For changes unique to Warzone, please visit the dedicated Warzone Patch Notes.
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Stability & Performance
Addressed an issue causing some players to become stuck loading the Main Menu.
Addressed an exploit involving the Showcase allowing players to equip unearned items.
Das Haus
Adjusted geometry near the Central Pillars to prevent enemy nameplates from appearing through surfaces.
Adjusted collision near the Entrance to prevent players from reaching an unintended location.
Mutated Leaper
Decreased inner explosive damage radius from 0.6m to 0.1m (-79%).
Increased inner explosive damage from 100 to 150 (+50%).
Leaps must now travel 18.1m+ for lethal explosive damage to occur.
Mutant Juggernaut
Decreased maximum health from 1,000 to 750 (-25%).
Weapons & Attachments
Light Machine Guns
Removed incompatible GRV-Z Short Grip Attachment.
Addressed an exploit allowing a faster fire rate than intended using non-standard input methods.
DNA Bomb
Fixed an exploit allowing the DNA Bomb to be earned more often than intended in round-based game modes.
Missile Drone
Improved flight path to prevent obstruction on Emergency.
Fixed an issue causing the JAK Signal Burst Conversion Kit on the DM56 to be improperly equipped.
Fixed an exploit allowing more damage than intended to be dealt to Elite enemies using the Dead Wire Ammo Mod.
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Corrected art displayed for the Kill Shot Emblem in the Season 4 Battle Pass.
Improved visual style of the notification that appears after changing Loadout mid-match.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue causing the After Action Report to unexpectedly close.
Corrected HUD prompts when controlling the Missle Drone Killstreak with an alternate button layout.
Underbarrel Launcher Attachments will now progress Challenges requiring double kills with Grenades.
Improved tracking of the double kills Camo Challenge for the Reclaimer 18 Shotgun.
DG-58 Micro Barrel Attachment for the DG-56 will no longer remain locked after reaching the Weapon Level requirement.
Addressed an issue causing Gilded Camo for certain Weapons to remain locked after unlock requirements are met.
Bit Party
Fixed an issue causing inconsistent score upon tag collection in Kill Confirmed.
Fixed an issue causing the HUD to not match the selected Mutant’s abilities.
Radioactive Beast will now drown if submerged in water for too long.
Mutant Perks are no longer inactive during the first life after the halftime team switch.
Weapons & Attachments
Assault Rifles
Kastov 762 & 545
JAK Requiem Conversion Kit
Fixed incorrect iron sight and misaligned Optics after unequipping the Conversion Kit.
Submachine Guns
FJX Horus
JAK Scimitar Kit
Fixed incorrect iron sight and blocked Barrel Attachments after unequipping the Conversion Kit.
KV Broadside (MWII)
JAK Jawbreaker Conversion Kit
JAK BFB Muzzle Attachment is no longer blocked and can now be equipped.
Sniper Rifles
FJX Imperium (MWII)
Removed incompatible Ammunition Attachments that could not be unlocked.
.50 GS (MWII) & GS Magna (MWII)
JAK NRG-IV Optic can no longer be equipped without a compatible Barrel.
40mm Slug Ammunition (JAK Thumper-656 Conversion Kit)
Increased minimum damage from 95 to 150 (+58%).
Removed unintended explosive damage properties.
Zombies Completionist Camos can now be equipped to the Sledgehammer, normally.
Fixed an issue causing a server disconnection error when a player leaves an Unstable Rift.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Season 4 gets reloaded in today’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III update!
Download the update now on your platform of choice and prepare for launch around 9 AM PT. While you wait, dig into the Patch Notes below for details on gameplay improvements, weapon balance, new features, and bug fixes you can expect to see.
Looking for a deep-dive on Season 4 Reloaded? Check out the announcement blog for more.
New Maps
Incline (6v6)
Explore a research outpost in the mountains of Urzikstan in Incline, an original snow map featuring intense fights in hostile weather.
Das Gross (6v6)
In this horrifying map variant of Das Haus, blood drips from the walls, and sharp, pointed teeth protrude from exposed muscle.
Bitvela (6v6)
Visit a pixel-art-inspired variant of the classic Favela in the Bit Party Playlist.
Get High returns with a new course full of obstacles and surprises. Unlock three new Weapon Camos, collect coins, and uncover secrets along the race to the top! How high can you get?
New Weapons
Reclaimer 18 (Shotgun)
A tactical shotgun that can be fired in both pump-action and semi-auto modes. Pump-action provides superior range while semi-auto increases fire rate. Unlock it via the Battle Pass.
Sledgehammer (Melee)
Smash the competition into the dirt with this sledgehammer melee weapon. Unlock it via the Week 5 Challenges.
New Aftermarket Parts
Look for new Aftermarket Parts to arrive via Weekly Challenges, alongside the Sledgehammer Melee Weapon, and Seasonal Blueprint and Camo rewards.
JAK Volkh (KV Inhibitor & KVD Enforcer | Week 6)
A meticulously crafted stock and receiver modification that updates the weapon to fire a two-round burst at minimal MOA dispersion, making every trigger pull count.
JAK Gunslinger (Basilisk | Week 7)
A frame and cylinder conversion that allows the revolver to hold eight rounds of .357 ammunition with an exceptional increase to rate of fire and a near instantaneous trigger action.
New Modes
Take turns playing as a team of humans or mutants in a moshpit of modes. Mutants possess a series of unique abilities that can stun, disorientate, and eliminate enemy humans. Switch sides at halftime.
Bit Party
Kill the enemy to make your head bigger! Kill enemies with big heads to earn more points for your team.
Experience a variety of wacky modifiers. First team to reach the score limit wins.
Headshots Only
Headshots only. No melee.
Blueprint Gunfight
Small team, multi-round cage matches, now with Blueprints. First team to reach the round-win limit wins.
New Events
Altered Strain (6/26-7/24)
The strain has mutated! Collect altered DNA samples from fallen foes and caches to earn rewards and unlock effects for Mutation.
Retro Warfare (6/26-7/10)
Press start to begin this 8-bit event! Earn XP to unlock rewards.
Vacation Squad (7/3-7/10)
The beach is calling and the Task Force is on vacation. Complete event challenges to earn tropical rewards.
Vortex: Death’s Grip (7/10-7/24)
Death's grasp has taken over the Vortex. Complete challenges to unlock ghastly rewards.
Beam Saber Blueprint for the Soulrender can now perform melee executions from the front, as the base Weapon can.
Attachment Skins will no longer unequip after returning to a Private Match lobby.,
Grand Mastery Calling Cards and Emblems
In Season 4 Reloaded, we’re introducing new Calling Cards and Emblem rewards for players who’ve completed a Grand Mastery grind in Modern Warfare III. Players who’ve reached these accomplishments before this update will be granted their respective items in the coming days.
The Grand Mastery rewards breakdown is as follows…
MWIII Multiplayer Grand Mastery
1x Calling Card (New)
1x Emblem (New)
1x Weapon Charm
MWIII Zombies Grand Mastery
1x Calling Card (New)
1x Emblem (New)
1x Weapon Charm
MWII Zombies Grand Mastery
1x Calling Card (New)
1x Emblem (New)
1x Weapon Charm
Victim Calling Card and Emblem is now displayed on the HUD upon killing an enemy.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue preventing the Scoreboard from scrolling in Free-for-All modes.
Addressed various issues allowing incompatible Attachment combinations in the Gunsmith.
Weapons converted from burst-fire to full-auto now display an accurate Fire Rate in the Detailed Stats modal.
Proper team colors are now shown on the minimap in Gunfight mode.
HUD widgets now properly display downed teammates in Cutthroat mode.
Calling Cards are now sized appropriately in HUD splash notifications.
Fixed Event challenge completion splashes displaying incorrect rewards.
Addressed an exploit allowing Gunsmith Attachment limits to be bypassed.
Adjusted descriptions and Pros and Cons for various Attachments to more accurately reflect their true statistics.
Addressed an exploit allowing kills without dying challenges to be completed improperly.
Improved tracking of the Priceless Camo challenge for the RGL-80.
Removed duplicate JAK BFB Muzzle Attachment unlock for the BAS-B.
Removed duplicate Cronen Dark KX30 Muzzle unlocks for the Kastov 762 and Chimera.
Improved inconsistent bullet penetration on low-wall surfaces.
Added a mantle prompt to the shipping container near the Loading Zone.
Fixed an exploit allowing players to interact with Demolition objectives from an unintended location.
Fixed an exploit allowing players to interact with Demolition objectives from an unintended location.
Removed collision causing low-flying aerial Killstreaks to be destroyed.
Improved private match Bot player pathing near vehicles.
Fixed multiple areas where enemy nameplates could be seen through walls.
Weapons & Attachments
Submachine Guns
FJX Horus
Decreased maximum damage range from 15.2m to 13.7m (-10%).
Decreased near-medium damage range from 25.4m to 22.9m (-10%).
Decreased medium damage range from 33m to 29.7m (-10%).
Decreased far-medium damage range from 40.6m to 36.6m (-10%).
JAK Scimitar Kit
Increased damage range benefit from 35% to 65%.
KV Broadside
JAK Jawbreaker Conversion Kit
Fixed an issue causing Muzzle Attachment to unequip in gameplay.
Marksman Rifles
Removed hipfire aim assist properties for controller input devices.
Decreased strength of ADS aim assist properties for controller input devices.
Controller aim assist properties of the Kar98k are now aligned with the Sniper Rifle class.
Lockwood Mk2
JAK Wardens Conversion Kit
Increased sprint to fire speed from 35ms to 100ms (+186%).
Decreased maximum damage range from 4.6m to 3m (-33%).
Decreased near-medium damage range from 8.9m to 7.1m (-20%).
Sniper Rifles
Carrack .300
Increased maximum damage from 95 to 128 (+35%).
Increased near-medium damage from 90 to 95 (+6%).
Increased medium damage from 70 to 90 (+29%).
Increased minimum damage from 60 to 70 (+17%).
Decreased maximum damage range from 30.7m to 12.7m (-59%).
Decreased near-medium damage range from 58.1m to 30.7m (-47%).
Decreased medium damage range from 69.6m to 58.1m (-16%).
Increased head and neck damage multiplier from 1.7x to 2.2x.
Increased lower torso damage multiplier from 1x to 1.1x.
XRK IP-V2 Conversion Kit
Fixed an exploit allowing the Akimbo Rear Grip to be equipped.
Field Upgrades
Hacked equipment will no longer prompt the player to pick it up.
Mosquito Drone
Damage is no longer dealt to the Killstreak owner near a drone explosion.
Mortar Strike
Removed 2s delay before mortar fire begins once the target is marked.
Decreased mortar travel time from 4s to 3s (-25%).
Decreased delay between mortars from 500-750ms to 250-500ms.
Increased number of mortars per wave from 4 to 6.
Decreased time between waves from 3.25-4s to 2.25-2.75s.
Given these changes, the time between target acquisition and first mortar impact is halved from 6s to 3s. Although the overall duration of a wave has not changed due to the increase in mortars and decrease in delay, it is now more difficult to outrun a Mortar Strike.
Missile Drone
Improved flight paths on several maps to prevent obstructed view of playspace.
Damage is no longer dealt to the Killstreak owner near a drone explosion.
DNA Bomb
Players within vehicles are no longer immune to death.
Ranked Play
Unrestricted the MTZ-556 Assault Rifle.
Unrestricted the Holger 556 Assault Rifle.
Thanks to all who participated in the Ranked Play Weapon Evaluation in recent months. Based on the data we previously shared, we’ve made the decision to unrestrict an additional two Assault Rifles for use in Multiplayer Ranked Play. We’ll continue to monitor feedback for further opportunities to increase the variety of Weapon usage in the competitive experience.
New Content: Unstable Rifts
Get ready for a new wave-based combat challenge: Unstable Rifts. When you enter an Unstable Rift, you'll face increasingly intense waves of enemies. Win and the cooldown will reset on all your insured weapons and schematics, letting you enter the next match fully equipped. If you miss the chance to join a Rift, Strike Team Operators can locate additional opportunities on the map.
Beware, Unstable Rifts are unpredictable. Some things work differently; some advantages are given, and others taken away. However, the loot is worth it: a maxed-out Pack-A-Punch weapon with maximum Rarity to use while in the Rift, plus free Perks and Upgrades to help you face the hordes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed inaccurate weapon ammo counts being displayed on the HUD.
Addressed an issue causing parties of three to become stuck while matchmaking.
Camo unlock requirements for Melee weapons will no longer display inconsistently.
Resolved an issue with notifications repeating and replicating for some unlocks.
The Prestige 14 Zombies calling card challenge "Run 'Em Down" (Pickup Artist) now tracks properly.
Weapons & Attachments
Submachine Guns
Lachmann Shroud
JAK Decimator Conversion Kit
Pack-a-Punch will no longer remove the full-auto firing capability.
Sniper Rifles
Equipping an explosive ammunition will no longer prevent Ammo Mods from being activated.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Bug Fixes
Deselecting a Conversion Kit in the Gunsmith will no longer result in Weapons with unintended statistics or visual properties.
Fixed an issue causing players to be kicked back to the menu while viewing Event Camos.
After Action Reports will now display the total number of DNA samples collected, rather than tier requirements.
Improved performance of navigating Custom Loadouts in the Gunsmith.
Hovering the Critical Countdown Mastery Reward will no longer kick the player to the menu.
Survivors can now earn the DNA Bomb upon a 25 Killstreak.
Added six new Survivor Loadouts that are randomly chosen in each match.
Haymaker (Shotgun), COR-45 (Handgun), Thermobaric Grenade (Lethal), Snapshot Grenade (Tactical), Portable Radar (Field Upgrade)
Lockwood 680 (Shotgun), COR-45 (Handgun), Drill Charge (Lethal), Tear Gas (Tactical), Deployable Cover (Field Upgrade)
WSP Swarm (Submachine Gun), Gutter Knife (Melee), C4 (Lethal), Battle Rage (Tactical), Munitions Box (Field Upgrade)
FR 5.56 (Assault Rifle), TYR (Handgun), Proximity Mine (Lethal), Decoy Grenade (Tactical), Munitions Box (Field Upgrade)
KATT-AMR (Sniper Rifle), Renetti (Handgun), Claymore (Lethal), Stun Grenade (Tactical), Munitions Box (Field Upgrade)
Riot Shield (Melee), TYR (Handgun), Semtex (Lethal), Scatter Mine (Tactical), Suppression Mine (Field Upgrade)
Weapons & Attachments
Battle Rifles
JAK Thunder LMG Kit
Reverted an unintentional removal of the ramping rate of fire property.
Increased initial rate of fire from 375rpm to 555rpm (+30%).
Decreased ramped rate of fire from 857rpm to 780rpm (-9%).
Decreased shots required to reach ramped rate of fire from 15 to 9.
Increased delay before ramped rate of fire begins to decay from 250ms to 350ms (+40%).
Submachine Guns
JAK Atlas Conversion Kit
Fixed an issue causing more damage than intended to be dealt when bullets hit the helmet area of an Operator’s head.
KV Broadside
JAK Jawbreaker
Fixed an issue preventing Muzzle Attachments from being equipped.
Sniper Rifles
Removed incompatible CS15 Scarlet Box Laser Attachment.
No Stock Attachment will no longer cause Optics to become obstructed.
EMD Grenade/Mine (Tactical)
Decreased tracker ping delay from 250ms to 50ms (-80%).
Decreased tracker ping radius from 2.5m to 0.6m (-75%).
Due to the decreased ping radius, Operators who are behind cover are no longer pinged by a teammate with an active tracker device.
Fixed an issue preventing stat collection for the Combat Record.
Fixed an issue causing drones to not patrol the playspace on Emergency and Tokyo.
While the Streaks Earn Streaks modifier is active, Swarm kills now contribute progress toward earning the next Killstreak.
Decreased Week 2 kills without being hit Challenge requirement from 200 to 20.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Prompt to restart the game after changing your Activision ID now functions as expected.
Bug Fixes
While the Looping Killstreaks modifier is active (Season 4.0), the earn progress HUD widget will now reappear after earning the highest Killstreak.
Corrected placeholder images in the Killstreaks and Equipment tabs of the Armory Unlocks menu.
Addressed an exploit allowing Custom Mods to be saved with multiple Attachments equipped to a single category.
Weekly Challenges menu now displays the correct Season 3 Camo name.
Tokyo map now displays the correct name in the Combat Record.
Critical Countdown DNA samples will no longer appear in Private Matches.
Joining a match in progress will no longer display an inaccurate timer.
Identity Theft Finishing Move now works as expected on Infected team members.
Inaccurate Scores are no longer displayed when a match ends with few players.
Fixed an issue causing matches to disconnect with a Connection Timed Out error.
Infected has returned to the Quick Play filter and Private Matches.
One in the Chamber
Fixed an issue causing poor performance during the Final Killcam.
Weapons & Attachments
Submachine Guns
Superi 46
Terminal V and Atoll-Z4 Suppressed Barrel Attachments now hide operator position from the minimap as intended.
Decreased camera shake dealt to victims upon explosive damage by 60%.
Cluster Mine
Fixed an issue preventing kills from contributing to Killstreak earn progress while the Streaks Earn Streaks modifier is active (Season 4.0).
DNA Bomb
Players using Scorestreaks now earn the DNA Bomb at 25 Kills, as expected.
Fixed an issue preventing Strike Team Operator customization after recruitment.
Sergeant's Beret companion will no longer shoot the Server during a Ground Station contract.
DNA samples for the Critical Countdown Event can now be collected in Dark Aether Rifts.
Addressed an exploit bypassing Stash size limits involving Elder Sigils.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Welcome to Season 4
Welcome to Season 4 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III!
Before you jump into all of the new content this Season offers, read the Patch Notes below for the latest balance adjustments, gameplay improvements, bug fixes, and other changes.
Pre-download the Season 4 update now on all platforms and get started at 9 AM PT.

New Maps
The fog of war goes global. Take to the streets of Tokyo and Paris at the launch of Season 4, then look for desolate and disgusting arenas later in-season.
Incline (In-Season)
Das Gross (In-Season, Variant)
New Modes
Several new and fan-favorite Modes debut in MWIII in Season 4. Look out for weekly Playlist Updates to know when your favorite Modes arrive.
Hyper Cranked
Headshots Only
New Weapons
Alongside returning icons, fresh new weaponry is on the horizon in Season 4.
Kar98k (Battle Pass, Marksman Rifle)
This modernized version of a WWII bolt-action rifle is powerful and accurate. High damage output with a slow rate of fire.
Superi 46 (Battle Pass, Submachine Gun)
This pistol-caliber carbine chambered in 4.6x30mm is designed to give impressive stopping power with a skeletonized, lightweight frame. Exceptionally adaptable, this weapon can be modified to excel in most combat scenarios.
Reclaimer 18 (Battle Pass, Shotgun, In-Season)
A tactical shotgun that can be fired in both pump-action and semi-auto modes. Pump-action provides superior range while semi-auto increases fire rate.
Sledgehammer (Weekly Challenge, Melee, In-Season)
Smack some heads with this hammer claw bar Melee weapon with unique attack modes.
New Aftermarket Parts
Eight all-new Aftermarket Parts arrive throughout the weeks ahead in Season 4. Every one of which is a fully-fledged conversion kit for fan favorite weaponry.
JAK Harbinger Kit (M4 Assault Rifle)
This .50 Cal conversion kit for the M4 is an extremely deadly, quick-kill weapon. The slow fire rate, drop in bullet velocity, and a significant increase in recoil will require a careful hand.
JAK Gunslinger (Basilisk Handgun)
A frame and cylinder conversion that allows the revolver to hold eight rounds of .357 ammunition with an exceptional increase to rate of fire and a near instantaneous trigger action.
JAK Volkh (KV Inhibitor Sniper Rifle)
A meticulously crafted stock and receiver modification that updates the weapon to fire a two-round burst at minimal MOA dispersion, making every trigger pull count.
JAK Scimitar Kit (FJX Horus Submachine Gun)
Improved range and recoil are standard with this aftermarket kit which also unlocks the use of a high-capacity drum mag for the FJX Horus.
JAK Thumper-656 (RGL-80 Launcher)
An improved long barrel for an infantry-carried grenade launcher. Fires projectiles at higher velocities and distances. Compatible with a wider variety of launcher projectiles.
JAK Requiem (Kastov 762 Assault Rifle)
A counter-balanced rifle system designed to completely eliminate vertical recoil.
JAK Decimator (Lachmann Shroud Submachine Gun)
This modification allows the Lachmann Shroud to fire in full auto.
JAK Intimidator (Renetti Handgun)
Slow down your fire rate and take more deliberate shots with this modification that changes the Renetti to a single-shot weapon.
New Killstreaks
Powerful new armaments join the Killstreaks arsenal in Season 4.
Loitering Munition - 8 Kills (1,000 Score)
An unmanned rocket equipped drone loiters over the targeted areas. On each activation the drone selects the targeted location with the largest number of viable targets to bombard with rockets. Can be activated up to three times.
I.M.S. - 7 Kills (875 Score)
The Intelligent Munitions System is loaded with 4 smart explosives that eliminate enemy personnel and vehicles within range. When triggered, it will eject an explosive upwards, which then locks onto its target and propels towards them.
Missile Drone - 11 Kills (1,375 Score)
Piloted drone that fires guided missiles.
DNA Bomb - 25 Kills
Call in a DNA altering bomb that eliminates the entire enemy team without ending the match.
New Perks
Tailor Loadouts to your playstyle with new Vest and Gear Perks.
Mission Control Vest
Reduces kills required by 1 and score required by 125 for streaks.
Earn 1 kill or 125 score for every 2 Kill Assists or Cross Fire Assists.
Duplicate effects do not stack. If equipped with Mission Control Comlink, gain the effects of High Gain Antenna.
Compression Plate (Gear)
Immediately regen health after a Primary, Secondary, or Throwing Knife/Star kill. Objective captures also trigger health regen.
New Operators
Mysterious new figures join Kortac and Specgru in Season 4. Which side are you on?
A Jane Doe, nicknamed Void, has a mysterious mutation that alters her memory. Further study is needed. She remains under close surveillance.
Manoel was the youngest of three siblings by a large margin. Growing up, he was often called the “accident,” though his father would assure him that yes, he may have been an accident, but he was a happy one.
When Manoel was twelve-years-old, and his siblings long gone from the home, his father gifted him a puppy – a Brazilian Mastiff, to name and care for.
Manoel named the puppy Hammer, and they did everything together. Wanting to be with Hammer for as long as possible, Manoel trained him as a working dog, and enrolled in the military with Hammer by his side. First, he was part of the Guard Battalion utilizing Hammer as a guard dog, and later, moved his way into the Brazil Special Operations where Hammer’s hunting and tracking skills became invaluable in chasing down targets.
One day, on a tracking mission, Hammer was killed in action by the SpecGru organization. Manoel took Hammer's name as his own callsign, and vowed revenge. He joined KorTac to do it and promised to never work with another K-9 unit, and to avenge his dog.
Dupe & Copy
New Events
Kick off the first 4 weeks of Season 4 with the Critical Countdown Event before heading into several other Events scheduled throughout the Season, including some surprises along the way.
Critical Countdown
Collect DNA samples from fallen foes to earn rewards and uncover the truth behind the superweapon.
Mobile Suit Gundam Legends
Embrace the awesome power of Mobile Suits! Earn XP to unlock Gundam themed rewards. Equip the RX-78-2 Gundam, MS-06S Zaku II, or XVX-016 Gundam Aerial skins for a boost.
Altered Strain
The strain has mutated! Collect altered DNA samples from fallen foes across to earn rewards and unlock effects for Mutation in MWIII.
Vortex: Death's Lair
Death's grasp has taken over the Vortex. Complete challenges to unlock ghastly rewards.
Vacation Squad
The beach is calling and the Task Force is on vacation. Complete event challenges to earn tropical rewards. Don't forget the sunscreen!
Stability & Performance
Addressed various issues causing improper first-person animations.
Camos can now be equipped on the B.E.A.S.T. Glove Blueprint for the Gladiator.
Know No Fear Weapon Decal no longer has a white border while equipped.
Equipping the Karaage skin on the MCW Assault Rifle will no longer result in an error.
Fixed an input device exploit allowing unowned Blueprints to be equipped.
JAK Glassless Optic is now unlocked as expected upon purchasing a relevant Blueprint.
Weapon Mastery and Unlock Challenges can now be added to Tracked Challenges.
XP Bonus potential from compatible Operator Skins is now displayed while in the lobby but not in a party.
Bug Fixes
Corrected a spelling mistake in the Red Camo challenge for the WSP Swarm.
Player icons on the minimap will no longer appear to follow the Wheelson-HS.
Vests that disallow primaries will no longer prompt to Quick Equip invalid Weapons.
Adjusted Pros and Cons displayed for specific Attachments to better reflect their actual statistics.
Fixed improper tile placement in the Gunsmith while the Compression Carrier Vest is equipped.
Activate prompt is now longer displayed on completed Armory Unlocks.
Spawn protection is now disabled when the player inflicts damage or locks onto a Killstreak.
Fixed a bug causing spawns to not match the intended directionality of a map.
Increased detection distance for nearby enemies in small map spawn selection.
Decreased volume of footstep sounds from enemy players.
Last season, we made several adjustments to Perks to distribute usage in the Boots category more evenly. Despite these changes, the pick rate of Covert Sneakers remains far ahead of other Boots.
In today’s update, our Design and Audio teams have decreased the volume of all footstep types (walk, sprint, and tac-sprint) to encourage more diverse usage in the Boots category of Perks.
Collateral kills now progress Battle Rage kills Challenges as expected.
Kills with Battle Rage Challenges now track progress correctly.
Fixed an issue causing the ISO 9mm to not unlock upon Challenge completion.
6 Star
Reworked Hardpoint capture point locations, sizes, and associated spawns.
P1: Club (Revert)
P2: Lounge (Revert)
P3: Rooftop Bar (Revert)
P4: Skybridge (New)
Das Haus
Corrected orientation of the vertically hanging American Flag.
Added the ability to mount at various locations where functionality is expected.
Environmental explosives are no longer present in CDL and Ranked Play modes.
Improved spawn safety assessment near the Train Yard.
Unlimited Ammo and Grenades powerup timer now disappears upon death.
Allies needing a revive are now indicated as such on the scoreboard.
One in the Chamber
Lifestreaks are now correctly tracked on the scoreboard.
Weapons & Attachments
Assault Rifles
Decreased movement speed from 5m/s to 4.8m/s (-4%).
Decreased sprint speed from 5.7m/s to 5.5m/s (-4%).
Decreased tactical sprint speed from 7m/s to 6.8m/s (-3%).
JAK Revenger Kit
Decreased movement speed from 5.5m/s to 5.1m/s (-7%).
Decreased crouch movement speed from 2.6m/s to 2.4m/s (-8%).
Decreased sprint speed from 6.2m/s to 5.8m/s (-6%).
Decreased tactical sprint speed from 7.7m/s to 7.1m/s (-8%).
Decreased ADS movement speed from 3.3m/s to 3.1m/s (-6%).
Decreased maximum damage from 32 to 28 (-13%).
Decreased near-medium damage from 28 to 25 (-11%).
Decreased medium damage from 25 to 23 (-8%).
Increased head damage multiplier from 1.1x to 1.25x.
Submachine Guns
FJX Horus
Decreased recoil gun kick from 42.5deg/s to 35.4deg/s (-17%).
Increased maximum damage range from 10.2m to 17.8m (+75%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 20.3m to 25.4m (+25%).
Increased lower torso damage multiplier from 1x to 1.1x.
No Stock Mod
Increased ADS movement speed benefit from 9% to 12%.
Lopper LX-D Stock
Added 3% ADS movement speed penalty.
Increased maximum damage range from 11.2m to 12.4m (+11%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 20.3m to 21.6m (+6%).
Increased maximum damage range from 14m to 15.2m (+9%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 20.3m to 21.6m (+6%).
Fixed an issue causing the Trebuchet Brake Attachment to be unavailable.
Increased maximum damage range from 10.2m to 11.4m (+13%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 21.6m to 22.9m (+6%).
JAK Headhunter Carbine Conversion
Increased rate of fire from 682rpm to 882rpm (+29%).
Increased maximum damage from 26 to 33 (+27%).
Increased near-medium damage from 24 to 30 (+25%).
Increased minimum damage from 22 to 28 (+27%).
Decreased neck and upper torso damage multipliers from 1.5x to 1.1x.
Decreased lower arm and hand damage multipliers from 1.1x to 1x.
Increased maximum damage range from 16.5m to 17.8m (+8%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 24.1m to 25.4m (+5%).
Striker 9
Increased maximum damage range from 14m to 15.2m (+9%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 20.3m to 21.6m (+6%).
Increased maximum damage range from 9.7m to 10.9m (+13%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 21.6m to 22.9m (+6%).
Increased maximum damage range from 18.5m to 24.1m (+30%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 25.1m to 31.8m (+26%).
Marksman Rifles
MCW 6.8
MCW 6.8 Full-Auto Conversion Kit
Resolved an issue causing recoil overcorrection after firing.
Decreased aim down sight time from 310ms to 260ms (-16%).
Decreased explosive damage by 80% in Hardcore game modes.
RGL-80 explosive damage is now scaled to align with the Hardcore player health scalar.
Gunslinger Vest
Fixed an issue causing Throwing Star kills not to refresh stamina.
Gunner Vest
Updated description to remove mention of Handgun ammo benefit, aligning with existing functionality.
Compression Carrier (Vest)
Fixed an issue causing Throwing Star kills not to trigger health regeneration.
Assault Gloves
Updated description to mention recently-added reticle spread benefit.
Precision Airstrike
Decreased delay before damage occurs by 2s.
Increased explosive damage radius from 7.6m to 8.9m (+17%).
Cruise Missile
Increased explosive damage radius from 15.2m to 22.9m (+50%)
Decreased delay before explosive damage occurs by 2s.
Increased explosive damage radius from 19m to 20.3m (+7%).
Removed stun effect on victims before death.
Remote Turret
Increased cost from 7 Kills (875 Score) to 8 Kills (1,000 Score).
Decreased hits required for turret destruction for specific damage types.
Melee: from 12 hits to 3 hits
Launchers: from 3 hits to 2 hits
Improved detection of EMP hits from the Stormender Launcher.
Increased cost from 8 Kills (1,000 Score) to 9 Kills (1,125 Score).
Overwatch Helo
Increased cost from 8 Kills (1,000) Score to 9 Kills (1,125 Score)
Decreased incoming damage dealt by bullets by 50%.
Emergency Airdrop
Decreased cost from 10 Kills (1,250 Score) to 9 Kills (1,125 Score).
Carpet Bomb
Decreased cost from 10 Kills (1,250 Score) to 8 Kills (1,000 Score).
Increased explosive damage radius from 10.2m to 12.7m (+25%).
Increased bomber flight speed by 40%.
Increased cost from 10 Kills (1,250 Score) to 11 Kills (1,375 Score).
Decreased incoming damage dealt by bullets by 50%.
Decreased machine gun explosive damage from 27 to 20 (-26%).
Increased cost from 12 Kills (1,500 Score) to 13 Kills (1,625 Score).
Chopper Gunner
Increased cost from 12 Kills (1,500 Score) to 13 Kills (1,625 Score).
Decreased incoming damage dealt by bullets by 50%.
Decreased turret explosive damage from 45 to 35 (-22%).
Decreased turret explosive damage radius from 1.7m to 1.3m (-23%).
Decreased cost from 13 Kills (1,625 Score) to 12 Kills (1,500 Score).
Visual effects will no longer play twice if the player dies during detonation.
Fixed an issue causing drones to divebomb immediately after the player who summoned it dies.
Fixed an issue causing drones to spawn away from the playspace on Das Haus and Mercado Las Almas.
Stability & Performance
Fixed a client crash issue when players attacked All For One's fort and attempted to engage AFO in his room.
Fixed a bug preventing the Mimic Operators from being equipped.
The 'Longbow' sniper rifle's 'Extinction' blueprint is no longer missing all the attachments.
Fixed an issue where players would see the default loading screen instead of the selected loading screen while infilling.
Unlocked items should no longer appear to be locked in the Gear menu.
The HUD overlay from the golden Sergeants Beret no longer flickers on and off when near a Merc Camp UAV Scrambler.
Fixed an issue where player gamertags in the 'Squad Missions' tab of the Tac Map were difficult to read due to the font being compacted.
Addressed an issue that prevented the MORS Photonic Charge Barrel from applying the correct damage values when fully charged.
Deploying the 'Juggernaut' Killstreak no longer incorrectly deploys the 'Juggernaut Recon' killstreak from Multiplayer.
Dying while using Juggernaut Killstreak no longer causes loss of all weapons.
Fixed an issue where shooting a WunderWaffe Wonder Weapon near the Sergeants Beret Friendly Merc would cause the Merc to be affected by the weapon's AOE shocking feature.
Fixed an object collision issue that would occur when being grabbed by Mimic.
Loot in the bookstore location named Feroze and Sons is now accessible.
Dark Aether Rift
Aether Storm will no longer spawn on top of the tornado at the Rift Gate.
Fixed several instances of Zombies not pathing as intended on Rift Run.
Fixed several out-of-map exploits and glitches that resulted in players falling through the map.
Dark Aether
In the newest Act 4 story mission, players are now able to reach the Pack-A-Punch location by foot.
Fixed an issue where the vote prompt would block users from starting the Dark Aether Rift after a teammate left the squad.
Eliminated several environmental exploits.
Fixed an issue where the third punching bag could not be activated, blocking progress in the 'Tattered MMA Gloves' attunement challenge.
Issues & Feedback
For the latest updates on game status, follow @CODUpdates on X. Additionally, you can utilize our Modern Warfare III board on Trello to find the status of our investigations into the top issues experienced by the community.
Your feedback is key to our goal of making Modern Warfare III the best it can be. As always, we welcome you to share your experience with us on your platform of choice.
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