Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Map Guide — Lowtown

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Operators fighting in front of the Hotel on Lowtown in Hardpoint mode.

Traverse a dockside neighborhood with a boat house, fishing shed, cobbler, and a gallery showcasing classic and contemporary art. Check out the stalls in the market or climb up the latticework for a view of the pizzeria. Swim in the canal — or if desperate, the sewer — to reposition and flank the enemy. Lowtown is a battleground in a once beautiful cluster of houses and buildings on the water. Take the battle to the enemy and continue the carnage to clear a path to victory.

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POI Overview


Lowtown is divided into five different major points of interest based on key areas around the map. Lowtown is a medium sized map and is chock full of obstacles to use as cover, indoor and outdoor locations, as well as a significant amount of water traversal. Lowtown is built to provide many opportunities for subterfuge and slipping through the cracks of the enemy’s vision. Use these opportunities to gain the upper hand on the opposing team and take this dockside town and put it under your control.


Click “Learn More” at the bottom of each image for additional tips and insights on the POI.


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Image of Operator cheering as the Chopper Gunner helicopter is being targeted by the SAM Turret.

Bridge Barricade: On either end of Lowtown there is a bridge that connects the gap of the Canal. This is a vital chokepoint on either side of the map, so locking it down will stop the enemy in their tracks from gaining any advantageous rotation.

Remember Rotations: Lowtown is a map full of movement opportunities and escape routes to support survival during fights where you may be outnumbered. Using these rotations can make a 2v1 feel like a more even fight.

Equipment Engagement: Because of the many indoor/outdoor rotations, choosing the right equipment is key. Using the Neurogas Field Upgrade to shut down an enemy rotation so that you can funnel enemies into one spot, or a Molotov to temporarily close off a room while you push their weak side will win many fights.

Advanced Map Tips

Dry Dock Alt Path — Alpha (A)

Whether you’re approaching the center of the map or leaving it, the Dry Dock is a great alternative path away from the expected action. It is still a path to all of the hot spots on Lowtown because from the Dry Dock, you can access the Canal, Hotel, Well, and Market quite easily. There are also a few clever grenade toss points through the rubble if you look closely.

Hotel Vantage Point — Beta (B)

As the most central point of Lowtown, the Hotel not only has a vantage point over a large portion of the map, but it is also covered by its many walls with windows. Use high powered rifles and agility to become a dangerous, unhittable target as you rain fire on the enemies attempting to move around you.

Hold the Canal — Gamma (Γ)

The Canal loops around Lowtown in a horseshoe shape and splits the center of the map from the outer edges. This creates dynamic open air choke points around the map. The two major locations of note are the bridges that connect the Docks and the Market to the center portion of Lowtown. These bridges are the main traversal areas for players attempting to cross the Canal in the quickest way possible, although using Omnimovement for boat hopping across the canals is also a viable tactic. Use this against the enemy and hold a position that covers the bridge and control it. Just beware of the flank.



Map Focused Loadouts


Here are a few loadouts that serve as great starting points when you’re unsure how to succeed in Lowtown.

Lowtown Crimes

SMG, Strategist Combat Specialty

Lowtown Crimes is a fast and tactical Loadout built to be agile and to push objectives. Whether it be Domination, Headquarters, Kill Order, or any other objective based mode in the game, the strengths that this Loadout gives you will help push those objectives without issue. The Loadout isn’t necessarily built for defense, but more for the counterattack against anyone attempting to gain the advantage on the objective. Use the Shock Charge and Molotov to force the enemy to play your game and use your speed to your advantage.

Every Tool for the Job

Assault Rifle

Firepower is the focus of the “Every Tool for the Job” Loadout. What it lacks in speed it makes up for in elimination power. If you need to make a Longshot, you have an assault rifle, and if you need to engage opponents at close range, you’re equipped with a shotgun. With Fast Hands equipped, you’re free to switch from weapon to weapon with alacrity. Use the Prox Alarm to hold down objectives and choke points while listening for anyone coming from the flanks. The better your team can hold down choke points on Lowtown, the more likely you’ll secure victory.

Agile Assassin

SMG, Enforcer Combat Specialty

With the Agile Assassin Loadout, you have on purpose, exterminate. This Loadout obviously excels in Team Deathmatch, however if your team needs someone to hold off the attackers and keep the rest of the team busy, this Loadout will enable your aggression. Be careful not to get distracted and leave your team defending the objective alone, but because of this build you can always rotate back quickly to support your team.


Lowtown is not a small map by any means, but the engagements are often very close unless you operate in the north lane. Use the corners to your advantage and don’t get caught in the water. Use the Canal to stay stealthy and get behind enemy lines. Do whatever it takes to secure the win, but remember:

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