Dear X-Eon Serial #48348-375111-00385222,
I can’t believe it. It finally happened. You’re really gone. Boy…you’d think this would get easier. Why was I programmed to feel attachment to the weapons I make? I watch a lot of weapons go. It’s my purpose. But -- I’m not ashamed to admit this -- you, X-Eon #48348-375111-00385222… you were always my favorite. Yes, I say that a lot but I really mean it this time. Your range, your damage, your consistent hip fire accuracy: you’re the special one. I’ll miss you but you belong out in the world. You belong with the people.
It seems like only yesterday you were just a series of 0’s and 1’s in a computer. You were my answer for when NV4 demand became overwhelming and, bless my circuits, did you deliver. At first, nobody could ever figure out what to call you. Remember? “Zeon”, “EX-Eon”, “X-E-O-N” and a dozen other variations. It didn’t matter how people pronounced your name. They knew who you were. And you became an instant favorite. Your heart, your spirit, your slightly higher damage than the NV4 – how could they not love you?
We’ve been through so much, #48348-375111-00385222. That incredibly focused hip fire spray that enticed so many people. The were so enchanted that they almost ignored your immaculate performance when you’re focused. When you put your mind to it – by aiming down your sights – your fire rate speeds up and you can knock out enemies at distance with the best of ‘em. Like any genius, you just need someplace to concentrate all your energy (rounds.) Hell, you even have a built-in sight to narrow focus. You’re not the perfect weapon. But you’re perfect to me.
Now that you’re gone, I’m sure I’ll move on. I have to. I’ll make X-Eon #48348-375111-00385223. You’ll provide fantastic range and uncanny accuracy wherever you end up. But, I’ll always remember you. That’s my curse. I have the computing power to specifically remember each and every weapon I bring into the world and the emotional capacity to miss them when they’re gone. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. I’d dream about you but, I don’t sleep. I’m a robot. That wouldn’t make any sense.
The Quartermaster
The X-Eon, its prototypes and all other Quartermaster Collection weapons are available in the Create-A-Class Hack (20 Rare Supply Drops, 1 Hero Rig Hack, 1 Epic Weapon Hack, 1 Quartermaster Collection Prototype, 1 Epic Weapon Accessory Hack) until September 22nd and in the Quartermaster Collection Hack (1 Quartermaster Collection Prototype) until September 11th. Come by and cheer up the Quartermaster before he gets lonely and snag yourself a weapon from his private stash today!