1. Multiplayer Loadout Suggestion. The Multiplayer unlock challenge requires some forethought in your attacks, as you must first deploy your Tactical Equipment and then eliminate the target. This loadout will ensure the job gets done:
Primary Weapon: “Last Words” SMG Blueprint (unlocked via the Season Four Graveyard Watch Store Bundle)
Secondary Weapon: Any
Perk 1: Tactical Mask
Perk 2: Quartermaster
Perk 3: Gung-Ho
Equipment: Flashbang x2, C4 x2
Field Upgrade: SAM Turret
Wildcard: Danger Close
Blind and eliminate, that’s your objective. Using this loadout, it shouldn’t take long to get the job done. For your SMG, we recommend the “Last Words” SMG Weapon Blueprint, featuring Fast Mag for quick reloads and the 14.9” Ranger for a major boost to bullet velocity. Add the Steady Aim Laser and you’re good to go.
With the Danger Close Wildcard, you’ll start each life with maximum ammo and double the Equipment. For the challenge, we’ve picked the Flashbang Tactical Grenade, a great lead-in when breaching enemy objectives.
Take Tactical Mask for those inevitable times when your Flashbang detonates too close by and to reduce the harmful effects of enemy-thrown Tactical Equipment. Quartermaster restocks your grenades over time, so let the Flashbangs fly. Using Gung-Ho, you can toss them mid-sprint while rushing the objective.
To maintain maximum mobility, use hip-fire to take down blinded targets. And when the skies get crowded with aerial threats, clear them with your SAM Turret so you can stay focused on the objective at hand.
2. Stick to Respawn Modes. The more chances to complete your objective, the better. Respawn modes keep the action flowing, giving you multiple opportunities to land the three kills needed per match. Consider Hardpoint in particular, and use the loadout above to blind and eliminate enemy defenders guarding the hill.
3. Zero In. It can be tempting to wildly spray bullets in a room full of enemies, but you risk damaging everyone and eliminating no one. When encountering groups, take out the blinded targets one by one. Even if you don’t finish them all off, you’ll be closer to completing the unlock challenge for that match.