show a “Blocked” alert above the in-game icon.
Contested: The state of a zone when players from both teams are in it. When this happens, no progress is made and attackers must eliminate all defenders to progress.
Retreat to Next Objective: After each phase of War, the Combat Area will change and the Defending Team is given a chance to retreat to that zone. If you successfully retreat without being eliminated, you’ll be rewarded XP.
Return to Combat Area: Each step of the match creates an objective area that is slightly different for each team. If you step into a zone you’re not allowed into, Return to Combat Area will appear on your screen and you must move back into the zone before the timer expires.
Topline Tactics:
- Eliminate enemies near objectives.
- Stay close to objective zones to activate.
- Coordinate pushes with your team to maximize effectiveness.
Recruit Tactics

Play the fundamental objective (PTFO): Getting after the objective is always your first priority. Attacking and Defending Teams will have different objectives, but as long the Attacking Team is pushing the objective and the Defending Team is stopping them, then both teams are doing their job.
Listen and look: The area of play is rather narrow in War, so any time you are out in the open, you are likely visible to the other team. So, before you step out into the light, look around and listen for any enemies that may be operating close to your location.
Communicate alternate threats: The objectives are very clear, but focusing on them can give you tunnel vision. Enemy strategies may be to push around the objectives and set up a flank. If your team isn’t paying attention to it or not communicating it, this flank strategy can be highly effective. Be sure to talk to each other.
Advanced Tactics

Be the flanking team to stop the enemy flank: There’s nothing stronger than a good flank, even if it is more difficult in War than most other Multiplayer modes. Whether you’re attacking or defending, if you can get behind the center point of the objective, this is a highly advantageous position. Remember that there is a limit to how far you can travel each direction before you are forced to turn back.
Objective One: Stopping the spawning team from being able to even enter the objective by owning the flank is key to delaying their advance.
Objective Two: The Attacking Team must stay in close proximity to the Armor, so the best strategy they have is to use the Tank for cover. There isn’t enough tank to cover from all angles, so getting the flank on these enemies can stop the push.
Objective Three: It’s often a lot more difficult to gain the flank in the final push, but if you can use the chaos to hide your approach, the enemy will not see it coming. Flanking from the Attacking Team is essential to giving your teammates a chance to begin the upload without being shot in the process.
Equipment focus: Like any mode with stable objectives, equipment can turn the tide very quickly. Use Claymores and Proximity Mines to hold choke points and keep the enemy at bay. Toss Stun Grenades and Shock Sticks to disable Operators before they become a real threat.
Stealthy sniper: Channel Bravo Team and stay your blade until the enemy team is in danger of entering the objective area. There’s no immediate need to give away your position if the enemy doesn’t know you’re there. Wait for your opportunity to take the shot and take out the enemy Operators attempting to capture the point.

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