Modern Warfare III Multiplayer Map Guide — Growhouse

Prepare for a strong aroma when descending upon the Growhouse facility in Humboldt County, California. The layout of the compound will be immediately familiar to players who deployed to the Sphere Multiplayer map in Call of Duty®: Vanguard, which features a narrow strip of land over an underground facility.
While the map’s boundaries are small, this dual-level layout provides more space to move around than it appears at first. Whether you played the original map Growhouse is based on or this is your first time to the compound, we’ve got the info to ensure a successful operation.

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Take the fast way: Growhouse features several different access points around the map that provide ladder transit between the upper hill and the underground facility. Look for them in the Car Hole, Outhouse, and near the Construction Storage entrance.
Come prepared: Your surrounding sightlines can quickly change from long- to short-range as you transition from the upper ground into the lower facility; consider the Overkill Vest to deploy with two Primary Weapons, one for above and the other for below.
Care Package incoming: Though attempting to call in and secure a Care Package on smaller maps is often a fool’s errand, the large obstacles near the far west and east spawns offer solid protection so long as the area isn’t currently being swarmed.

Tactical Overview
In team-based modes, squads will either spawn by the Compound Entrance (west) or the Water Tank (east).
Between the two spawns lies a seemingly abandoned facility being used for an illicit grow operation.
We’ve divided Growhouse into four sections based on key areas around the map:
- MAIN SPAWN POINT: Compound Entrance (+ Yellow Porch, Outhouse, Pickup Truck, Construction Storage)
- MAIN SPAWN POINT: Water Tank (+ RV Entrance, Car Hole, Burnt Car)
- ADDITIONAL AREA: Container (+ Garage)
- ADDITIONAL AREA: Growroom (+ Scissor Lift, Wet Cement, Tunnel)
MAIN SPAWN POINT: Compound Entrance (WEST)

The Compound Entrance splits off into three forward paths around the large stone formations that provide vital cover as you approach the map’s main facility. Sharpshooters may want to remain in this starting area, using the rocks for defense while targeting enemies moving into the area.
Just past the initial outcrops lie the Construction Storage and the Outhouse entryways that lead toward the Growroom, along with another subtle entrance down a shaft just northeast of the Storage entrance.
Move into the ramshackle Yellow Porch building for another strong defensive point when covering this area, or swing over to the Scissor Lift to drop down to the southern section of the facility without having to first traverse through the Outhouse Tunnel.

Like the opposing Compound Entrance, Water Tank features open land with large outcroppings and other structures that break up the longer sightlines. Use these cover points to attack enemies up close or as something to retreat behind between long shots down the sides of the map.
Head straight down the dirt path into Wet Cement for a direct route into the Growroom, or pivot north to take the longer route through Container.

Move up the hill to approach the Burned Car area, featuring the Car Hole entry point that drops down into Wet Cement and the metal gate overlooking the Scissor Lift. There are also enough cover pieces in the area to make a stand here, pushing enemies back from the eastern half of the map.

If you want to cross the map without entering the Growroom or its surrounding tunnels, Container is your way forward. Jump on top of the Container for a wider view of the area, paying close attention to movement coming from the Growroom opening in the wall and at the window of the opposing wooden shed, another a valuable vantage point in the area. Consider deploying a Breacher Drone toward the shed window to deny enemy resistance in the power position.
Note that the small wooden structure on the ground floor here is open and provides little defensive protection, but Operators can use it to stay out of view. Send some shots through its thin walls if you’re uncertain whether it’s occupied by an enemy player.

Prepare for a tough fight when entering the Growroom, an underground area featuring a large central tank that acts as the biggest obstacle in the room, preventing the ability to cover all entryways at once. With six openings leading directly into the facility, it’s no easy task to defend the area. Use the cover available to minimize your exposure to attack and bring backup to improve your odds against enemy groups.

Players moving through the southern Scissor Lift pathway can technically avoid entering the Growroom in favor of crossing the map, though it’s difficult not to get entangled in the fight here considering the multiple branching pathways leading into the operation. Take the center opening to get right into the thick of it or opt for one of the side Tunnels for a stealthier approach. If area denial is more your style, set up on either end of the Scissor Lift and fire down at enemies attempting to cross through.
Top 10 Tips

1. Like Swiss cheese. The central Growroom features six direct entrances into the area, not counting the pathways that lead into its immediate surroundings. Use this advantage to approach the hotspot from a variety of angles, while remaining on the lookout for enemies doing the same.
2. Smell that fresh air. Growroom too chaotic for your taste? Inhale that fresh mountain air and focus your efforts on the upper ground. With Container and Scissor Lift offering side routes to the other end of the map, you can still cover a large portion of the environment. Fight enemies aboveground and watch the Growroom entry points to eliminate foes moving in and out of the facility.
3. Through the roof. The state of disrepair in this facility includes a wide-open view through the roof above the Growroom. Keep this in mind when calling in — or going up against — aerial streaks, which will still have the chance of connecting with any Operators below.
4. Tunnel rat. Grab a Shotgun or SMG — or just swap to your Handgun — and take up residence in the Tunnels adjoining the Growroom. Eliminate enemies attempting to pass through, forcing them to take less stealthy paths into the facility.
5. Shortcut offline. Surprise the enemy by placing proximity-activated equipment like the Claymore and Proximity Mine at the bottom of the ladders leading into the Growroom, making them think twice about using the shortcut again. When encountering this tactic, equip the Engineer Vest to spot the danger before dropping on top of it.
6. Call them out. In the midst of battle, it can be difficult to track which red dots on your radar represent enemies moving above or below ground. Look for the arrows tied to the red dots as an indicator of their current elevation, and help your team out by pinging and calling out enemy positions, specifying which level they’re on. With luck, they’ll return the favor.
7. Smile for the camera. Need to see what’s on the other side of the Growroom tank before making your move? Toss a Snapshot Grenade over the object for a glimpse of any enemies on the other side.
8. Where the . . . ? Drop a Decoy Grenade anywhere near the center of the map to doubly confuse enemies, who in the heat of battle may have a difficult time determining whether the signature resembles an incoming or outgoing threat. Eliminate them as they attempt to track down the false source.
9. Easy target. Growhouse’s narrow layout plus the open roof over the Growroom makes it a prime target for aerial attacks like the Precision Airstrike, Mortar Strike, and Carpet Bomb. With good timing, you can easily land multiple eliminations using just one streak.
10. Run the loop. Aggressive Operators should take their close-ranged skills through the loop, starting with the Construction Storage entrance, through the Growroom, out toward Container, and back again. Be quick on your feet and menace the enemy team as they fight for lost ground.
And most importantly:

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