Advanced Map TIps
Map Focused Loadouts

Jackpot! Welcome to the basement facility of one of the Luttazzi crime family racketeering operations. The Strike map Racket is the main storage for the money, gold, treasure, art, and other valuables that the family has gathered along with the bulldozers that were used to break into this facility. Burn your way through Racket and embrace the fiery action in this Season 01 Reloaded Strike map as you and your team fight for the win.

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POI Overview
You’ll need every advantage you can get on this Strike map. Here are the major points of interest. Click “Learn More” at the bottom of each image for additional tips and insights on the POI.
- BO6


Watch your six: Racket is a symmetrical map, fitting the standard layout of what many Strike map players love. Because of this, every hallway, including those that run perpendicular to each other, serves as a lane useful for flanking and taking pot shots at the enemy. Rotate with your team and check those corners.
Control the corners: Whether it’s the four outside corners of the map or the four inner corner rooms use them to escape immediate danger and out-angle your opponents.
Rain in the fire: Thermo Grenades and Molotovs reign supreme on a map like Racket. Thermo Grenades have a relatively large area of effect, so they may hit Operators you can’t quite see, but more importantly the fire from both pieces of equipment will slow down an enemy approach and let you control the fight.
Advanced Map Tips
Covered Art — Alpha (A)

The southern lane, otherwise known as the Art POI, is covered with two large sets of boxes. This gives you a great opportunity to utilize Concussions and Decoys to distract the enemy and give you an advantage as you come swinging around the corner to defeat your opponent. If your Loadout is meant for a more close-quarters approach, the Art hallway is the primary spot for you. Don’t forget to deploy a Trophy System here as soon as possible because this lane is a primary target for any throwable Lethals.
Bulldoze the Longshot — Beta (B)

It’s important to utilize the central Bulldozer to stay out of sight of snipers or long ranged shooters. If you’re not focused on firing on the enemy from across the map, be sure to stay low and move fast. Otherwise, you’re going to be a prime target for the enemy.
Map Focused Loadouts
Become an elimination artist using these suggested Loadouts made for Racket.
Speed Thief
SMG, Recon Combat Specialty

Carrying two fast firing weapons while being given the advantage of knowing where the enemy is going to be when you spawn in is powerful as you run and start swinging around a corner while laying down a lot of firepower. Be selective when choosing a corner to dive around, but if you see your opportunity, the Saug will lay down enough fire to at least do some major damage to your target. If you can’t finish the enemy, your teammates won’t have much more work to do. If you take damage, be sure to back off and close off the counterattack with your Shock Charges and Molotovs.
Down Range Fire
Sniper Rifle

This amount of firepower may feel uncalled for on a Strike map, however there are some great sniper lanes on Racket and this Loadout will be everything you need to hold down a corner of the map and rack up the eliminations. Loaded with a heavy hitting Sniper Rifle and a heavy Shotgun, there’s not much that can surprise you. If your team can help cover some of the more exposed positions, you can hold down the center or Laundry lane as you use the scope or something shorter range to your advantage. If your team is having trouble and your position is compromised, switch to the heavy-hitting Shotgun and take the fight to the enemy.
Heavy Trigger Finger
LMG, Enforcer Combat Specialty

If ready to sow chaos and destruction throughout Racket, this is the Loadout for you. Take this Light Machine Gun and pull the trigger. Due to the nature of Racket, you’re going to need a bit more firepower than some of the other strike maps. There are some relatively long lanes, and you need something that can penetrate some of the soft cover, so set up the attachments to match this idea. Because of the Enforcer Combat Specialty, if you take a bit of damage during your endeavors, you’ll be able to regen more quickly and stay in the fight while laying down cover fire for your teammates.
Racket is a Strike map primed for the taking. Now it’s up to you and your team to get in there and make sure you take what’s yours. The enemy will come around every corner, but so long as you’re ready it shouldn’t be a problem to take the fight back to them. Watch your corners and work with your team, but remember:

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