For changes unique to Warzone, please visit the dedicated Warzone Patch Notes.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Equipment Skins can now be previewed in the Store.
Bug Fixes
Tracked Challenges widget now accurately reflects progress toward Weapon Prestige Camos.
Locked Calling Cards earned via the current Season’s Battle Pass are now displayed in the Customization menu.
Locked/Unlocked filter for Calling Cards in the Customization menu now functions as expected.
Restored functionality of the Select / Deselect All button in the Quick Play menu.
EMP HUD effects no longer persist upon Wheelson-HS destruction via Stormender.
Resolved an issue causing Akimbo Weapons to be given less reserve ammo than intended following a map infiltration sequence.
Weapon Prestige Camos can now be unlocked for MWII Weapons.
Added collision to prevent an exploit that allowed players to get in the blue train car near the Crossing area.
EOD Padding no longer reduces incoming explosive damage by power Weapons.
Blank Perk icons are no longer shown on the HUD upon spawning as a survivor.
One in the Chamber
Weapon Match Stats section of the After-Action Report is no longer empty upon completing a match.
Weapons & Attachments
Light Machine Guns
Decreased neck, torso, arm, and hand damage multipliers from 1.1x to 1x.
Marksman Rifles
Lockwood Mk2
JAK Wardens Conversion Kit
Resolved an issue causing incompatible Attachments to remain equipped in the Gunsmith.
Implemented measures to prevent exploits that allow firing faster than intended.
Adjusted Pros and Cons for multiple Optic Attachments to reflect their true statistics.
Corio Enforcer Optic
Dragon’s Eye Optic
KR Marauder 9 Riser
High-Gain Antenna (Gear)
Addressed an issue causing Equipment detected by allies with Signal Jammer not to appear indicated on the compass.
Scatter Mine (Tactical)
In Hardcore mode, players equipped with EOD Padding are no longer immune to stun effects.
Field Upgrades
Enhanced Vision Goggles
Player is no longer forced to unequip upon a dead battery, instead, vision is blurred until the goggles are manually removed.
EVG battery will not recharge while equipped with a dead battery.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Resolved an issue causing Arcade mode weapons and powerups to retain into other Playlists.
Weapons & Attachments
Marksman Rifles
Lockwood Mk2
JAK Wardens Conversion Kit
Increased standing hipfire spread minimum from 2.3deg/s to 3.3deg/s (+43%).
Increased standing hipfire spread maximum from 5.5deg/s to 5.8deg/s (+5%).
.410 Gauge Slug Shells Ammunition (JAK Wardens)
Added 21% standing hipfire spread minimum benefit.
Added 21% standing hipfire spread maximum penalty.
Increased bullet velocity from 168m/s to 420m/s (+150%).
Decreased near-medium damage from 95 to 90 (-5%).
Decreased near-medium damage range from 38.1m to 15.2m.
Added medium damage range, 74 damage to 29.2m.
Decreased minimum damage from 75 to 70 (-7%).
Increased neck and upper torso damage multipliers from 0.6x to 1.1x.
Increased lower torso damage multiplier from 0.6x to 1x.
Increased arm and hand damage multipliers from 0.6x to 0.8x.
Increased leg and foot damage multipliers from 0.5x to 0.8x.
Our goal for the .410 Gauge Slug Shells is to increase damage consistency in close-range engagements while simultaneously limiting the likelihood of kills at extreme distances by reducing damage range and increasing hipfire spread.
.410 Gauge Ball Ammunition (JAK Wardens)
Decreased standing hipfire spread minimum benefit from 100% to 21%.
Decreased standing hipfire spread maximum benefit from 80% to 21%.
Ranked Play
Restricted the Scratch 20-L Suppressor Attachment.
Restricted the EMD Mine Equipment.
Restricted the Enhanced Vision Goggles Field Upgrade.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Addressed a crash that could occur upon Challenge completion.
Bug Fixes
Hardcore Quick Play will no longer display an erroneous Free Trial tag.
Weekly Challenge countdown timer will no longer display an invalid time as the Midseason update approaches.
Fixed overlapping weapon images on the HUD when two Melee weapons are equipped.
Max Weapon Level prerequisite for Weapon Prestige Camos is now consistently applied, as intended.
Challenges involving Stim usage no longer require at least 50% regain to progress.
Players who previously unlocked the Binary Morality Event Camo once again have the ability to equip it.
Added collision to prevent players from reaching an exploitable location on the Roof.
Lights on the MAW will no longer appear to detach as the match progresses.
Implemented various fixes for match timer inconsistencies.
Care Package crates are now destroyed upon collision with the MAW.
Commando Gloves
Reloads are no longer canceled upon moving when the Automatic Tactical Sprint setting is enabled.
In Hardcore game modes, the minimap is now displayed on the HUD while an EMD tracking device is active on an enemy.
When completing the Calling Card Prestige 9 Mastery Challenge, the correct title, “Let ‘Em Have It!” will now be displayed.
Fixed a bug where splash notifications after completing Armory Unlocks and events appeared blank.
Dark Aether Rift
All squads can now contribute Zombie kills to the Relic Attunement.
Decreased kill requirement to complete Relic Attunement.
Fixed a bug that resulted in the final obelisk being activated earlier than intended, breaking the story sequence.
Fixed a reload inconsistency that occurred after Pack-a-Punch with the JAK Wardens Conversion Kit equipped on the Lockwood Mk2.
Fixed a bug where Wonder Weapons appeared as common gray instead of gold rarity in a Dark Aether Rift.
Resolved a bug that resulted in players getting stuck in out of map locations after being grabbed by a Mimic.
Resolved an issue at Rainmaker's Fortress where Mortar AI incorrectly targeted players with an intact Sergeant's Beret disguise.
Resolved an issue where completing one squad's Attunement prematurely ended another’s.
Launcher Camo Challenges for MWII weapons have been adjusted to facilitate completion.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Welcome to Season 3 Reloaded
Reload your Season 3 experience of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III with today’s update!
The Season 3 Reloaded game update will roll out this morning across all platforms. While you wait, take some time to read the Patch Notes below for a comprehensive list of gameplay improvements, weapon balance, new features, and bug fixes you can expect when you play.
Looking for the full scoop on Season 3 Reloaded? Check out the blog for more information.

New Maps
Grime (6v6)
Take to the derelict streets of London in an all-new, medium-sized map that supports all varieties of gameplay.
Checkpoint (6v6)
Deploy to a familiar locale as the Stronghold portion of Rebirth Island has been modified to support 6v6 Multiplayer gameplay. Developed in partnership with our friends at Beenox.
New Weapon
BAL-27 (Assault Rifle)
A bullpup prototype weapon designed to increase fire rate over time while the trigger is squeezed. The first 4 shots are slower to fire but highly accurate.
Unlock it via the classified sector in the Season 3 Battle Pass.
New Aftermarket Parts
JAK Wardens (Lockwood Mk2)
Relive the glory days, stir up the hornet’s nest, and take down your enemies, leaving no loose ends with these museum-worthy akimbo lever-action Shotguns.
Unlock it today today via the Season 3 Week 5 Challenges!
JAK Patriot (M16)
Converts the M16 into a fully automatic rifle with a heavy ported barrel built to provide superior recoil control and firing aim stability.
JAK Atlas Kit (AMR9)
Converts the AMR9 into an extremely lethal and accurate 5-round burst carbine chambered in 556.
New Modes
In a game of strength and endurance, each team gets a turn to escort a MAW to its destination as the opposing team tries to stop it at all costs.
Watch your step! Deadly mines are deployed at the death site of players, triggered by the presence of the fallen player’s team.
Fight for control of weapons kitted with game-changing modifiers available for pickup around the map, all the while not forgetting to PTFO.
New Events
In addition to limited-time Double XP and the ongoing Vortex: Vi.Rus Mainframe events, the Call of Duty Endowment has a two-week event on the horizon.
Call of Duty Endowment: U Assist Veterans
Complete the CODE UAV Challenge to help military veterans navigate their career search while earning rewards.
Resolved an issue preventing the Wheelson-HS Killstreak from running over enemies while the Fire Breather Skin is equipped.
Slash Damage Tracers on the Dino Might Blueprint will now consistently play.
Improved visual effects when removing the Barrel from the Viral Ignition Blueprint.
Introducing Weapon Prestige Camos
In Season 3 Reloaded, we’re introducing Weapon Prestige Camos, a new progression system for players to flex mastery of their favorite weaponry in Modern Warfare III.
To unlock a Weapon Prestige Camo, players must earn a set amount of Weapon XP for any weapon of choice, including those carried forward from MWII. Weapon Prestige Camos are earned on a per-weapon basis, rewarding commitment and giving those of you completionists a grind to keep you busy for Seasons to come.
Our debut Weapon Prestige Camo is One Trick. Unlocked upon earning 150,000 Weapon XP, this camo coats the entire surface of your weapon in molten gold - and yes, it’s animated.
You can expect to see a new Weapon Prestige Camo in each of the remaining Seasons ahead. We look forward to seeing which weapons you choose first for your journey to prestige!
Increased the number of allowed favorite Attachments from 10 to 30.
Weekly Challenges that reward an Aftermarket Part will now display the base Weapon in the information modal.
Added Locked and Unlocked filter options to Calling Cards in the Customization menu.
Bug Fixes
Unlocked Calling Cards that required Challenge completion once again indicate the fulfilled criteria.
Resolved an issue causing the Customization menu to not appear properly on ultrawide displays.
Addressed an exploit allowing multiple Attachments to be equipped to a single slot on a Weapon in the Gunsmith.
Quick Equip option in Bundles is once again available while using a mouse and keyboard input device.
Pros and Cons are no longer hidden when viewing locked Attachments.
Prompt to perform a Finishing Move on enemy Operators is now visible while using a Juggernaut Recon.
Weapon ammo count no longer disappears after performing a Finishing Move while using a Juggernaut Recon.
Bomb Drone Killcams no longer display overlapping overlay effects.
In Hardpoint, increased preference for spawns further from enemies and nearer to spawn points recently used by a teammate.
Bug Fixes
Weapons with a charged fire ability now function properly when the Manual Fire Behavior option is set to Hold.
Swapping from tac-stance to aiming down sight will no longer cause a jarring recoil animation.
Resolved an issue preventing the DG-58 Miro Barrel Attachment from unlocking.
Kills without reloading Challenges will no longer continue to track between matches.
DM56 Priceless Camo Challenge description once again matches the tracking requirements.
6 Star
Transparent glass doors in the Security area have been swapped with opaque glass doors to better communicate the lack of penetrability.
Added bullet collision to the DJ booth in the Club to prevent unintended kills through the wall.
Reworked Hardpoint capture point locations, sizes, and associated spawns.
P1: Club
P2: Garden (New)
P3: Lightwell (New)
P4: Infinity Pool (New)
P5: Security (New)
Added additional spawn points in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint.
Polished environment in several areas of the map where there were visual glitches and inconsistencies.
Added an additional spawn point near P3 in Hardpoint.
Added additional spawn points near P3 in Hardpoint.
Limited-time holiday variant of the mode icon is no longer used.
One in the Chamber
Radar pings are no longer active until three alive players remain.
Weapons & Attachments
Assault Rifles
Increased hipfire spread minimum from 2.4deg/s to 3deg/s (+25%).
Increased hipfire spread maximum from 6.7deg/s to 7.2deg/s (+7%).
Increased moving hipfire spread maximum from 4.7deg/s to 5.2deg/s (+11%).
SVA 545
Increased hipfire spread minimum from 2.6deg/s to 3.3deg/s (+27%).
Increased hipfire spread maximum from 7.3deg/s to 7.8deg/s (+7%).
Increased moving hipfire spread maximum from 5.3deg/s to 5.8deg/s (+9%).
Increased hipfire spread minimum from 2.6deg/s to 3deg/s (+15%).
Increased hipfire spread minimum from 2.6deg/s to 3.1deg/s (+19%).
Increased hipfire spread maximum from 7deg/s to 7.4deg/s (+6%).
Increased moving hipfire spread maximum from 5.3deg/s to 5.4deg/s (+2%).
Holger 556
Increased hipfire spread minimum from 2.6deg/s to 3.4deg/s (+31%).
Increased hipfire spread maximum from 7.5deg/s to 7.8deg/s (+4%).
Increased moving hipfire spread maximum from 5.5deg/s to 5.8deg/s (+5%).
Increased hipfire spread minimum from 2.6deg/s to 3.2deg/s (+23%).
Increased moving hipfire spread maximum from 5.3deg/s to 5.6deg/s (+6%).
Increased hipfire spread minimum from 2.4deg/s to 2.8deg/s (+17%).
Increased moving hipfire spread maximum from 3.3deg/s to 5deg/s (+52%).
Added medium damage range, 29 damage to 38.1m.
Decreased minimum damage from 29 to 25 (-14%).
FR 5.56
Decreased sprint to fire time from 231ms to 216ms (-6%).
Decreased aim down sight time from 260ms to 250ms (-4%).
Increased aim down sight movement speed from 2.7m/s to 2.9m/s (+7%).
Increased bullet velocity from 680m/s to 720m/s (+6%).
600mm FR Longbore Barrel
Removed hipfire spread minimum benefit.
Decreased hipfire spread penalty by 8%.
Decreased aim down sight speed penalty by 20%.
Replaced aiming idle sway penalty with benefit.
435mm FR 435 Barrel
Removed movement speed penalties.
Removed hipfire spread penalties and benefits.
Increased recoil control benefit by 5%.
Added firing aim stability benefit.
Removed bullet velocity benefit.
Removed damage range penalty.
Decreased aim down sight speed penalty by 2%.
Decreased aim down sight movement speed penalty by 3%.
Removed aiming idle sway penalty.
395 FR Minibore Barrel
Replaced hipfire spread minimum penalty with benefit.
Added sprint to fire speed benefit.
Removed aiming idle sway penalty.
FR Sprinter Stock
Removed tactical sprint speed benefit.
Added aim down sight speed benefit.
Decreased aiming idle sway penalty.
Added flinch resistance benefit.
Recon Stock Pad
Removed crouch movement speed benefit.
Added movement speed benefit.
Replaced hipfire spread penalty with benefit.
Added sprint to fire speed benefit.
Removed aim down sight speed benefit.
FR Anchor Comb
Removed tactical sprint speed penalty.
Decreased sprint to fire speed penalty by 3%.
Added aiming idle sway benefit.
FR TON-618 Comb
Decreased aim down sight speed penalty by 18%.
Removed aiming idle sway benefit.
Added firing aim stability benefit.
FR Giga Comb
Increased aim down sight speed benefit by 2%.
Removed aim down sight movement speed penalty.
Added flinch resistance penalty.
RMT Rear Grip
Increased aim down sight speed benefit by 2%.
45 Round Magazine
Decreased movement speed penalties.
Decreased aim down sight speed penalty by 4%.
60 Round Magazine
Decreased movement speed penalties.
Decreased aim down sight speed penalty by 7%.
Many FR 5.56 Attachments have been reworked to increase their appeal and the overall viability of the Weapon.
Lachmann-762 (MWII)
Increased maximum damage range from 19.3m to 30.5m (+58%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 37.1m to 43.2m (+16%).
Increased medium damage range from 48m to 55.9m (+16%).
Increased maximum damage range from 17.8m to 25.4m (+43%).
Increased near-medium damage from 27 to 28 (+4%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 33.5m to 39.4m (+17%).
Increased leg and foot damage multipliers from 0.88x to 1x (+14%).
Battle Rifles
SOA Subverter
Added near-medium damage range, 33 damage to 38.1m.
Decreased minimum damage from 33 to 26 (-21%).
The SOA Subverter is now a 6-shot kill within the minimum damage range.
Decreased aim down sight time from 280ms to 260ms (-7%).
JAK Thunder LMG Kit
Decreased aim down sight time benefit by 20ms.
Fire Type: Semi-Auto
Increased minimum damage from 45 to 50 (+11%).
Within its maximum damage range, the FTAC Recon is now a guaranteed 3-shot kill, or 2-shot kill to the head.
Fire Type: Full-Auto
Increased upper torso, arm, and hand damage multipliers from 1x to 1.1x (+10%).
Within its near-medium damage range, the FTAC Recon (full-auto) 3-shot kill with 1 to the head and 2 to the upper torso,
SO-14 (MWII)
Fire Type: Semi-Auto
Increased maximum damage from 46 to 50 (+9%).
Increased near-medium damage from 35 to 46 (+31%).
Increased medium damage from 32 to 40 (+25%).
Increased minimum damage from 30 to 38 (+27%).
Within its maximum damage range, the SO-14 is now a consistent 3-shot kill.
Fire Type: Full-Auto
Decreased sprint to fire time from 307ms to 261ms (-15%).
Decreased aim down sight time from 290ms to 270ms (-7%).
Decreased torso, arm, hand, leg, and foot damage multipliers from 0.8x to 0.74x (-8%).
Submachine Guns
Increased horizontal recoil from 16.9deg/s to 17.6deg/s (+4%).
Increased vertical recoil from 42.9deg/s to 44.4deg/s (+3%).
Decreased maximum damage range from 12.7m to 11.2m (-12%).
Increased near-medium damage from 25 to 29 (+16%).
Increased medium damage from 23 to 24 (+4%).
Increased minimum damage from 21 to 22 (+5%).
Increased lower arm and hand damage multipliers from 1x to 1.1x (+10%).
Increased medium damage range from 30.5m to 33m (+8%).
Decreased sprint to fire time from 110ms to 66ms (-40%).
WSP Swarm
Decreased maximum damage range from 6.9m to 5.6m (-19%).
KV Broadside
JAK Jawbreaker
Removed aim down sight spread.
Decreased hipfire spread penalty from 100% to 30%.
Muzzle Attachments can now be equipped.
Decreased aim down sight spread by 10%.
Decreased spread while aiming down sight allows a more consistent 3-shot kill within the Riveter's medium damage range.
.410 Gauge Ball Ammunition
Increased aim down sight spread by 10%.
Increased maximum damage from 33 to 37 (+12%).
Increased near-medium damage from 26 to 33 (+27%).
Increased medium damage from 21 to 27 (+29%).
Increased minimum damage from 19 to 25 (+32%).
With the Ball rounds equipped, the Riveter now performs considerably better within its 3-shot kill range.
Light Machine Guns
Decreased horizontal recoil from 7.28deg/s to 6.35deg/s (-13%).
Decreased vertical recoil from 52.65deg/s to 47.89deg/s (-9%).
Increased minimum damage from 33 to 35 (+6%).
Increased torso, arm, and hand damage multipliers from 1x to 1.1x (+10%).
With the DG-58 LSW, a 4-shot kill is now possible if 2 shots hit the torso.
TAQ Eradicator
Decreased sprint to fire time from 252ms to 210ms (-17%).
Decreased aim down sight time from 340ms to 330ms (-3%).
Holger 26
Increased neck damage multiplier from 1.1x to 1.2x (+9%).
Marksman Rifles
MTZ Interceptor
Decreased maximum damage range from 38.1m to 30.5m (-20%).
Sniper Rifles
Increased aim down sight time from 560ms to 580ms (+4%).
Decreased lower leg and foot damage multipliers from 1x to 0.95x (-5%).
HVP Anti-Materiel Slug Ammunition
Increased bullet velocity penalty from 15% to 20%.
While equipped with HVP Anti-Materiel Slug Ammunition, the MORS can no longer one-shot kill to the lower leg or foot.
Increased movement speed from 5.2m/s to 5.4m/s (+4%).
Increased movement speed from 5.2m/s to 5.4m/s (+4%).
Increased movement speed from 5.1m/s to 5.3m/s (+4%).
WSP Stinger
Increased movement speed from 5.7m/s to 5.9m/s (+4%).
P890 (MWII)
Increased movement speed from 5.2m/s to 5.3m/s (+2%).
.50 GS (MWII)
Increased sprint speed from 5.7m/s to 5.8m/s (+2%).
X12 (MWII)
Increased movement speed from 5.2m/s to 5.4m/s (+4%).
Increased sprint speed from 6m/s to 6.1m/s (+2%).
Basilisk (MWII)
Increased movement speed from 5.1m/s to 5.3m/s (+4%).
Increased movement speed from 5.1m/s to 5.3m/s (+4%).
GS Magna (MWII)
Increased sprint speed from 5.7m/s to 5.8m/s (+2%).
9mm Daemon (MWII)
Increased movement speed from 5.3m/s to 5.5m/s (+4%).
Akimbo 9mm Daemon Rear Grip
Removed 10% movement speed penalty.
Decreased hipfire spread minimum from 2.4deg/s to 1.7deg/s (-29%).
Decreased hipfire spread maximum from 5.5deg/s to 5deg/s (-9%).
Removed 26% damage penalty.
Increased lower torso, arm, and hand damage multipliers from 1.1x to 1.3 (+18%).
Decreased standing lunge distance to 1.3m, matching that of the Combat Knife.
Climbing Boots
Removed this Perk and applied its effects to all players by default.
Increased climbing and mantling speed. Reduces fall damage.
All-Terrain Boots
Added a new Perk to the Boots category, replacing Climbing Boots.
Significantly increased movement speed. Disables Tactical Sprint.
Running Sneakers (Boots)
Improved sprint to fire time while using Tactical Sprint by 25%.
Stalker Boots
Increased strafe speed now applies in all directions rather than laterally.
Added walking smoothness benefit, decreasing the bounciness of the reticle while aiming down sight.
Commando Gloves
Improved sprint to fire speed by 10%.
Added the ability to cancel a reload by using Tactical Sprint.
Assault Gloves
Improved hipfire spread while moving by 15%.
EMD Grenade (Tactical)
Tracking devices are now destroyed by enemy EMP and DDoS effects.
Decreased tracking device duration from 30s to 20s (-33%).
Field Upgrades
Trophy System
Decreased the total number of shots fired from 3 to 2.
Story Mission: Union
- A new anomaly has appeared in the Exclusion Zone and Dr. Jansen has gone through the portal alone. Operation Deadbolt Strike Teams must now conduct a rescue mission with Ravenov’s help to get her back before it’s too late.
New Dark Aether Rift
- Seek out and attune the required relics after completing the Season 3 Reloaded Story Mission to re-open the Dark Aether Rift for subsequent runs. Complete the objectives within to acquire new powerful schematics.
- Dark Aether Rifts are unlocked by solving a hidden quest, which activates after completing the new Season 3 Reloaded Story Mission.
New Acquisitions and Schematics
- Dead Wire Detonators: Electrify your blasts for massive damage using the Dead Wire Detonators, adding the Dead Wire Ammo Mod effect to all of your explosive armaments, including Lethals and Launchers.
- Note: Dead Wire Detonators do not apply to Wonder Weapons.
- Golden Mask Filter: Forget the constant search for a functioning gas mask when approaching strongholds and other areas where gas threatens to suffocate incoming Operators. Attaching the Golden Mask Filter to a gas mask causes its charge to self-regenerate over time. The mask can still break if its charge is fully used up in one go, though the filter will be reapplied to the next one you find.
- Sergeant’s Beret: With the undead roaming around, you’ve got enough to worry about before taking Zakhaev’s Mercs into consideration. Don the Sergeant’s Beret to trick the faction into thinking that you’re one of their own. As a bonus, you’ll gain a Merc Bodyguard who fearlessly follows you into the action.
New Warlord: Rainmaker
- Challengers of the new Warlord Rainmaker will need to plan their tactics carefully when approaching this artillery and demolitions expert. Find him in his fortress on Rahaa Island in the southeastern Urzikstan Exclusion Zone, where he’s supported by an army that he’s only too willing to expend in pursuit of annihilating Operation Deadbolt.
Gameplay Updates
- Stash Storage Increased
- The Stash storage limit has been doubled, allowing Players to store 20 acquisitions instead of 10.
- Exfil Based Schematic Cooldown
- When Players successfully exfil they will now also receive Schematic cooldown time in addition to their Insured Weapon cooldown time reward.
- Addressed an issue that would knock back Containment Levels by one Tier when Players exfil from a Story Mission.
- Addressed an issue that prevented equipped Lethals and Tacticals from saving when traveling to a Dark Aether Rift or Story Mission if the Player had expended all of them.
- Zombies
- Hell Hounds
- Friendly (Pet) Hell Hounds acquired from a Dog House in the Medium and High Threat Zones will no longer reset their Tier when entering and exiting the Aether Storm.
- Hell Hounds
- Weapon Blueprints
- Situation Hazard BlackCell
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Desync Dismemberment Death Effect from always applying to enemy kills.
- Situation Hazard BlackCell
- Players can now interact with the Containment Level UI on the Strike Team Ready menu.
- The Containment Level splash screen when a Player exfils will now correctly display their Containment Level progression gained during the match.
- Added various crash and stability fixes.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Resolved an exploit involving Rear Grips on Handguns allowing players to gain an unfair advantage.
Challenges that require quickscope kills are now more lenient in detection when using Weapons that cannot one-shot kill.
6 Star
Added collision near the Garden to prevent players from reaching exploitable areas.
Added collision near the Container to prevent players from reaching exploitable areas.
Added collision near the Entrance to prevent players from reaching exploitable areas.
One in the Chamber
Corrected win conditions to prevent the last-standing player from incurring a loss.
MWIII Ranked Play
- Concluded: Weapon Evaluation
- Thank you for your feedback and gameplay data! The Call of Duty League, Sledgehammer Games, and our teams will discuss findings and share an update after the launch of Season 3 Reloaded.
- Content Restrictions Update
- Weapons
- ARs
- BP50
- Holger 556
- MTZ-556
- SMGs
- WSP Swarm
- HRM-9
- RAM-9
- ARs
- Weapons
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Maps widget in the Quick Play menu can now be scrolled to view all entries.
MORS Sniper Rifle will now display the correct icon in the kill feed.
Emblems unlocked in MWII will now be stated as such in the Customization menu.
Addressed various issues causing certain stats to not be tracked on the Scoreboard in COD Caster mode.
Resolved an issue causing the score to appear as 0-0 during the round transition in Gunfight and Search and Destroy.
Editing a Loadout during a match will no longer cause the player to be given an incorrect Loadout.
Executing a player with the Soulrender will no longer grant more XP than a standard Finishing Move.
Resolved an issue preventing the Winner’s Perks Challenge from tracking progress.
Weapons & Attachments
Assault Rifles
Increased bullet velocity from 650m/s to 690m/s (+6%).
Holger 556
Adjusted recoil and gun kick to decrease deviation, allowing a more predictable pattern.
M16 (MWII)
Decreased horizontal and vertical recoil by 20%.
Decreased gun kick by 20%.
Decreased visual recoil by 18%.
Note: Changes to the M16 were released in a previous game update.
Submachine Guns
Decreased minimum and maximum hipfire accuracy by 10%.
Increased aim down sight time from 200ms to 220ms (+10%).
Striker 9
Removed the ability to aim down sights while sliding without Tactical Pads equipped.
Decreased aim down sight time from 215ms to 204ms (-5%).
Increased bullet velocity from 540m/s to 570m/s (+6%).
WSP Swarm
Decreased flinch resistance from 0.8N to 0.15N (-81%).
JAK Maglift Kit
Decreased damage pellet count from 5 to 4 (-20%).
Decreased near-medium damage from 20 to 19 (-5%).
Decreased near-medium damage range to 6.4m.
Before today’s update, the near-medium damage was set to an improper value, potentially allowing more ranged lethality than intended.
Sniper Rifles
Corrected an optic misalignment causing shots to travel slightly off-center.
MORS Hexer Optic
Removed aim down sight speed benefit.
ECS Requieter Suppressor Muzzle
Added compatibility with all MWII Submachine Guns.
EMD Grenade (Tactical)
Tracking device will now ignore enemies who are downed.
Downed players now must stand before removing the tracking device.
Frag Grenade (Lethal)
Increased intermediate explosive damage from 130 to 150 (+15%).
Decreased intermediate explosive damage radius from 4.9m to 3.8m (-22%).
Remote Turret
Player is no longer forcibly swapped to their Primary Weapon upon the destruction of an owned turret.
- Treyarch, Sledgehammer Games, and the Call of Duty League are excited to share that we will begin a Weapon Evaluation this week after the success of our previous Map Evaluation.
- Starting April 16th, the following weapons will be unrestricted and available in MWIII Ranked Play loadouts until April 23rd.
- ARs
- BP50
- Holger 556
- MTZ-556
- SMGs
- HRM-9
- RAM-9
- ARs
- Your feedback and gameplay data during this Weapon Evaluation will help The Call of Duty League and our teams decide if they are added to the official CDL competitive ruleset at a later date.
- Feel free to share clips and feedback online to @Treyarch, @SHGames, and @CODLeague by including the #MW3RankedPlay hashtag.
- Addressed an issue that prevented a limited number of players from accessing MWIII Ranked Play.
- Addressed an issue that prevented Platinum and above players from being able to view their Seasonal Rewards.
- Addressed an issue that impacted the Seattle Surge 2024 camo pattern.
- Players will now see the correct lightning pattern as shown in the Camo select menu.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Addressed a crash that could occur while viewing Weapon Attachments.
Resolved various issues with Quick Equipping Weapon Charms in the Store.
Corrected the display names of the Season 3 Prestige Emblems.
Addressed an issue causing the Latency telemetry widget to constantly display N/A.
Bug Fixes
Armory Unlock Challenges will now display a splash upon completion.
Operators will no longer appear to have two Riot Shields equipped in the Lobby.
Removing certain Conversion Kits is now properly reflected in the Gunsmith.
Weekly Challenge countdown timer will no longer display an invalid time as the Midseason update approaches.
Corrected positioning of the FJX Horus in the Gunsmith.
Calling Card and Emblem rewards from Weapon Mastery completion are now displayed properly in the After-Action Report.
Removing a Weapon Sticker in the Gunsmith will no longer cause the placement indicators to disappear.
Revised Pros/Cons labels for multiple Attachments to better reflect their true properties.
Improved deprioritization of spawn locations while any Killstreak is active and nearby.
Ripper Light Stock for the FJX Horus will no longer appear locked and without unlock requirements.
Improved tracking of one-shot kills for the What’s Your Sign? Camo for the MORS.
Added additional spawn points to improve the probabality of a quality spawn selection in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint Modes.
Enemy nameplates are no longer visible through the walls of the Tunnel.
Weapons & Attachments
» Assault Rifles «
SVA 545
Increased maximum damage range from 31.8m to 44.5m (+40%).
Increased near-medium damage range from 44.5m to 51.8m (+17%).
Increased medium damage range from 51.8m to 61m (+18%).
» Submachine Guns «
FJX Horus
Optic Attachments with an integrated laser are no longer compatible with the ECS Requieter Suppressor Muzzle.
» Light Machine Guns «
TAQ Evolvere
Removed duplicate ZEHMN35 Compensated Flash Hider Muzzle Attachment.
» Sniper Rifles «
Hurricane 9 Variable Optic
Removed the ability to equip this incompatible Attachment.
Photonic Charge Barrel
Improved consistency of penetration damage through enemy Operators.
Ninja Vest (Vest)
While equipped with Reinforced Boots, players now gain the effects of Running Sneakers.
Compression Carrier (Vest)
Kills with a Launcher will now immediately trigger health regeneration.
EMD Grenade (Tactical)
Changed the tracker removal keybind to Interact on keyboard input devices.
Improved prioritization when multiple actions are available for the tracker removal keybind.
Tracker removal time is now aligned with the HUD progress bar.
Scatter Mine (Tactical)
Enemy stun effects are now correctly applied in Hardcode Modes.
C4 (Lethal)
Detonation can no longer occur until stuck to a surface for 500ms.
Note: This mechanic was expected for the Season 3 update but did not function as intended at the time of release.
Ledge Hanging after equipping the Guardian-SC will no longer cause the player to become unable to fire their Weapon.
Remote Turret
Attempting to deploy while swimming will no longer cause the player to become unable to fire their Weapon.
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Welcome to Season 3
Welcome to Season 3 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III!
Before getting started with the new content this Season offers, review the latest Patch Notes for details on significant gameplay improvements, fixes for pesky bugs, and more.
Download the Season 3 update and play on all platforms today at 9 AM PT.

New Maps
Season 3 introduces a total of six 6v6 Multiplayer maps to Modern Warfare III.
Three of these maps are brand-new locales and layouts, while the other three are fresh yet familiar experiences. Look for the Emergency 24/7 Playlist at the start of the Season, with other exciting Playlists to follow in the coming weeks.
6 Star
Grime (In-Season)
Checkpoint (In-Season)
New Modes
Kick it back in Season 3 with some all-time classics, then prepare for all-new Modes arriving later in the Season.
Capture the Flag
One in the Chamber
Minefield (In-Season)
Escort (In-Season)
…and more :)
New Weapons
Progress the Battle Pass to unlock four base Weapons, including the iconic MORS and BAL-27 from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (2014).
FJX Horus (Submachine Gun)
An ultra-compact SMG with best-in-class CQC damage and mobility.
MORS (Sniper Rifle)
This single-load railgun delivers a high-damage payload with excellent velocity and penetration.
Gladiator (Melee)
A compact, concealable punch knife that was initially used by gamblers and politicians.
BAL-27 (Assault Rifle, In-Season)
A bullpup prototype weapon designed to increase fire rate over time while the trigger is squeezed. The first 4 shots are slower to fire but highly accurate.
New Aftermarket Parts
Add some spice to previously mastered weaponry with eight all-new Aftermarket Parts.
JAK Cutthroat
This 3D-printed stock provides an unrivaled combination of speed and stability while aiming down sights.
JAK Revenger Kit
This conversion kit turns the BP50 into a CQC legend. A 9mm caliber conversion with shortened receiver and high-capacity magazine.
JAK Jawbreaker
Converts this Shotgun into a hard-hitting, automatic Battle Rifle.
JAK Shadow Titan Kit
Converts the Bruen Mk9 into a compact and integrally suppressed light support weapon chambered in 300 blackout.
JAK Patriot
Converts the M16 into a fully automatic rifle with a heavy ported barrel built to provide superior recoil control and firing aim stability.
Relive the glory days, stir up the hornet’s nest, and take down your enemies, leaving no loose ends with these museum-worthy akimbo lever-action Shotguns.
JAK Atlas Kit
Converts the AMR9 into an extremely lethal and accurate 5-round burst carbine chambered in 556.
Photonic Charge Barrel
This hyper-advanced barrel is more than simply a barrel. Holding the trigger charges the rifle and releasing fires a single, high-power energy projectile.
New Equipment
Try fresh tactics with two new Equipment items arriving later in the Season.
EMD Mine (Tactical, In-Season)
Proximity-triggered mine that sticks to surfaces. Once triggered, the mine shoots out tracker devices that reveal the enemy location and direction until removed.
Enhanced Vision Goggles (Field Upgrade, In-Season)
Toggle between normal vision and enhanced vision with integrated target highlighting. Has limited battery.
New Perks
Tailor your Loadout to your playstyle with all-new Perks in Season Three.
Compression Carrier (Vest)
Assisted healing and gas protection.
Modular Assault Rig (Vest)
Lethal and Tactical scavenger.
Gunslinger Vest (Vest)
Secondary Weapon specialist.
Reinforced Boots (Vest)
Immune to movement reduction effects.
High-Gain Antenna (Gear)
The minimap is zoomed out for you and nearby allies.
New Operators
From cultural icons to new friends and foes, a small army of new Operators is on its way to Modern Warfare III.
Snoop Dogg
New Events
Be on the lookout for Events with limited-time rewards to earn throughout Season Three.
Vortex: Vi.Rus Mainframe
Call of Duty Endowment: U Assist Veterans
Godzilla x Kong: Battle for Hollow Earth
Blaze Up
Corrected protection with the Aegist Imperials Blueprint to match the base Riot Shield.
Resolved an issue causing Blueprints to lose aesthetics when saved as a Custom Mod.
Added an unlock status and game origin filter for Operators and the ability to sort by latest additions and name.
Added a new option to the Settings menu to test all speakers in the current audio setup.
Seasonal cinematic cutscenes can now be skipped.
Tac-Stance status is now indicated on the HUD in the Firing Range.
Weapon Mastery Emblem unlock requirements are now displayed in the Customization menu.
Adjusted various Attachment descriptions and Pros/Cons listed in the Gunsmith to better reflect their true attributes.
Gunsmith Attachment Filters
Changed filter combination logic from AND to OR.
Selected filters are now reset after each game session.
Removed redundant Locked and Unlocked filters.
Filters button now displays actively engaged filters.
Bug Fixes
Killstreak HUD overlays will no longer persist after destruction by the Stormender.
Additional Perk slots are now displayed correctly in the Killcam.
Applying certain Weapon filters will no longer unexpectedly kick the player back to the menu.
Improved alignment of values in columns on the Scoreboard.
Addressed an issue causing Weapon Mastery Challenges to not accurately display the progress of previous completions.
Calling Card unlock criteria will now consistently appear upon hover.
Resolved an issue preventing certain Emblems from being added to Favorites.
Decreased obstructive VFX while firing MWII Weapons to align with MWIII standards.
Removed variance from ADS Idle Sway, allowing a predictable sway pattern.
Our next step toward improving the feeling of aiming across all input devices in Modern Warfare III arrives in Season 3. As previously detailed, aimed down sight idle sway discourages players from holding their sights for an extended period of time with a constant, subtle motion that introduces slight inaccuracy.
In today’s update, we’ve removed variance from aimed down sight idle sway, resulting in a predictable and consistent motion curve. This change raises the skill ceiling and rewards players who take the time to master their favorite Weapons.
Added Party Bonus XP, allowing players to earn more XP dependent upon the party size.
2 Players: +25% Rank and Weapon XP
3 Players: +25% Rank, Weapon, and Battle Pass XP
4+ Players: +30% Rank, Weapon, and Battle Pass XP
Added an Armory Unlock Challenge for the Trebuchet Brake Muzzle Attachment.
Addressed an exploit that allowed players to hide within geo near the Plane.
Das Haus
Set factions to Spetsnaz and Rangers, resolving an issue causing missing announcer voicelines.
Added spawn points in the Storeroom in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Free for All Modes.
Added spawn points throughout the map in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint Modes.
Removed specific spawn points near the Loading Dock to prevent spawning in the line of sight of an enemy.
Addressed an exploit near the Industrial Road that allowed players to exit the playable area.
Renamed Shipmas to Shipment as it is now the permanent experience.
Added collision to prevent players from accessing an unintended ledge near the Drug Stash.
In Hardpoint, players can no longer contest the Destroyed Apartment hill from an unintended location near the window.
Players can no longer exit the playable area through the roof of the Red Warehouse.
Set factions to OpFor and Task Force 141, resolving an issue causing missing announcer voicelines.
Added collision to prevent bullet collision through the staircases near the Marketplace and Tower.
Operation Tin Man (War)
Players will no longer be prompted to use a turret occupied by another player.
Players who join a match in progress can now see the control panels during the first objective phase.
Private Match
While the CDL Rulset is active, team kill penalties will no longer stack.
Snipers Only (Limited-Time Mode)
Restricted Killstreaks to UAV, Advanced UAV, and MGB.
Disabled melee attacks, including Fists.
Weapons & Attachments
» Assault Rifles «
Decreased neck damage multiplier from 1.3x to 1x (-23%).
Holger 556
Decreased upper leg, lower leg, and foot damage multipliers from 1x to 0.85x (-15%).
The Holger 556 now requires shots to land above the waist for a 4-shot kill.
Decreased headshot damage multiplier from 1.3x to 1.1x (+15%).
With the MCW, 1 headshot will no longer result in a 4-shot kill.
Increased sprint to fire time from 178ms to 199ms (+12%).
» Battle Rifles «
SOA Subverter
Increased sprint to fire time from 256ms to 268ms (+5%).
Increased aim down sight time from 270ms to 290ms (+7%).
Decreased rate of fire from 667rpm to 600rpm (-10%).
Decreased recoil center speed by 6%.
JAK Outlaw-277 Kit
Decreased sprint to fire time from 252ms to 226ms (-10%).
Decreased aim down sight time from 300ms to 240ms (-20%).
Decreased aim down sight rate of fire penalty from 150% to 135%.
Increased medium damage from 74 to 90 (+22%)
Increased minimum damage from 70 to 90 (+29%).
The JAK Outlaw-277 Kit is now a maximum of 2-shots to kill to all body locations.
Decreased sprint to fire time from 231ms to 210ms (-9%).
Increased bullet velocity from 600m/s to 770m/s (+28%).
» Submachine Guns «
Decreased sprint to fire time from 178ms to 147ms (-17%).
Decreased sprint to fire time from 189ms to 136ms (-28%).
Increased sprint to fire time from 93ms to 110ms (+18%).
Decreased near-medium damage from 27 to 25 (-7%).
Decreased medium damage from 25 to 23 (-8%).
Decreased lower torso, lower arm, and hand damage multipliers from 1.1x to 1x (-9%).
Increased sprint to fire time from 94ms to 110ms (+17%).
Striker 9
Increased sprint to fire time from 100ms to 103ms (+3%).
Increased sprint to fire time from 100ms to 110ms (+10%).
Increased sprint to fire time from 88ms to 110ms (+25%).
WSP Swarm
Increased sprint to fire time from 88ms to 99ms (+13%).
» Shotguns «
Added Long Haul 50 and Wolfcall 300 Muzzle Attachments to MWIII Shotguns.
» Light Machine Guns «
TAQ Evolvere
Increased sprint to fire time from 245ms to 257ms (+5%).
Increased aim down sight time from 385ms to 415ms (+8%).
7.62 Belt Magazines
Decreased neck damage multiplier from 1.4x to 1.2x (-14%).
5.56 Belt Magazines
Decreased rate of fire from 857rpm to 789rpm (-8%).
Bruen Mk9
Decreased aim down sight time from 410ms to 350ms (-15%).
Increased sprint to fire time from 199ms to 216ms (+9%).
Increased aim down sight time from 330ms to 380ms (+15%).
Increased neck damage multiplier from 1x to 1.3x (+30%).
Increased upper torso damage multiplier from 1x to 1.2x (+20%).
Increased leg and foot damage multipliers from 0.9x to 1x (+11%).
» Marksman Rifles «
MTZ Interceptor
Increased aim down sight time from 280ms to 300ms (+7%).
Decreased medium damage from 88 to 83 (-6%).
Decreased minimum damage from 84 to 77 (-8%).
Decreased near-medium damage range from 44.5m to 38.1m (-14%).
» Sniper Rifles «
XRK Stalker
Increased aim down sight time from 580ms to 600ms (+3%).
KV Inhibitor
Increased aim down sight time from 540ms to 580ms (+7%).
SP-X 80 (MWII)
Increased sprint to fire time from 270ms to 310ms (+15%).
Increased aim down sight time from 570ms to 590ms (+4%).
» Handguns «
JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit
Increased damage at all ranges by 20%.
12.7x55mm Snake Shot Ammunition
Increased minimum damage range and bullet termination range from 14.5m to 19.6m (+35%).
WSP Stinger
Akimbo WSP Stinger Rear Grip
Increased rate of fire from 600rpm to 750rpm (+25%).
» Attachments «
Added initial aim accuracy benefit to all Heavy Bolts for Sniper Rifles.
Cronen INTLAS MSP-12 Optic
Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.
SL Razorhawk Laser Light
Flashlight is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.
Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.
CS15 Scarlet Box Laser
Laser is no longer visible to enemies.
Verdant Hook Box Laser
Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.
VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor Muzzle
Increased sprint to fire speed penalty from 2% to 5%.
L4R Flash Hider Muzzle
Decreased horizontal recoil control benefit from 13% to 10%.
DR-6 Handstop Underbarrel
Decreased aim down sight movement speed benefit by 3-4%, dependent upon Weapon Class.
Bruen Heavy Support Grip Underbarrel
Decreased horizontal recoil control benefit from 12% to 8%.
Revised Vest descriptions to clarify the max ammo benefit does not apply to Launchers.
Quick-Grip Gloves (Gloves)
Increased weapon swap speed benefit to a minimum of 40%, differing by Weapon.
Ordnance Gloves (Gloves)
Added a 20% Equipment, Field Upgrade, and Killstreak use speed benefit.
Marksman Gloves (Gloves)
Resolved an issue causing the 15% sway reduction benefit to not apply.
Stun Grenade (Tactical)
Decreased victim aim slowness duration to 300ms.
Removed aim slowness effect on victim’s equipped with Tac Mask (Gear).
Victim movement and aim slowness now linearly scales down throughout the stun duration.
Decoy Grenade (Tactical)
While the Decoy Grenade is active, the player who threw it now gains the effects of Assassin Vest while standing within 20.3m of it.
Flash Grenade (Tactical)
Decreased close-range stun duration 4s to 3.5s (-13%).
Increased medium-range stun duration from 2.35s to 2.75s (+17%).
Increased far-range stun duration from 0.45s to 1s (+122%).
Frag Grenade (Lethal)
Decreased inner explosive damage from 250 to 225 (-10%).
Decreased intermediate explosive damage from 150 to 130 (-13%).
Thermite (Lethal)
Increased incendiary damage tick rate from 2/s to 4/s (+100%).
Decreased inner incendiary damage from 38 to 25 (-34%).
Decreased outer incendiary damage from 15 to 10 (-33%).
All changes considered, the incendiary damage output of Thermite is increased by 33%.
Thermobaric Grenade (Lethal)
Increased explosive damage radius from 8.6m to 9.5m (+10%).
Increased inner explosive damage from 90 to 100 (+11%).
Increased intermediate explosive damage from 80 to 90 (+13%).
Increased fire damage tick rate from 4/s to 5/s (+25%).
Drill Charge (Lethal)
Decreased surface burrowing time from 1.25s to 0.75s (-40%).
C4 (Lethal)
Detonation can no longer occur until stuck to a surface for 500ms.
Increased thrown velocity by 15%.
Breacher Drone (Lethal)
Increased drone health from 1 to 55.
Increased drone velocity by 25%.
Field Upgrades
Heartbeat Sensor
Addressed an issue causing battery life to be reset to 100% upon being put away.
Recon Drone
Resolved an issue preventing a warning message when flying out of bounds.
Addressed an issue preventing explosives from damaging players in specific locations.
Player will no longer become stuck firing their Weapon if killed while controlling the Wheelson-HS.
Decreased minimum delay from target acquisition to attack from 500ms to 200ms (-60%).
Decreased maximum delay from target acquisition to attack from 800ms to 500ms (-38%).
Increased drone attack velocity by 75%.
Increased drone attack damage radius to 8.9m.
Note: Swarm balance adjustments went live in an update prior to Season 3.

MWIII Ranked Play continues in Season 3 with NEW Seasonal Rewards to earn! Up for grabs is the Pro Issue Rival-9 Blueprint, new Divisional Large Weapon Decal rewards, and more! Below are the Season 03 details to keep in mind for returning competitors!
New to MWIII Ranked Play? Check out the Season 1 Reloaded notes for a full breakdown!
- Content Restrictions Update
- Weapons
- SMGs
- FJX Horus
- Sniper Rifles
- Melee
- Gladiator
- SMGs
- Weapons
SR (Skill Rating) & Divisions
- End of Season Skill Setback
- At the end of each Season, your ending Skill Division will determine where you start the following season:
- Bronze through Crimson I Players are set back three Tiers below where they finished in the previous season.
- Example: A Player ending Season 1 in Gold III will begin Season 2 in Silver III.
- Players Crimson II and above will start Season 2 in Diamond I.
- Bronze through Crimson I Players are set back three Tiers below where they finished in the previous season.
- At the end of each Season, your ending Skill Division will determine where you start the following season:
MWIII Ranked Play Rewards
Breakdown: Rewards
- Reminder: Players can earn MWIII Ranked Play rewards in three ways.
- Rank Rewards: Available at launch and can be earned in any Season.
- Players can continue their previous Rank grind in Season 3.
- Season Rewards: Available at the start of a Season and only available in that Season.
- End of Season Rewards: Rewards that are awarded after the Season has ended and represent either your highest attained Division or an active placement in the Top 250 Division.
- Season 3 brings new Seasonal Large Decals to unlock in MWIII Ranked Play!
- Rank Rewards: Available at launch and can be earned in any Season.
- New Season 3 Rewards
- Throughout Season 3, players can earn the following rewards:
- 5 Wins: ‘MWIII Season 3 Competitor’ Weapon Sticker
- 10 Wins: ‘Pro Issue Rival-9’ SMG Weapon Blueprint
- 25 Wins: ‘Absolute Banger’ Weapon Charm
- 50 Wins: ‘Hold This L’ Large Weapon Decal
- 75 Wins: ‘MWIII Ranked Play Season 3’ Loading Screen
- 100 Wins: ‘MWIII Season 3 Ranked Veteran’ Weapon Camo
- Throughout Season 3, players can earn the following rewards:
- New End of Season Rewards
- At the end of each Season, players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season or an active placement in the Top 250 Division.
- Season 3 Division Rewards
- Bronze: ‘MWIII Season 3 Bronze’ Emblem
- Silver: ‘MWIII Season 3 Silver’ Emblem
- Gold: ‘MWIII Season 3 Gold’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated Emblem
- Platinum: ‘MWIII Season 3 Platinum’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated Emblem
- Diamond: ‘MWIII Season 3 Diamond’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated Emblem
- Crimson: ‘MWIII Season 3 Crimson’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated Emblem
- Iridescent: ‘MWIII Season 3 Iridescent’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated Emblem
- Top 250: ‘MWIII Season 3 Top 250’ Large Weapon Decal, Animated Emblem, and Animated Calling Card
- Players must finish in the Top 250 Division to qualify for these rewards.
- Season 3 Division Rewards
- At the end of each Season, players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season or an active placement in the Top 250 Division.
- Seasonal Division Operators
- Earn a Skill Division Operator Skin for use with both CDL Male & Female Operators on both Factions to represent your highest Skill Division. Once the Skins from one Skill Division have been unlocked they can be permanently used in following Seasons in Modern Warfare III and Warzone:
- Gold - Iridescent: Earn the applicable ‘Gold Competitor’, ‘Platinum Competitor’, ‘Diamond Competitor’, ‘Crimson Competitor’, or ‘Iridescent Competitor’ Operator Skin set based on your highest Skill Division reached over the course of the Season.
- Top 250: Unlock the ‘Top 250 Competitor’ Operator Skin set by finishing a Season in the Top 250 Skill Division.
- Players must finish in the Top 250 Division to qualify for these rewards.
- Earn a Skill Division Operator Skin for use with both CDL Male & Female Operators on both Factions to represent your highest Skill Division. Once the Skins from one Skill Division have been unlocked they can be permanently used in following Seasons in Modern Warfare III and Warzone:
- Ranked Play First Place
- The player who finishes Season 3 in the #1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive an animated unique, one-of-a-kind Calling Card and Emblem for ultimate Season 3 bragging rights

A NEW Story Mission, Dark Aether Rift, and set of Schematics are on the horizon. Check out the Call of Duty Blog for more details on what to expect later in Season 3.
- Perk-A-Colas
- Aether Shroud
- Addressed an issue that allowed Aether Shroud visual effects to remain on an Operator in Third Person for longer than intended.
- Acquisitions
- Removed the ability to apply Aether Tools to Vehicle Turrets.
- Note: While players could elect to use the tool on the Vehicle Turret, the damage would not scale properly which would waste the Aether Tool.
- Removed the ability to apply Aether Tools to Vehicle Turrets.
- Aether Shroud
» Wonder Weapons «
The V-R11
- Addressed an issue that prevented the V-R11 from transforming Warlord Bodyguards into Zombies.
- JAK Purifier
- Decreased the amount of damage that the JAK Purifier does to Elite and Boss enemy types.
- The JAK Purifier was overperforming with the previous tuning against more difficult enemies.
- With this new tuning, players can still utilize the attachment to manage large groups of lesser enemies in all Threat Zones and use different tactics to engage more difficult foes.
- Decreased the amount of damage that the JAK Purifier does to Elite and Boss enemy types.
- Prestige Challenges
- Unlock new Prestige Calling Card Challenges at each level of prestige reached, and select up to five challenges to track, including any from across the game.
- Addressed an issue where the Containment Level would overlap the amount of customization options in the Recruit Operator selection menu.
- Added various crash and stability fixes.
Issues & Feedback
For the latest updates on game status, follow @CODUpdates on X. Additionally, you can utilize our Modern Warfare III board on Trello to find the status of our investigations into the top issues experienced by the community.
Your feedback is key to our goal of making Modern Warfare III the best it can be. As always, we welcome you to share your experience with us on your platform of choice.
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We’ll see you online!
*Game features described are based on current in-development features that are subject to change based on final development changes and/or game tuning or updates that may remove or modify some or all of the above features.