Modern Warfare III Multiplayer Map Guide — Shipment

The Mission: Detailing the map, tactics, and tips for a 6v6 Multiplayer map set on a cargo ship in international waters.
A little chaos is good for the soul, not to mention the beauty of XP gains on a tiny map like Shipment. In this iteration of the fan-favorite classic, the scene of battle moves to the high seas as SpecGru and KorTac forces face off against each other among stacked containers and crates filled with cash and illicit goods.
No plan survives contact with the enemy, yet even on this compact field there are tactics and strategies worth considering when fighting for that victory screen. Let’s dive in and perfect the fundamentals.

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Container chaos! There isn’t a map more chaotic than Shipment. The chaos leaves plenty of room for weapon and Level progress so long as you remember that there will almost always be an enemy Operator in your immediate vicinity.
Explosive equipment. There is seldom a moment on Shipment where you should be holding on to any equipment that can kill. No matter where you spawn, the enemy will be well within throwing distance, so toss everything you have whenever you can. Bring a Munitions Box to extend the fun.
Large magazines. Shipment is great for Leveling weapons, and it’s even better when you don’t have to reload between kills. Reloading can easily cause a death, so minimizing your deaths can also help with maximizing your kill count.

While there are designated starting spawns for both teams, expect those spawns to change up quickly once the match commences. KorTac forces begin on the Bridge Side in the northeast section by the crates of cash, ready to break south, west, or straight into the middle. Whichever direction you choose, be ready to engage in seconds.
Defensive-minded players may choose to hang back and wait for the enemy, using the crates as cover. You can also set up camp in the eastern red container to ambush enemy Operators coming off the break, though we suggest a more active start: there’s room for defensive measures later in the match.

SpecGru forces begin the match in the southwest corner of the map, also positioned near an open crate providing west-east passage and a nearby half-open crate open only toward the starting spawn. The strategy for the break is largely the same: there are two main paths leading north and east, or you can book it for the center straight into the mayhem.

The eye of the storm. Center is a veritable madhouse, the area of the map where the most constant fighting occurs. In several modes, it’s the site of an objective, forcing Operators to take their chances. It also provides quick access across the map if you can survive the journey.
Unless there is an objective there, get out of dead center as soon as possible, as you’re exposed on all four cardinal directions; instead, hang back to protect your sides and catch enemies rushing through the middle. Watch for the half-open ground-floor container in Center’s northeast corner, a favorite hiding spot for those unwilling to brave the greater battle. Toss a grenade inside if you think there might be an enemy within.
The half-open containers on the map’s western and eastern boundaries offer ambush points in addition to emergency shelter against explosives and streaks. Don’t linger for too long, or that shelter will become a dead end.
Top 10 Tips

1. Go, go, go! Yes, there are times when it makes sense to hold back and wait for the enemy to come to you, but don’t overdo it. Shipment exemplifies the adage that the best defense is a good offense. The less predictable your actions, the harder it will be to counter them.
2. Desperate? Wedge in. The open crates along the north and south boundaries each create a wedge that can be used to get out of sight and to ambush enemies moving through these areas. Think before taking up the position, however, as you’ve got no cover and nowhere to go but forward. Use it, land an elimination or two, then move on.
3. Long range works, too. While Shotguns, SMGs, and Assault Rifles are often the most used weapons in Shipment, it doesn’t mean that long-ranged Loadouts won’t be effective. With proper positioning and timing, you can absolutely get the advantage over close-ranged players; move as far back as possible so that they struggle to land their shots.
4. Notorious…but alive. Listen, sometimes you’ve got to do what it takes to survive. If you’re getting annihilated, equip the Overkill Base Perk and pick the Riot Shield along with your Primary Weapon of choice. The shield will help protect your back against attacks, along with providing essential cover when approaching objectives. Just watch those rockets and Drill Charges; riot shields have a way of attracting them.
5. I do this for a living. On this tiny map, you want to avoid downtime as much as possible. Equip the Fast Hands Bonus Perk to speed up your reloads, equipment use, and weapon swapping, so that once you get access to the Perk, you’ll be moving through your actions at lightning speed.
6. Not so safe and sound. Is an enemy Operator hogging up the containers, staying out of view to ambush you and your teammates? Remember that in addition to the Drill Charge, armor-piercing rounds can penetrate these materials, so upset their camping routine by eliminating them without ever showing your face.
7. Scrap their intel. Equip the Counter-UAV for a low-cost streak that scrambles the enemy minimap. Better yet, deploy it after an opponent has sent out their UAV, thereby frustrating their efforts to gain valuable intel. It’s also a solid asset in objective modes prior to a big push or defense.
8. Launchers still appreciated. Though the chaos on the ground is ever constant, it’s still worth striking down enemy aerial streaks. Consider taking a Launcher into the map and utilizing the few brief moments of downtime between engagements to knock out enemy UAVs and other threats. Against ground forces, the RPG-7 can do some good work here, too.
9. Get mad. Consider using the Battle Rage Field Upgrade, providing fast health regeneration and resistance to Tactical Equipment. It’s already a reckless map, and with this Field Upgrade, there’s no downtime placing an object in the environment. Get at ’em.
10. Now do it again. Besides enjoying Shipment purely for its frenetic gameplay, it’s also a great map for raking in Weapon XP and finishing up those camo challenges. Take advantage of the bounty and your Gunsmith options will skyrocket.

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