Eliminate the enemy High Value Target (HVT) while keeping your HVT alive. HVT kills earn bonus scores for your team.
Introducing Kill Order, a brand-new Mode for the Call of Duty® franchise that arrives with Black Ops 6. Kill Order is a 6v6 team-based Alternate Mode that highlights teamwork and strategy above all else. You don’t have to be the best shooter in the game to be the most valuable. Work with your team to eliminate the enemy HVT while simultaneously defending yours. Unless you’re the current HVT, then do your best to survive and defend yourself against any attacking opponents.
- BO6

Kill Order

Risk and reward. Getting kills as the HVT is worth two points instead of one, which makes being an aggressive HVT both extremely valuable and dangerous for your team.
Find the finish. Be sure to finish the job on the enemy HVT, because gaining one or two team deaths while completing the elimination on an HVT will still net your team more score, in the end. Remember, HVTs can be revived if they’ve only been downed.
Help the HVT. No matter the situation, the worst thing you can do is leave the HVT to operate on their own. Earning one point per kill while defending your team’s HVT will add up, especially if it means the enemy team is not scoring eliminations on the primary objective.
Mode Details
Team Size: 1-6 Players
Kill Order is a brand-new Multiplayer Mode in the Call of Duty sphere and is a unique way to look at team-based play. The strategy and choice that comes into play during a match of Kill Order is incredibly important and will be the deciding factor in whether or not your team is victorious. When will you choose to attack and when will you choose to defend the armored High Value Target, or HVT?
Kill Order is a respawn mode. So after an HVT has been eliminated, a new Operator will become the HVT after a short time. It’s important to note that the HVT switch isn’t instantaneous. Attempting to finish an attack on the enemy HVT or earning a bit of score after your friendly HVT has been eliminated from the remaining attackers is possible and encouraged before the switch.
Operator Brief
Two teams are comprised of five standard Operators and one HVT at any given time, all with their own normal Loadouts. Players will flow between attacking the enemy HVT and defending their own, or each team might choose to play a hybrid strategy and have part of their team attacking while the rest defend. The objective is to reach the score limit before the other team, and there are several ways to do that.
Match Win Condition
In public matches, the first team to reach 125 points will win the match. To score points, each team will need to earn kills, however, it’s important to understand that not every kill is equal. Here’s the breakdown of how points are scored.
Kill Order Scoring
Operator eliminates Operator
1 Point
HVT eliminates Operator
2 Points
HVT/Operator eliminates HVT
5 Points
Main XP Gains:
· Eliminating enemy Operators and the HVT
· Surviving as the HVT
· Earning kills as the HVT
· Defending the HVT
Key Terms and Definitions
Otherwise known as the High Value Target, this is the player that must always be protected during a match. Eliminating the HVT will score the most points for the team that does so. The HVTs are indicated on both team’s HUD and their location can always be seen during a match.
HVT Survival
As the HVT, you don’t gain any match score for surviving, but the longer you survive, the fewer points the enemy team can gain. Seeing “HVT Survival” means you are gaining personal score and team contribution, which will help you earn XP and possibly a spot in the Winner’s Circle.
HVT Kill
Participating in the elimination on the HVT will earn you Match Score and support your team, but only the final blow will count toward the Team Score.
Kill as HVT
Earning kills while you’re the HVT will score two points for your team rather than one regular kill. Doing so is more dangerous, but if you’re able to defend yourself, you will be rewarded with some more personal score. Kills from the HVT’s are indicated in the kill feed by the shield that appears next to the HVT’s name.
HVT under fire
If you hear someone say “HVT under fire,” it means your team’s HVT has been hit and it’s time to defend them. If you’re too far, this might be time to attack the enemy HVT, but be sure to read the battlefield.
Hostile HVT Located
When the enemy HVT is killed, a new one won’t spawn right away, so you have some time to collect your team and strategize until you hear the words “hostile HVT located.” Once you hear those words, pay attention to your HUD and plan to attack them accordingly.
Recruit Tactics

Comms above all else
A good Kill Order team works like a well-oiled machine. Whether it be a rotating list of attackers and defenders or dedicated roles, the team that talks to each other and works together is likely the team that wins.
Scorestreaks score points
Even more than Team Deathmatch, kills can matter even more depending on the situation. If either team only needs a handful of points to end the match, one kill on an HVT will end it before four normal Operator kills. Focusing on a lethal Scorestreak and going after the enemy HVT could be exactly what your team needs to punch that ticket to victory town. There’s also nothing like having an Watchdog Helo sitting directly above your HVT’s location and raining bullets on incoming attackers.
Stand firm in the stronghold
Take a moment before each match to study the map guide for your next map and try to locate some key locations that you can use as a stronghold. Buildings and locations with lots of hard cover and few chokepoints will give your team the best chance to turtle up and protect your HVT. If your team is confident in their defense, a strong and defensible position will allow a larger portion of your team to stay on the offensive.
Advanced Tactics

Scoreboard momentum
Using the scoreboard to help dictate which tactics you should using is a risky but advanced tactic. If things are going your way and you’ve begun to gain a lead on the enemy team, you may not want to let up and play it safe. On the other hand, you also don’t want to lose a healthy lead by pushing the enemy HVT too aggressively. Single point kills will add up and can also leave your friendly HVT open during big respawn windows. Back off when your momentum has begun to slow down a bit.
Highlighted HVT
The HVT is always visible on your HUD. If they’re at a distance, there will be an icon showing in their direction, however if you can see the HVT you will see a color outline that highlights the entire Operator. This means, as the HVT, you can’t hide in hopes of not being found. However, you can use your known location to your advantage and lure the enemy team into your team’s crosshairs.
Balance Scorestreak setups
It’s not always easy to know what your teammates will have equipped as far as Scorestreaks, or even when they’ll have them ready to use, but you can adjust yours. Make sure you have something that can give you and your team intel as well as something that can give your team a few kills on the board. UAVs are always good, but for something a little more advanced, try using an RC-XD or the Hellstorm Missile which can help provide intel that you can communicate to your team as well as snag a few kills in the process. Utilizing Lethal Scorestreaks is also a great way to single out an HVT elimination, scoring points for your team.
Armored can mean dangerous
Yes, the HVT is the prime objective and should be protected at all times, however it can also be the best method of scoring a large chunk of points. HVTs score two points per kill because of the risk that comes with taking fights while being the main objective. The HVT also is the only armored Operator on each team, which means they’re also a bit more difficult to kill. It’s risky, but if you and your team can use this to their advantage, it may garner a big lead.

HVTs receive three additional armor plates that can also be replenished.
While the concept of Kill Order is quite simple, now you know that simply being a good shot will only take you so far. Strategy and situational awareness is what wins a match of Kill Order. So, take this intel with you and remember:

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