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Showcase Your Multiplayer Stats with the Call of Duty®: Vanguard Report

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Share your Multiplayer Elimination/Death Ratio, Wins, and more by Tweeting @CallofDuty with #VanguardReport.

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Showcase Your Multiplayer Stats with the Call of Duty®: Vanguard Report

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Share your Multiplayer Elimination/Death Ratio, Wins, and more by Tweeting @CallofDuty with #VanguardReport.

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Posting your Multiplayer bragging rights just got easier.

Going live now at @Call of Duty on Twitter, you can get a personalized #VanguardReport showcasing your statistics in Call of Duty®: Vanguard Multiplayer.

Like the #WarzoneReport, all you need to do is Tweet your Activision ID and #VanguardReport to @CallofDuty to get a personalized image that uses your in-game statistics.

These stats include Elimination/Death (Elims/D Ratio), lifetime Eliminations and Wins, the most Eliminations you ever earned in a single match, and your best Killstreak in a single match.

After receiving your first customized image, you can go back into Vanguard, improve your stats, and ask for another #VanguardReport.

This additional report – and all others requested after the first – show off the change in Elims/D ratio, Eliminations, and Wins since your last report, along with your most eliminations in a single match and highest killstreak if those records changed as well.

It also displays total missed shots… Because if you want to brag about Multiplayer stats, you probably didn’t have any of those, right?

Try it out and compare it with friends or fellow community members; whether you are new to the franchise or a seasoned pro player, the #VanguardReport is the official way to boast your personal stat line from Vanguard Multiplayer.

© 2022 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, CALL OF DUTY VANGUARD, CALL OF DUTY WARZONE, and WARZONE are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.

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