May is Military Appreciation Month, and players can earn in-game rewards and support veterans by participating in the U Assist Veterans Challenge, presented by USAA. The U Assist Veterans Challenge features eight total in-game rewards earnable by completing challenges across Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® III (Multiplayer and Zombies) and Call of Duty®: Warzone™. While facing these objectives, players can also help allocate funds for the Call of Duty Endowment (C.O.D.E.) by calling in UAVs.
The U Assist Veterans Challenge takes place May 8 through 22. Deploy now and start unlocking rewards while aiding U.S. and U.K. military veterans in their search for high-quality jobs. For more coverage on C.O.D.E. related news, click here to view our post on Military Appreciation Month.

U Assist Veterans Challenge, Presented by USAA

Rewards: 8
Availability: May 8 – May 22
Earn rewards by completing in-game challenges in any order across Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (Multiplayer, Zombies), and Call of Duty: Warzone. Once all seven rewards are obtained, players can unlock the final mastery reward, the “Blazon” Animated Weapon Camo.
The rewards and relevant challenges for this event include:
Reward #1: “Eyes in the Sky” Animated Calling Card
Multiplayer: Deploy 5 UAV Killstreaks
Call of Duty: Warzone: Deploy 10 UAV Killstreaks
Zombies: Destroy 5 Counter UAVs in Mercenary Camps
Reward #2: “Ultimate Assist” Animated Emblem
Multiplayer: Get 40 Operator Assists
Call of Duty: Warzone: Get 20 Operator Assists
Zombies: Successfully Exfil 10 Times
Reward #3: “Autonomous Advantage” Large Decal
Multiplayer: Deploy 10 Mosquito Drone Killstreaks
Call of Duty: Warzone: Deploy 20 Bomb Drone Killstreaks
Zombies: Open 60 Caches
Reward #4: Double Weapon XP Token
Multiplayer: Deploy 30 Munitions Box Field Upgrades
Call of Duty: Warzone: Deploy 20 Armor Box Field Upgrades
Zombies: Use the Pack-A-Punch Machines 20 times
Reward #5: “Helping Hand” Weapon Sticker
Multiplayer: Deploy 30 Med Box Field Upgrades
Call of Duty: Warzone: Deploy 4 Portable Buy Stations
Zombies: Revive 20 Teammates with Quick Revive Action
Reward #6: Double Player XP Token
Multiplayer: Deploy 10 Counter-UAV Killstreaks
Call of Duty: Warzone: Deploy 20 Counter-UAV Killstreaks
Zombies: Extract 36,000 total Essence
Reward #7: “Search and Reveal” Weapon Charm
Multiplayer: Spot 40 Operators with Snapshot Grenades
Call of Duty: Warzone: Spot 20 Operators with Snapshot Grenades
Zombies: Sell 700 Essence worth of Items at Buy Stations
Mastery Reward: Complete seven challenges in any order across your preferred mode or modes to unlock the U Assist Veterans Challenge mastery reward, the “Blazon” Animated Weapon Camo. Now you’re really on fire.

Plus, Raise Funds to Help Vets Land Great Jobs
For each match played between May 8 and May 22, where you call in at least five UAVs individually in Modern Warfare III or collectively as a team in Call of Duty: Warzone, Activision Blizzard will allocate $1 as part of a $1 million total donation that Activision Blizzard has made to the Endowment to help place U.S. and U.K. veterans into high- quality jobs.
About the Call of Duty Endowment

The Endowment has placed more than 125,000 veterans in jobs since 2009. That’s equal to 23 vets placed per day over the last 14 years, creating more than $7 billion in economic value for U.S. and U.K. veterans and their families. Last year, the average cost to place a veteran in a job was $618, about 1/13th the cost per placement of U.S. government’s efforts.
For more information about the Call of Duty Endowment, visit the website or explore more on TikTok, Instagram, X, and Facebook.
Stay frosty.
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