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Use teamwork to eliminate the enemy players and reach the score limit to win.


As one of the premier Multiplayer Modes that has helped define the Call of Duty® franchise since its original release in 2003. The concept of play is simple, but the strategies to maintaining the top spot on the leaderboard is deep. Use this Team Deathmatch, or TDM, guide to refine utilize your skills to the maximum effect on any given Core map within Modern Warfare® III.


Intel Card — Team Deathmatch


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Team Deathmatch


Tactically run and gun: The objective of Team Deathmatch (TDM) is simply to get eliminations, but running around blindly will likely result in your team’s loss. However, this is a great mode to warm up in or get used to a new Loadout you have just built.

Set up a tent: There is no shame in sitting somewhere advantageous and using your position to hold down a corner of the map or a sightline. The spawns can be chaotic, so you will likely have to move, but why not get a few points before doing so?

Watch your back: In TDM, spawns are changing constantly. If you’re on the move, players will spawn in a different location and have the opportunity to approach from your flank. This means that you, too, can catch players off guard before they can get their bearings.

Mode Details


Team Size: 1–6 Players


Mission Parameters: Team Deathmatch is Call of Duty® in its simplest form.

At the beginning of a match, you are assigned to a team and must fight the other. Eliminate members of the opposition and do not let them eliminate you.

Lives are unlimited, but every death from an enemy player means a point for the enemy team.


Match Win Conditions: In Public Matches, the first team to reach a specific number of kills — 75 or 100, usually — or the team that earns the most kills within the time limit, wins the match.


Main XP Gains:

-       Eliminating enemies. Full stop.

-       Challenges associated with Team Deathmatch.


Key Terms and Definitions


Assist: A stat awarded to a player who deals damage to an enemy player but does not deal the eliminating blow. Note: Assists do not count toward your side’s Team Deathmatch score, but they do show your contribution to kills.


Kill/Death Ratio or K/D Ratio: The number of kills earned divided by the number of deaths. Keeping this above 1.0 — one kill per one death — is a goal of nearly every Call of Duty mode, especially Team Deathmatch.


TDM: Team Deathmatch.


Topline Tactics: A winning Team Deathmatch player.

·      Gets more kills than deaths.

·      Master the core Call of Duty fundamentals — Movement and Loadouts especially.

·      Demonstrates map awareness.



Recruit Tactics 

Slow down, stick together: A hard tip to follow in the moment, as we all want to rush in and be the hero in Call of Duty. But remember: Every time the enemy eliminates you, they get a point. If rushing into combat only results in quick deaths, then slow down and treat the match like you would a Campaign mission — make deliberate movements alongside squadmates. Your team will thank you for going 2-2 rather than 4-20. 


Learn awareness: Team Deathmatch’s no-frills nature allows you to focus on the map, the enemy team, and your squadmates. Pay attention to where action happens — usually in the middle of the map — and use audio or visual clues, such as the sound of footsteps or the start of a battle, to determine where enemies are coming from. 


If you miss, still assist: Kills and deaths only count for Team Deathmatch points, but assisting allies is crucial to team success and shaves time off of getting a Field Upgrade. When you see an enemy, fire at them and call them out — either by pinging or in voice chat. As long as you aren’t far away from a squadmate, they can help clean up the job, giving you a few points for the assist. 



Advanced Tactics 

Off the spawn: The first crucial moment of a Team Deathmatch happens when that prematch timer hits zero. Use the interactive Tac Maps in the Maps section of this guide to understand where each team’s initial spawn is, as well as the main routes between each spawn. Consider using throwable equipment pieces, like Flash Grenades, to figure out which lanes enemies are running toward, and communicate hit markers accordingly.


Time and score: Team Deathmatches can end in ties, especially on larger maps. It may be wise to start “playing against the clock” if your team is blowing out the competition, especially if there is little time left to play. Consider pulling back and letting the other team make mistakes out of desperation when you’re in the lead. Or if you are playing from behind or with little time on the clock, use those Killstreaks before the match is over!


Killstreak eliminations = TDM eliminations: Those solely focused on getting wins rather than going for Camo Challenges may want to use offense-minded Killstreaks, as a Killstreak elimination counts for the same number of points as a weapon elimination. “Set and forget” Killstreaks, such as the Mosquito Drone and Overwatch Helo, are great for those looking to just get more points, while manual Killstreaks such as the Mortar Strike and Chopper Gunner can help run up that score quickly if you have good aim.


Enemy prediction: In Team Deathmatch, an Operator tends to respawn close to their teammates and away from the other team, rather than have that respawn tied to an objective or initial spawn point. If you want a better chance at keeping a Killstreak alive, note where there is “empty space” on the Tac Map — no friendlies or pinged enemies — after eliminating a hostile foe. Then adjust your angles or routes to ensure proper cover from lanes where a respawning enemy might funnel in from.


Lift your teammates up: As a high-skill player, it can be discouraging to see random squadmates at the bottom of the team’s leaderboard. Rather than blame them for a loss, check the leaderboard midmatch and figure out how you can help. For example: If a low-skill player keeps running to a high-traffic area, throw up some danger pings or use a flank route to eliminate the enemies before that squadmate is used as point fodder. Who knows? You may make a new buddy to run TDM with.

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