Call of Duty: Mobile 2024 World Championship
Competitive Settings
Gameplay Settings
The team leader who creates the custom lobby must make sure each game has the following settings respectively:
1. Hardpoint
Round Score Limit: 250
Time Limit: 600
Number of Spectators Allowed: N/A
Room Password: N/A
Allow Invite: Yes
2. Control
Round Score Limit: 3
Round Time Limit: 90
Number of Spectators Allowed: N/A
Room Password: N/A
Allow Invite: Yes
3. Search & Destroy
Round Win Limit: 7
Round Time Limit: 120
Number of Spectators Allowed: N/A
Room Password: N/A
Allow Invite Yes
Overtime: Yes
Overtime Cap: 20
World Championship Map Pool
All matches during Open Season to the World Championship Finals will take place on a map from the “Esports Map Pool” below. The Esports Map Pool is broken down into 3 unique pools per the 3 competitive game modes
The Esports Map Pool is updated on a yearly basis with player and viewer feedback, playrate during the World Championship, map competitive history, and frequency of play in Ranked all taken into consideration. Each year when maps are updated, a “Keep 7, Change 6” Rule will be followed. 7 Maps will stay the same from the previous year, 3 maps will be rotated to a new game mode, and 3 maps will be added that are new and not from the previous year:
1. Hardpoint Map Pool
Hackney Yard
2. Search & Destroy Map Pool
Firing Range
Kurohana Metropolis
3. Control Map Pool
Mode and Map Order
Challenge Season & Challenge Finals and World Championship Finals:
All Matches in Challenge Season & Challenge Finals and World Championship Finals will be a best-of-5 format. The higher seed team will be required to host the lobby and make sure that the correct map and mode is selected for each map of the series.
The order of the game modes played will be:
Search and Destroy
Search and Destroy
Map and side selection for each Match will be determined by the competing Teams via a “picks and bans” veto process, as described below.
Challenge Season & Challenge Finals and World Championship Finals Veto Process
For Challenge Season & Challenge Finals and World Championship Finals, the map order, side selection and each player’s unique Operator Skill will be determined for each Match through a veto process which will take place on a Discord channel provided by the Administration. The link can be found here:
All matches besides the Grand Finals will be Best of Five. Grand Finals will be Best of Seven with a 1 Map Advantage for the team coming from the Winner’s Finals.
The team with the higher seed will decide whether to be Team 1 or Team 2 in this process. Teams in Challenge Season & Challenge Finals will be seeded based on their final placements in their respective Open Season & Open Finals - Regional Qualifiers. The criteria for seeding in the World Championship Finals will be released at a later date.
Veto Process for Best of Five:
Once a map has been banned or picked from the map pool, it cannot be selected again. The process for Challenge Season & Challenge Finals and 5 will be as follows:
Hardpoint Phase
Team 1 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
Team 2 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
Team 1 picks a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool for Map 1, Team 2 picks starting side
Team 2 picks a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool for Map 4, Team 1 picks starting side
Search and Destroy Phase
Team 2 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
Team 1 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
Team 2 picks a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool for Map 2, Team 1 picks starting side
Team 1 picks a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool for Map 5, Team 2 picks starting side
Control Phase
Team 1 Bans a Map from the Control Map Pool
Team 2 Bans a Map from the Control Map Pool
The Remaining Map is Map 3, Team 1 picks starting side
Veto Process for a Grand Finals Best of Seven with Map Advantage for Winner’s Finals team:
Hardpoint Phase
Team 1 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
Team 2 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
Team 1 picks a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool for Map 1, Team 2 picks starting side
Team 2 picks a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool for Map 4, Team 1 picks starting side
Search and Destroy Phase
Team 2 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
Team 1 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
Team 2 picks a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool for Map 2, Team 1 picks starting side
Team 1 picks a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool for Map 6, Team 2 picks starting side
Control Phase
Team 1 picks a Map from the Control Map Pool for Map 3, Team 2 picks starting side
Team 2 picks a Map from the Control Map Pool for Map 5, Team 1 picks starting side
Veto Process for Best of Three:
Hardpoint Phase
Team 1 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
Team 2 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
Team 1 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
Team 2 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
The Remaining Map is Map 1, Team 1 picks starting side
Search and Destroy Phase
Team 2 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
Team 1 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
Team 2 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
Team 1 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
The Remaining Map is Map 2, Team 2 picks starting side
Control Phase
Team 1 Bans a Map from the Control Map Pool
Team 2 Bans a Map from the Control Map Pool
The Remaining Map is Map 3, Team 1 picks starting side
Veto Process for Best of Seven:
Hardpoint Phase
Team 1 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
Team 2 bans a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool
Team 1 picks a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool for Map 1, Team 2 picks starting side
Team 2 picks a Map from the Hardpoint Map Pool for Map 4, Team 1 picks starting side
Search and Destroy Phase
Team 2 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
Team 1 bans a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool
Team 2 picks a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool for Map 2, Team 1 picks starting side
Team 1 picks a Map from the Search and Destroy Map Pool for Map 5, Team 2 picks starting side
The Remaining Map is Map 7, Team 2 picks starting side
Control Phase
Team 1 picks a Map from the Control Map Pool for Map 3, Team 2 picks starting side
Team 2 picks a Map from the Control Map Pool for Map 6, Team 1 picks starting side
Operator Skills:
Before the start of every Hardpoint and Control map, each Team will state the unique Operator skill that will be used by each of their players. The team that picked the map during the veto process will state their unique operator skills first. The team that did not pick the map during the veto process will state their unique operator skills afterwards. The Operator skills stated at the start of a match are in effect for all maps.
Players may only use the operator skill they are stated to use during that map.
This process should not take longer than 1 minute (60 seconds) for both teams to state when prompted by an admin. Failure to provide the list of unique operator skills will result in admins randomly assigning the skills or players to be listed as using whatever skills were provided for the previous map of Hardpoint or Control.
The format used when stated should be as follows:
Player 1 = Unique Operator Skill 1
Player 2 = Unique Operator Skill 2
Player 3 = Unique Operator Skill 3
Player 4 = Unique Operator Skill 4
Player 5 = Unique Operator Skill 5
Loadout Restrictions
Players are prohibited from using any of the items specified below at any point during a match in Open Season & Open Finals and beyond. Players are not allowed to have any scorestreaks equipped that are on this restrictions list.
Any functional content (weapons, operator skills, perks, utility, scorestreaks, and attachments) that is newly added to the game is considered restricted until exactly 3 weeks (21 days) from the day it becomes available in-game for all players to use internationally. After such, it will be considered unrestricted unless it has been added to this list.
The 3 week guideline is enforced by the tournament administration at will. Tournament administration may restrict or un-restrict content earlier or later than this 3 week period at their discretion. Players are required to ask tournament administration about any functional content they are unsure about prior to use.
Failure to comply with this list may result in forfeiture of that game, match and/or disqualification from the tournament.
All players are encouraged to record all matches played in order to have evidence to provide to an Administrator if their opponent is accused of using any item that appears on the list below, during their match.
The complete list can be found below:
Operator Skills
Transform Shield
Shadow Blade
Bull Charge
Ballistic Shield
K9 Unit
Kinetic Armor
Reactor Core
Ballista EM3
Tac Deploy
Misdirection Device
Munitions Box
Lethal Utility
Trip Mine
Molotov Cocktail
Contact Grenade
Cluster Grenade
Tactical Utility
Heartbeat Sensor
Gas Grenades
Flash Drone
Echo Grenade
Stim Shot
Cryo Bomb
Storm Ball
Decoy Grenade
Trip Sensor
Douser Grenade
Quick Fix
High Alert
Unit Support
Weapon Attachments
RPD Infinite Ammo
DLQ Concussion Ammo
All Shotgun Slug Ammo
Thermite, Gas, and Sticky Grenade Bolts and Ammo
AS VAL 15 Round FMG Mag
CR AMAX M67 Ammo
HS0405 Thunder Rounds
M4 Underbarrel Launcher
Hades Heartseeker
HVK Large Caliber Mag
Rytec Thermite and Explosive Ammo
CX9 9mm Hollow Point Rounds
Type 19 Hi-Accuracy Sniper Ammo
MG42 6.5 ARISAKA 125 Round Drums
MG42 Recoil Booster
BP-50 Leroy 438mm
BP-50 Recoil Booster
Advanced UAV
Care Package
Shield Turret
SAM Turret
Stealth Chopper
Shock RC
Hawk X3
Lightning Strike
Orbital Laser
Sentry Gun
Chopper Gunner
Cluster Strike
MQ-27 Dragonfire
XS1 Goliath
Emergency Airdrop
Strafe Run
Cosmetic Restrictions
Cosmetics are restricted on a per tournament stage basis. The following cosmetic restrictions apply to the Open Season to the World Championship Finals of the CODM WC 2024. Players should listen to announcements by tournament staff about which cosmetic content is restricted for each Stage of the tournament. There is no cooldown for newly added cosmetic content.
The complete list can be found below:
Lethal and Tactical Utility Skins
All Legendary Utility Skins
All Emotes are restricted from use during any point of a match
Operator Skins
Cosmic Silverback
Zombie - Wicht Warden
Grinch - Night Fang
Grinch - Wreath Havoc
Grinch - The Lionheart
Golem - Everglade
Roze - Murk
Roze - Rook
Death Angel Alice - Trench
Death Angel Alice - Shrouded Maiden
Florence - Night Terror
Weapon Class Roles
For Challenge Season & Challenge Finals and World Championship Finals, teams will be subject to limitations on weapon classes that are available for each player. Both teams will be given the ability to assign 2 weapon class roles from a pool of roles to each player on their team. Each team will state their weapon class roles per player at the start of a series to their opponents and tournament administration. The team that declared their operator skills second will declare their weapon class roles first. For the entire series, players may not equip any loadouts that include primary weapons not within their weapon class roles. Players may have any combination of weapon class roles given to them, but may not have two of the same role. These roles do not apply to secondary weapons or weapons picked up from dead players. Teams do not share the pool of available roles.
There are 4 Weapon Class Roles.
Assault Rifles - Allowed to use the Assault Rifle weapon class
Sub-Machine Guns - Allowed to use the Sub-Machine Gun weapon class
Heavy - Allowed to use the Shotgun and Light-Machine Gun weapon classes
Marksman - Allowed to use the Sniper and Marksman Rifle weapon classes
The pool for these roles is as follows:
3 ARs Roles, 3 SMGs Roles, 2 Heavy Roles, and 2 Marksman Roles
When teams state their roles to their opponent and tournament administration, it should look like the following example:
Player 1 - ARs / SMGs
Player 2 - ARs / Heavy
Player 3 - Heavy / SMGs
Player 4 - Marksman / ARs
Player 5 - SMGs / Marksman
If teams do not state their weapon class roles to tournament administration promptly, the weapon class roles from the previous series will be applied.
Custom Lobby Creation
Step 1: Adding Teammates
- On the main home page, click on the friends button on the upper right hand of the screen.
o Once in the friends menu, click on “Add Friends”
- Use the search box to find a player using their Call of Duty: Mobile username.
** Please remember – Call of Duty: Mobile usernames are case-sensitive.
o If you cannot type in the player name because it is in another language and you cannot use the keyboard for the same, you can copy the username from an external website such as FaceIt and paste it into the search bar.
Step 2: Creating Private Matches
- In order to create Private Matches, click on the Multiplayer button on the right-hand side of the screen on the home page
o This will take you to the multiplayer lobby
- Once in the multiplayer lobby, click on the three-line options icon in the top right corner and click on “Private” in the dropdown menu
o This will bring you to the private match lobby and you will be the host for the game.
- Please remember, you cannot enter a private lobby in a group. You can only invite players once you create a lobby yourself.
Steps 3 & 4: Adding teammates & opponents to the private match and adjusting settings
- Once in the private lobby, you can invite your teammates using the “Invite Friends” button on the upper right-hand side of the screen
- The first step is to expand it and the second step is to hit the “+” button next to the friend’s (or opponent’s) name to invite them to the lobby.
- Once you invite a teammate or opponent to the lobby, they can choose which team they want to be on by clicking any of the empty boxes.
o Teammates should be in the same row as you while opponents should be on the opposite row.
o In order to do so, they will need to “unready” themselves.
▪ The “Ready” button will be available in place of the “Start” button for every player other than the host.
- The host of the private lobby can adjust the settings as per the rules of the tournament for that round as specified below.
o In order to do so, the player can click on the “Match Settings” button on the left of the screen. That will open the settings box.
o Each of those settings can be adjusted based on the rules provided during the tournament.
Step 5: Set the game mode and map as specified
- In order to select the correct game mode, the host can click on the game mode button at the bottom right.
o Once in the map and mode selection menu, the player can select either Hardpoint, Search & Destroy or Control as necessary.
o These game modes can all be found in the core modes.
- All 7 maps in the map pool for the stage are available for each of the three core game modes.
- Players will select the game mode and map in the order required and shown in the section titled “Mode and Map Order”.
o This can also be found on FaceIt for Open Season & Open Finals.
- Once the mode and map have been selected and the settings have been set as per specification, the host can click on start to begin the private match.
Added Flamenaut to Scorestreak Restrictions List
Added Vulture to Perk Restrictions List
Added Havoc and Munitions Box to Operator Restrictions List
Added Douser Grenade to Tactical Utility Restrictions List
Removed SKS from Weapons Restrictions List
Added Strafe Run to Scorestreak Restrictions List
Added Assassin to Perk Restrictions List
Added BP-50 Leroy 438mm, BP-50 Recoil Booster, and Crossbow Sticky Bolt to Attachment Restriction list (Thanks Hippo!)
- Added Emergency Airdrop to Scorestreak Restriction List