This relatively shallow crack fortunately did not affect manmade structures, but in an otherwise open area of the map, the underground explosions have changed how you’ll approach zones like the Radar Array, Stadium, and Blocs.
Rather than sprint or drive across a rather open area, you can use this fissure to take cover from those attacking from atop the Radar Array or Stadium. Plus, if the final Circle Collapse falls in this area, it can lead to some more tactical play rather than an all-out firefight to a finish.
Promenade East / Verdansk Hospital
Similar to the area Southeast of Radar Array, this minor fault in the earth may cause a big change in the meta.
Running north of the Barakett Promenade’s easternmost portion, from the gas station and apartments across the street from the Hospital right up to the area’s high rise, this chunk of earth was normally a hilly space with little cover. This may have led Operators to be left completely exposed when travelling across this area, especially if the Circle Collapse forced them here.
Following the fissure, Operators can use the fault in the earth to take cover against snipers from the Hospital or Promenade, moving within it to travel east or west and pop back out closer to a building.
WWII Bunkers Overview