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Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mode Recon: Power Grab

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liminate enemy Operators and collect their Dog Tags for devastating rewards in this fast-paced, explosive limited-time mode. Read on for strategies and tips to ensure you come out standing as the ultimate action hero.

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Call of Duty Warzone 2.0

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Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mode Recon: Power Grab

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liminate enemy Operators and collect their Dog Tags for devastating rewards in this fast-paced, explosive limited-time mode. Read on for strategies and tips to ensure you come out standing as the ultimate action hero.

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Call of Duty Warzone 2.0

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There are major changes afoot as the ‘80s Action Heroes event brings a fresh update to Verdansk, including new temporary Points of Interest like Nakatomi Plaza from Die Hard, an updated ground item pool featuring heavy-hitting weapons like the new Combat Bow, and the new Power Grab limited-time mode.

Pitting over 100 Operators across select squad sizes in a pitched battle for dominance, Power Grab gives you the chance to show how truly badass of an action hero you really are.

Let’s take a closer look.

Power Grab Overview

The objective is simple: Be the last squad standing. How you get there, though, is a whole new game.

First off, the initial safe area is smaller than in a traditional Battle Royale match in Verdansk, meaning squads will start running into each other earlier and more often. In addition, there are only five stages in the circle collapse, so gear up fast and get moving.

There’s also no Gulag to fight your way out of after death. Instead, squads must revive their fallen teammates at the Buy Station or collect enough Dog Tags to earn a personal Respawn Token that will get you back into the action after going down.

There are a few ways to collect Dog Tags. The most reliable means is taking out enemy Operators, as every combatant will drop a Dog Tag when eliminated. You can also earn them as rewards for completing Contracts, and in rare cases, they can be found in Supply Boxes.

Each Dog Tag brings you one step higher on the reward ladder, visible on the right side of your HUD. Here’s the order of rewards:

1: UAV

2: Heavy Weapon Crate

3: Respawn Token

4: Cluster Strike

5: Armor Satchel

6: Advanced Gas Mask

7: Precision Airstrike

8: Specialist Bonus

9: Advanced UAV

Power Grab Strategies

More than ever, you’ve got to set a plan and communicate it to your squadmates. With a smaller initial safe area and fewer circle collapses, the action moves fast, so don’t dawdle. Agree on a landing zone, ping it, and get there fast.

Search Supply Boxes in the early match to help gear up and, if you’re lucky, get a Dog Tag right away. Once you’ve got a decent loadout, focus on completing Contracts and eliminating other Operators. Take too long to acquire Dog Tags and you’ll struggle later in the match as you go up against teams who have climbed farther up the reward ladder.

When encountering enemy squads, especially later in the match, avoid grouping up as much as possible. With the Cluster Strike and Precision Airstrike available as rewards, not to mention the explosive armaments you’ll find in the updated loot pool, there’s a good chance that sticking close together will mean your end in a full squad wipe. Don’t let that happen.

Top 5 Tips

5. Take Cover! Without a Gulag, it takes a lot more effort to get back in the fight once you’re down. To avoid an early grave, prioritize avoiding damage rather than inflicting it. Take cover, move to a better position, then eliminate the target without unnecessarily putting your life on the line.

4. Share Your Rewards. The rewards you earn for collecting Dog Tags are added directly to your inventory for easy use. You can even drop them, giving your squad the opportunity to determine who is best equipped to make the most out of your current rewards.

3. Respawn Coming Up. The Respawn Token, earned after collecting your third Dog Tag, will automatically be used for another infil if you’re eliminated. While you don’t want to be reckless, you can certainly play more aggressively when you have one on hand. Offensive plays might pay off with more Dog Tags, and if not, you’ll drop right back into the fight anyway.

2. Get the Stragglers. Let your squadmates know if you see any lone wolves out there, then group up and take them out while the odds are in your favor. Every collected Dog Tag counts. If you wait around a bit after the elimination, you might be able to finish off the rest of their squad, too.

1. Save It for the End. The rewards you earn become increasingly powerful as you go up the ladder. If possible, save your hardest-hitting rewards for the endgame when everything’s on the line. There’s nothing like earning victory with a well-placed Precision Airstrike. And if it doesn’t work out, you can always play again.


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For more information on Call of Duty®: Warzone™, check out: and and follow @RavenSoftware and @CallofDuty on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. 

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